Showing Posts For NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935:

Do we really have to call it Minstrel gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


No one look up Crusader. Please. No one. Let’s leave that can of worms unopened.

Come on now, why let a little image search get in the way of a good crusade? :P

We need a full set of Chaos Armor, badly.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


If only I could be so grossly incandescent…

pours Sunny D all over himself

Cheesy GW2 jokes here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


Which race has the best pirates?

Charr, matey!!

My work here is done.

Has ANYONE seen....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


I have in fact seen one of the newest batch of female charr hairstyles out in the wild. It’s a bit ridiculous, but considering the rest of the person’s look this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


Speculation on what the Queen has to say

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


“Instead of announcing my candidacy for reelection, I’ve instead decided to announce that you’re all…” <Queen puts on a very Emperor Palpatine-esque hood in a sinister fashion> “Morons…”

Chop-It-All Logging Axe is out

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


So that’s why you’re not supposed to stand under trees during a thunderstorm…

Armour peices?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


Those are the Fused Gauntlets that you could get from filling out your achievement track for the Flame & Frost living story stuff that ended recently. Unfortunately that means you can’t get them anymore.

Polycephaly Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


So I’m not the only one who was seeing two Smodurs in the new instance.

Haka Dance Party

in Charr

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


This is an awesome idea, and if it happens I will definitely try and be there for it if time permits. Weekdays I’ll usually hop on around 12:30-1am-ish Eastern to work on my dailies, but weekends I’m usually free to get on whenever. Unless of course I work one or both of the days, at which point I wouldn’t be on until late night like usual.

Definitely gonna keep an eye on this thread for updates.

Your best lulz moments in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


I see I’m not the only one who has come across the rare tree-climbing Siamoth. :P

Also recently was treated to watching the Champion Corrupted Wolfmaster in Wayfarer Foothills attempt to kill one of the Flame & Frost event Ice Tornadoes. Not sure if he would have eventually killed himself with his own reflected axes (which would have been infinitely hilarious), because shortly after he was descended upon by real people and promptly killed.


I'm not good at Dodging.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935


If you’re looking for a good enemy to get your daily dodge with, try finding any wurm that spits rocks at you. The projectile is fairly slow and easy to dodge, and the windup for the attack should be long enough that your endurance bar should recharge in time for the next rock.