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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Naxania.6029


Guild : Casters of Instagib [IGTV]
Server : Fort Aspenwood

Same as the others I’ve read…

I am the leader of our guild, I cannot access upgrades, cannot use influence, cannot change or edit ranks, cannot create, cannot change insignias, cannot invite people, cannot do any of these things, and if I try? I get “disconnected from servers”

If I close the game out, however, not log out, but fully close client out, and open it up, I’m able to do only one action for about 2 mins, and then it restarts with disconnecting me again… IF i am lucky…

I cannot change or edit message of the day, and so far I haven’t seen any of the officers have an ability to do any changes or invites either.

This has been going on only the last 2 days now, and the guild has been open the last 4 days.

This would be highly appreciated on an ETA for a fix or at least a temp work-around until this is able to be working properly. No guild on ‘any’ server can function properly with the interface acting like it is right now.

Please figure out what is going on, thank you.
