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Hi guys. A friend of mine have been trying to start a Christian guild on Eredon Terrace but we haven’t had much luck. I did a Google search for “Christian guilds in Guild Wars 2” and this popped up. We are both in our late 20’s and married, but we love the game and have been looking for like-minded people to play with, so naturally a Christian guild is what we’ve been looking for.
At this point we are considering transferring our characters to another server if we are able to find a guild with a solid base of believers and a mature community. About how many active users per day do you think you have? Not exactly critical, but I’m just curious if we happened to be on if there would be regular WvW runs or something of the sort (we enjoy that part of the game quite a bit, and it’s tough to do without a good amount of people coordinating ).
Anyways, I wouldn’t be too surprised if you saw us filling out your applications on the forums soon
We gained some more members and a new officer! Anyone interested feel free to message me in game
More new members last night! Thanks to those who joined us!
Gained some new members this weekend. Don’t forget to message us if you are interested in joining
Getting on now to play for a bit if anyone wants to look for us
Shouldn’t matter your gender/ethnicity/etc in these games but some people are just jerks, sadly. Try finding a group of like minded people to play with if at all possible (I say the possible bit because if nobody you know in RL plays, it can be annoying to sift through the jerks in cyber space to find cool people).
I forgot to mention that this guild is very new, just in case anyone wants to know that sort of thing.
Server: Eredon Terrace
Founder: Natetendo.9023 (In game name is Vyse Corinth)
Co-Leader: shyguy.6509
First thing’s first, the guild name comes from this:, an old (and yes goofy) batch of songs by the band Five Iron Frenzy who decided to make about 7 minutes of completely off the wall music for the lulz. Now for those of you who are still reading after…that…let me offer you a little bit of what our Guild is about.
We are primarily a Christian guild, but being a Christian certainly isn’t required. We are a mature group of people who enjoy a good time but we are also hoping to make a mark in the Guild Wars community, particularly in WvW and a little in PvX as well.
We don’t have a website or anything fancy of the sort, we are just regular people who love to play this game. If you are on our server and are looking for other Christians to play with, or are just looking for nice mature people to play with even if you aren’t a Christian, feel free to look us up!
Once we get enough people we hope to try and help out with the WvW and have some fun with PvP and the like.