Showing Posts For Narlack.3198:

Iron Marches Meta bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Narlack.3198


Map still bugged, Stalls a lot at “Help the Sentinels clear a path across Lake Desolann”

"Devouring the Brand" is bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Narlack.3198


Still bugged, must do for H.O.P.E.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narlack.3198


HoT has not scratched my Sakitten, gliding around awkwardly on a map with annoying enemies just isn’t as fun as jumping around on a SaB map with annoying enemies. At least in SaB they only took like 2 hits to kill. So, back here, waiting for SaB…

Is the thief dead?

in Thief

Posted by: Narlack.3198


Yes, thief is dead, Official Unofficial Funeral yesterday. Trying out other classes to prep for HoT now.

What 3 Specializations your most hyped for?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Narlack.3198


Daredevil only need an adjust in the timing of the new dodges (so they actually happen when you input them, and not a second later), a few tweaks to the numbers and a better staff AA animation.

Aside from that, the spec is really good IMO. It has a proper “new spec mechanic” you can use every time (Unlike Scrapper, who uses his mechanic only if playing PvP, and even then not so frequently), a nice sinergy with some areas the Thief underutilize because of “stealth-stealth-stealth”, and some realy useful utilities, wich in the right hands could be even scary.

The new dodges are a fine idea, but 3 dodges is not a new mechanic, and the new dodges are the grandmaster trait choice, so there is hardly a “new spec mechanic”. Not to mention warriors deal damage on dodge and eles blast finish AND damage on dodge as grandmaster trait.

What 3 Specializations your most hyped for?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Narlack.3198


Several people actually voted for Daredevil, putting a big reason as THREE DODGES!!!

But thief had 3 dodges a year ago… they literally destroyed Acrobatics trait line so that they could make the Daredevil a dodge build. S/D could dodge 3 times, pop a signet, dodge 3 more times. Daredevil can’t even dodge as well.

PAX Prime Party Passes: Enter Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Narlack.3198


I’m excited for the height of the maps, jumping puzzles all day every day!

Plus, once it is out, they might go work on SAB!