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Kronos vs Magic Toker duels [Uncut]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


I can’t play SD beyond a laughable level so I’m just going to browse the forums and post inflammatory comments fueled by jealousy. Also, I’m still not over how I lost more than a year ago while on SA carrion PD in that 1v1 tournament vs Kronos. Stealthing to clear my conditions is just aids.

Now…About the formatting – You do realize Kronos is mocking caed, right?

This is my last response before this turns into a serious kittening contest.

I play sword just fine (just dont prefer it) and did so in GvG for over a year with a guild that beat the best NA/EU. Since when is S/D the threshold for which we gauge skill?

It took kronos 45 minutes and a change in rules that removed virtually every defensive capability I had running P/D to beat me on a god awful spec that I fought Nex on for over an hour and was handed a victory because of how useless it was. And of course it was his patented Soldiers D/P that has zero intent of doing damage, but simply outlasting the opponent until they give up or make a mistake. But thanks for thinking that made up game modes and a fight that occurred over a year ago holds any merit.

But by your own logic I should see you talking about how the night before the tournament I won 3-0 in sanctum on mirror d/p SA so badly that Snuffles and Co. even berated him.

I chuckled: You played SD in WvW to beat the best WvWers NA/EU! What an achievement!

Last time I checked, it was harder to fight carrion condi with PVT than with the PvP Berserker’s amulet.

We don’t need to wait for you to admit it because you probably won’t: Everyone who watched back then can tell that the only reason you’d have popped out of nowhere to reply to OP’s thread is that you’re kittenhurt. Starting from all the OS duels leading up to the tournament, evidently so because that duel in OS you talk about went the other way around.

I’d obviously like to know if you have anything positive to contribute but otherwise, go back to the WVW forums. You seem to think GvGs make you an actual good player, but the truth is that your understanding of the game is frankly limited in the extreme and you are entertaining yourselves with a fantasy rulebook that’s made entirely of your own doing. It has no sanction or approval from the devs. Just grow up already.

P/P / P/S Engi

(edited by NOM.9712)

Kronos vs Magic Toker duels [Uncut]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


I can’t play SD beyond a laughable level so I’m just going to browse the forums and post inflammatory comments fueled by jealousy. Also, I’m still not over how I lost more than a year ago while on SA carrion PD in that 1v1 tournament vs Kronos. Stealthing to clear my conditions is just aids.

Now…About the formatting – You do realize Kronos is mocking caed, right?

P/P / P/S Engi

Kronos vs Magic Toker duels [Uncut]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


He going 2/6/0/0/6 ^^

2/0/0/6/6 > 2/6/0/0/6 maybe?

No, It seems that Toker was only accidentally on 26006 switches to 20066 quickly after around 4 minutes and 30 seconds as kronos pointed out in his post (Look at the swiftness and might from dodging)

P/P / P/S Engi

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


I agree mostly with Katsumi’s assessment. However, this is one of two assessments in this entire thread, the other one being the original post. Otherwise it’s overwhelming how many moronic comments there have been about Kronos being a soldiers SA DP scrub, when he mains SD, can play non-SA just fine and doesn’t use PVT.

P/P / P/S Engi

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


One sec as I just laugh at the salt. Gj caed, I’m amused.

Nothing honestly amuses me more than you avoiding dueling kronos acro mirror like the plague.

Nothing amuses me more than how much you fanboy him. Also, he’s never once asked me to duel mirror builds.

And when you messaged me to duel him I was always busy, sorry im not going to take time out of what I was doing to duel Acro vs Acro

He’s actually whispered you a few times. Keep dodging. You’ve been dodging ever since you heard he whupped Katsumi.

Go on. It’s been 3 months since you told me the exact following:

“Sure. I’ll duel kronos. Any time, any where. Just hit me up”.

And every time I have, it’s always some kind of excuse.

1 – “Acro vs acro is too rng. Not interested”

2 – “I’m busy chilling with my friends. You mind?”

3 – “I’m not interested in dueling his cheese SA soldiers build” (Despite the fact I just said it’s acro mirror like 5 times in a row)

4 – “I’m lagging. Another time”

We both know the truth. You’ve always been in his footsteps. Hell, you’ve even been MENTORED by him. You’ve even ran SA longer than he did then swapped to acro to “claim” it after getting whupped by Kronos mirror. And then you lost to him mirror acro and got traumatized hence why all the avoiding. You’ve lost every 1 v 1 tournament while he wins them. Like…Wake up and smell the roses. You’ve had excuses after excuses every tournament for losing. Oh “It’s lag”. Oh “Cheese build”.

And on top of that, he’s a great multi classer. You can’t. He’s far superior to you pvp wise. And it’s not fan boying. It’s acknowledging when someone’s good. That’s why I enjoy sparring with him even though I lose 85% of the time. You can’t improve if you don’t want to duel someone better. I’m just tired of watching you spread all kinds of rumors about him just because you are salty. And you do nothing to back it up.

Amon. I’ve said this before. You are true to your thief irl. All those acrobatic dodging of duels. Now you are being called out on forums. Let the community see your response.

No, he has not messaged me in 6 months. I honestly don’t care what you say, you just fanboy because you are terrible. If he messages me in game himself and im not busy ill duel him, but hes never done that.

Hes never dueled me on acro. I can multiclass so you don’t know what you’re talking about. I have way more pvp experience than him, he’s no where close to me on that level.

I only came on the forums because a friend of mine told me Caed killed kronos over and over. I honestly hate this place because it’s just people measuring their thief kittens.

Also do me a favor, tell him to stop being a kitten and say something, or would he rather you tell me his life story?

Hold on there, buddy. PvP experience? I’m fairly certain Kronos has dueled you on acro 0-30-0-30-10 as early as two years ago, while you played 10-0-30-0-30. I’m not going to go into details but if you can remember, the only person from our group that night that you could down in a duel was me. An upleveled engineer.

You’re right in that the forum is toxic – Look at how many replies in this thread have been about useless player attacks and how many were actually relevant to the topic. I find this really funny that Kronos hasn’t even said anything to you (in 6 months?) and you continue to talk about him in a bad way. Maybe the reason he hasn’t talked to you is because he thinks you’re insignificant? Seems to me that you and a certain group of kids literally live to spill salt at Nex and Kronos and FEAR in general.

P/P / P/S Engi

(edited by NOM.9712)

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


How conveniently amonatory arrives in a thread involving Kronos XD. Are you sure you don’t have a crush on him or something?

P/P / P/S Engi

(edited by NOM.9712)

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


What did we learn here?

Kronos not that good unless he’s using SA or Pistol mainhand AKA WvW cancer specs

Caed clearly better once they mirror comped

Nothing new really… WvW heros carried by imbalanced stats get exposed once they enter PvP and can’t cheese anymore

If you’re going to count the times caed just blew a full inf signet combo on Kronos at the start. And the ledge camping. Because other than that it seemed fairly back and forth.
Yet, mind you Kronos plays SD. I’d like to see them SD duel as he was probably trying to do caed a courtesy by playing DP SB when they asked him to duel caed. That was Caed’s main weapon sets as far as I know.

P/P / P/S Engi

(edited by NOM.9712)

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


I recorded in the first place because I know your guild likes to exaggerate things that actually happen, and kitten talk everyone who disagrees with them. I uploaded it because I thought it would be beneficial to other players.

I dueled him on no sleep because I was asked to, I did change my build which is fairly apparent in the video. I never asked him to change, it was your guild who asked me. Furthermore stacking stealth isn’t what I would consider mechanics. He loses trades and stacks stealth until he can regen. I missed steals because I was playing impatiently – which I would attribute to the sleep deprivation but I didn’t really mention it because I don’t care. You have your opinion, and I have mine. People can also form their own watching it. Have a good one ^^

I’m gonna disagree with lettuce here. I don’t think there was much of a problem with your map usage, aside from maybe ethical reasons but there is definitely some skill involved in effectively mitigating damage with positioning when you’re out of cooldowns.

But while I wouldn’t call the stealth spamming mechanical,
I noted how you were saying R as soon as you got back up from downstate so that when he typed R or bowed back, you could open on him quickly.
Overall after watching the video, I would say that in the fights where you didn’t just burst him in the beginning (Actually quite rare) and forced him to stealth or lose, you lost trades just as much as he did if not more due to missing steal. Just my two cents.

P/P / P/S Engi

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: NOM.9712


loael… fun stuff to bad Kronos cant team Q >>><<< This situation reminds me of when Lettuce called Backpack out… >> Then backpack 100-0ed kronos like 5 times engi v engi… Lettuce Bmed backpack, then Engi v Thief, backpack stayed 100% while kronos kept reseting in stealth for 30mins before calling it a “tie”

I was there and backpack didn’t 100-0 kronos engi vs engi, it was more like backpack almost lost three of them but used some controversial LOS to his advantage and turned it around later. I’d say that’s pretty embarrassing already as backpack mains engi, has macros for engi and kronos doesn’t (to both).
And idk why you think a celestial meta engi accomplished something by staying alive vs a thief in a ONE v ONE encounter. I’ll applaud backpack if he can do the same vs kronos’ mesmer.

Your entire post and pic shows that you’re really kitten about kronos and his guild and just care way too much. Calm down.

P/P / P/S Engi

(edited by NOM.9712)