Showing Posts For Neoniac.6129:

Axe skill 1

in Necromancer

Posted by: Neoniac.6129


I really enjoy playing with axe, the animation for female sylvari looked to me deadly and harsh. Now the animation looks horrible and my necro just feels slow. The look of the animation looses (for me) the harshness necro has, the crude tough animations for skills and the “deadly” look and feel it has. I don’t understand why they changed the look of the skill, when for me, it was beautiful to watch. Most of the animations they have for classes feel right and help the player feel the casting and class/race they play with. For me this new animation does not work at all with what Necro represents. I hope they fix this, it makes me loose interest in this class :/

connection errors detected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neoniac.6129


I was having the same problem and tried to uninstall gw2 and re install it now the launcher crashes and becomes unresponsive and i have to close it via task manager. This isn’t the first time i had this happen. Please help! i dont know what to do!!

Major Skill Delay/Lag since new patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neoniac.6129


I really hope they fix this soon, I love this game and I just cannot play it ever since the new update. I really was looking forward to my first year doing the Halloween events but if this continues I wont be able to. I know this is not a problem with my computer as i just bought a bran new gaming laptop this summer, it can run every other program without any problem. Only Guild Wars 2 has the problems for me.