Showing Posts For Natas Enasni.3260:
Nice. Hope they can add party priority in future update.
Heals priority should be human party member/player’s minions/everything else. If this “fix” prioritizes healing minions over human party members I feel it’s a backwards fix.
Doesn’t the heal “fix” just make an already annoying issue worse? I want to heal my HUMAN PARTY MEMBERS not my USELESS npcs. Maybe they should pay closer attention to complaints before hammering in a broken fix.
RNG is RNG then. I just keep meeting these guys with 2 or more rings, and some guy said he got 3 in his 3 first runs! Where do you get that luck?
Apparently I asked incorrectly last time; so let me rephrase this. I’m trying to determine if a bug is currently affecting me; if you could let me know how many tier 2 Daily chest runs you have done of FOTM, and how many rings you got from that?
I currently have run 9/10 and received none and I’m wondering if it’s just RNG is RNG or actually am bugged.
I agree with everything; although I understood what some pve players said about a bunch of jacktards dueling around you. But then it’s like, what about the bunch of jacktards sitting in a mob 30 strong ignoring pre-events for dragon for 45 minutes. It’s an mmo of course theres going to be some jacktards let us have some effing duels.
I was part of the assault on the bay in Blackgate borderlands; we were sputtering out in the inner keep. Torn apart by superior arrow carts.
Then I crashed; weird bug leaving bg by front gate. But I hope the assault succeeded eventually.