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Spirit Weapons in HoT

in Guardian

Posted by: NPBeachLife.5412


Hey all,

Quick question, I know they have combined 3 traits into 1 in the HoT expansion, and made “Improved Spirit-Weapon Duration” a base, but I’m really curious if anyone knows what they are doing with “Wrathful Spirits”, which currently improves spirit weapon damage by 50%. Has anyone heard anything with what is happening with this trait? I watched the dev video where they went through the new trait changes, and nothing was mentioned about doing away with a 50% INCREASE TO DAMAGE trait, which would be a huge nerf to spirit weapons in general. Any info or thoughts?


Iriki a Necro | Erekah a Guard | Erekey an Engi

Skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: NPBeachLife.5412


Re: the complexity of fixing skill lag.. Dark Age of Camelot has been out since 2001 and has had WvW (RvR) from the beginning, also with 3 realms. DAoC has always had one giant RvR map which is overall larger than any single GW2 WvW map and probably larger than all 3 WvW maps combined for that matter.

I never noticed any skill lag on DAoC, and when I first started playing it I was on a modem, or maybe 64k ISDN (it’s hard to remember that far back..). DAoC had similarly large amounts of people, particularly in the olden days with the classic RvR map at the good ole Emain mile gate. I think there was some rendering lag with that many people, but you could turn down your settings. Oh, I never noticed culling back then, either. I don’t think it existed (or exists now on DAoC).

DAoC actually has more abilities overall than GW2, although it does lack the ‘realtime’ combat style. DAoC also doesn’t have any sort of ‘dodge’ mechanic, which I think is really what would make the combat more complex to handle (no computer game has genuinely ‘realtime’ anything, it’s always divided up into chunks one way or the other).

SO, overall, I know Arenanet could fix this skill lag issue with modern CPUs and coding techniques since Mythic had it figured out 12 years ago. Whether they are willing to do so, I don’t know. They did say months ago that they are working on it, but.. months ago. It’s entirely possible that they have done the financial math and have decided it’s just not worth the investment.

sparklevision.8109, I’m really glad you brought up DAoC and the fact that it supported more people with way more ability affects and never experience ability lag, or rather not being able to execute an ability. There may have been general lag, but it was in 2001 and we were able to still kill stuff. WAR followed in those same steps and improved upon DAoC shortcomings in the lag department. I played WAR for a few years and almost never experienced lag, and as a combat healer, I was usually in the thick of it. The only time lag became a problem was after one of their latest patches when they increased the amount of people who were fighting in the capitals, but I think that was due in large part to rushing and not fully planning, which became a symbol for Mythic after EA purchased them.

This issue is fixable, and if ANET spent the six or so months they stated to re-code the culling issue, they can do the same for this, which is in my opinion of the same level of importance to fix.


Iriki a Necro | Erekah a Guard | Erekey an Engi