Showing Posts For Neo Juggernaut.1267:

Lost faith in HoD, looking for new server

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

SoS is always looking for more players who are wvw centered, we do need a higher NA coverage as we push into t1. feel free to message me for any details ud like about our community, also visit hope to have u on board

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

LOL wildman u got it there, kittenol, T>gems for longer siege life

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

ya thats what im more afraid of ohac, is thats its intentional… only anet can soothe or increase my woes

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

we had some ppl watch it for the 10 minutes to confirm, all siege seems to be disappearing at that timer now, if this is permanent, we are screwed in the defensive theater i feel like a defensive player in the NFL now, cant tackle the QB as i want now

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

@ohac, to clarify yes the standard time was 30 minutes, my guildies have reported its been reduced to 10 minutes it seems, we were assigned to siege up garrison hills and bay keep , as we circled around back to the first keep we sieged up, -less than 30 minutes- stuff was gone, quagg nodes were ours, no enemy presence. so yes it seemed the timers went down all across the board, and even then the 30 minutes rule, ive seen siege sit around for alot longer than that in my experience, but now its just ridiculous. and its started to be noticed by other guilds and players.

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

this is happening AFTER, siege we placed BEFORE the patch remains intact, anything new we deployed AFTER the patch disappears alot faster. i still see siege i placed before sitting there being all cool and kitten

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

so if it happens on EVERY patch, i think i would have noticed, my guild is the siege arm of a major alliance, and ive never even after halloween patches and whatnot seen siege disappear so fast. BUT if it happens on every patch how long does it last before it goes back to normal? cause like i said , never seen siege disappear this quickly

Siege disappearing after todays patch???

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

so its been dissapearing for you guys alot faster than normal? we understand siege, siege is in our blood for my guild, we know how the timers have worked refreshes needed, so its not something we didnt consider. whats odd is that after todays “maintenance” patch, the siege we have placed dissapeared at an alarming rate, not to mention that there were no quaggan lightning to kill them, no enemy resistance at all at 3 different locations. so Anet is there a problem or meant to be like stated by OP? please give patch notes or a response, this kills the ability of a guild or server population from properly preparing defensive fortifications to key locations.

[DoP] Disciples of Pwn -Sea of Sorrows

in Guilds

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

We’re looking to expand to our group. We have a huge focus on siege building for offense and defense. we are part of the TacSym alliance along with allied with other guilds. If you’re looking for a more organized but relaxed environment for both WvW and PvE feel free to message me directly.

Sea of Sorrows Hard at Work

in WvW

Posted by: Neo Juggernaut.1267

Neo Juggernaut.1267

/agree with kurthos