Showing Posts For Neverstorm.1238:

Flame Legion Breastplate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverstorm.1238


’Ello everyone.

As you may notice, my name is Neverstorm and I’ve come here to talk about the Flame Legion Breastplate.

Now, before we move on, I’d like to say that I absolutely love this armor. Just the robe itself is magnificent and looks smashing when worn with a hood. However, there is one tiny itty bitty piece that I’m tired of looking at. Can you guess it?

Yes. That Flame Wheel around my right shoulder that is constantly on fire and it hurts and burns and I just I just want it owch stahp! (see attachment)

I bet a lot of people actually like that Flame Wheel and doesn’t think that it’s such a big deal. It really isn’t. I just believe that it’d be better as a shoulder piece and allow us to customize the armor even further with other shoulderpads.

I’m not telling you to change it right now (and you don’t have to) and you guys should prioritize other things with the game. It’s just that down the road I’d like to have the same kind of robe without a fire ring on it. Andddd that’s my suggestion and I’m probably the only one with it.

Thanks for reading. :D

P.S. also sorry if this is in the wrong forum I just couldn’t find the suggestion box on the way in.


Only the living knows victory.

Where's my birthday present? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverstorm.1238


If it helps guys, I sent in a support ticket and got a response. They’re aware of the issue and working on getting that Quaggan on the road again. His mistress just won’t leave him alone.

So just be patient and they’ll get to us eventually.

Only the living knows victory.

Where's my birthday present? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverstorm.1238


I’m just gonna join the bandwagon here and say that I’m still waiting for my gift. Maybe the Quaggan delivering them got lost in his track. Maybe he got a bit sidetracked by that beautiful girl he’s been eyeing for a while. I don’t know and I don’t blame him; I just hope that he’ll eventually get to me.

Only the living knows victory.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverstorm.1238


My guild, The Storm Shields, has seemingly vanished into thin air.

Server: The Far Shiverpeaks
Guild Name: The Storm Shields
Guild Master: Neverstorm
Guild Members: 10

I’d very much like it back; if that’s not possible, at least send me a message about it.

Only the living knows victory.