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Famous Quotes for the Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


Engineer: Whoa. Déjà vu.
[Everyone freezes right in their tracks]
Guardian: What did you just say?
Engineer: Nothing. Just had a little déjà vu.
Guardian: What did you see?
Ranger: What happened?
Engineer: A dev post went past us, and then another that looked just like it.
Guardian: How much like it? Was it the same post?
Engineer: It might have been. I’m not sure.
Warrior: LOL
Engineer: What is it?
Guardian: A déjà vu is usually a hidden nerf. It happens when they change something.

- The Matrix (1999)

This almost kill me :P

Generell questions about kits, sigils.

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


We are working to make sigils work with kits. Our intention is to push this as soon as possible. Hope that helps.


God bless you if you make it work, its my only desire for engis.

Engineer highest dps class

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


Blasting a player with grenades is imposible if he has a head over his shoulders and knows how to use it, of course, blasting a no-brainer is easy, just hit 1 like a dummy.

Grenades are pretty useless in real fight situations, and I’m talking about sPvP, in WvW have their utility, in PvE you can put on your rifle and the mob never is gonna reach you.

For me at least, grenades are pretty dead, yes, you do a lot of dmg with them, but hitting a dummy with the autoattack and posting the result to back it up, isn’t a way to prove youself.

Please complain responsibly (from a dev pov)

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


Ok, I see fair your point, but you miss something, most of the complaints are not for the nerf itself (I don’t see too much nerf, but well I wasn’t grenader user), are for the fact that they “touch” something that wasn’t prioritary, by that I mean:

We are without stats on kits since beta, a lot of times we talk here in a lot of post about that and we NEVER got a word from the devs about that, not even a single mention on patch notes like “we’re working on it”. That’s an example, there’s more of course, like broken traits, useless skills, but that’s not the point.

The point is that most of the complaints are motivated for that silence from the devs about important questions, I see a lot of times a devs posting in another forum answering a question about a patch change, or mechanic but in our forums I only see the devs posting for closing posts, thats not fair, they’re not fair with us, thats the important matter for me.

I know that they want they creation to be perfect, yeah, but at least they can have a words with us, isn it?, something like: “Hi fellow engineers we hear you, we are working on that, on that, and on that, but isnt an easy fix so its going to take time”, instead of that we get fixes on minor things, “ey 30 points of fixes”, yeah most of it were secundary or completely useless, and the important things are still out of the equation without a word from the devs.

Short fuse bugged now

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


That’s ’cause in the trait lines of other clases are working humans, but in ours are working two drunktard chimps, that makes the engi more interesting

Who knows what they make in the next patch?….aahh…beautiful and annoying engineer, we have a lot of luck

why kits are still statless?

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


I feel the same way, my guess is that Anet don’t even know that they have an Engi forum :P , when I saw the patch notes my hope crash in pieces, no stats on Kits its a great disadvantage, making our pull range up to 1200 was the only good point in it.

As Aytra says even with juggernaut and 10 stacks of might I don’t feel the punch that I must have, the stats and sigils on Kits must be priority for anet if they want all the ways of play the engi viable.

PS: Maybe we can start a new post with this question every day as a way to protest for it ;P

Deadly Mixture trait bugged?

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


Hi guys, I’ve been tinkering with the flamethrower, the traits for improving it and some might stacking runes and I notice, well, I didn’t notice the 15% more dmg from the deadly mixture trait.

Anyone has tried it already?, it’s one more bugged trait or I’m just missing something?

22nd October patch notes

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


OMG three minor fixes!, the rest of the classes had a big fix, and us 3 minor fixes. I was waiting for this patch 2 weeks since it was announced and now this…GJ anet.

Anyone find a way to make a melee engineer work in spvp?

in Engineer

Posted by: Neka.2403


I was trying some days ago with 20/0/0/20/30, in utilities the rifle turret, bomb kit, and toolkit, the idea was simple: pull with magnet, change quick to bomb kit to put concussion bomb, change to toolkit and smack with prybar, this way you stack 8 of confusion, with some decent condi dmg the thiefs kill himselfs, against other classes didn’t work too well.

But its fun kick thief kitten this way, they rage quite well :P


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neka.2403


Well, another “GTX” user with crashing, and worst performance than before the patch, mine is a 480 GTX SOC. Most of time I’m unable to enter the game, the launcher crash…


Bugged attacks against objects - Engineer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neka.2403


Hi, the rifle and pistol skills, as well as some kits habilities are bugged when you shot to objects, furniture, doors,…it simply says “out of range”, “obstructed” or “miss”. I’ve been playing engi since first BWE and still reporting an incredible amount of bugs, it’s annoyingly bugged the engi, it need some devs love.
