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More Game Modes, Not Maps

in PvP

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Hell, Guild Wars 2 GvG can have a DOTA style, that would be awesome!

Indeed. What I really don’t understand is that they already designed a DOTA PvP for Halloween, which was only available for 1 month. They are doing this every event. They design a whole new PvP mode with whole new maps though this is only temporary. It is great that you keep adding new stuff into the game, but you should focus on the actual game and make it perfect before you put so much effort into new features.

(edited by Nibbler.6130)

More Game Modes, Not Maps

in PvP

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


I just read that you are introducing another PvP map in the upcoming patch. Thanks. That’s exactly what we need, because we have only like 10 billion maps for just 1 PvP mode.
Seriously, more maps don’t make PvP more fun. IMO playing the same mode on a different map is not a diversion. More modes like capture the flag, capturing a castle with siege weapons (like WoW’s Winterspring, and there is a huge difference between WvW and a Winterspring-based s-PvP mode), or just a giant zerg would be more fun.
Please don’t waste your time on more maps, this is enough. Please focus on new modes instead.

Two modes on a single map is more fun than one mode on a thousand maps.

(edited by Nibbler.6130)

More titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


There are so many achievments in the game, but i don’t see any sense in collecting all of them. The most achievments don’t give you a title, hence you can’t show others what you did.. So why doing them? In GW1 there was the GWAMM title which was my target. Please could you implement something like that?

Flamecitadel armor set

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Agreed! I don’t care about 1), but you are right, the flames look really really bad in close ups because they are 2D animations. Why aren’t they normal (3D) flames like the others in the game?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Yeah that would be kinda nice, like in WoW’s 40 vs 40 battles e.g. alterac valley! That is a lot of fun!

Please buff Warrior Greatsword F1 ability

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Yeah greatsword F1 is useless. With my traits i do way more damage when my adrenaline is full and i on’t need that crit buff beacuse of my elite skill (ond other slot skills).

Suggestion for WvW: Airships

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


That would be amazing.

Gold for pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Please give us gold for pvp. Even in GW1 you were able to make lots of money by buying z-keys with your balthazar points. I feel forced to do pve because i want to craft a legendary and need lots of money to do that.
There are no cons about it, because leeching is gainless: if you don’t do anything you get no rewards.

Long time MMORPG player suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


Dungeons: Yeah I know ArenaNet doesn’t want GW2 to be like the other MMOs but i think a game must have an endgame. I am now nearly 3 weeks on lvl 80 and don’t know what to do. I want one of those legendaries but i need lots of coins. How do i get them? Grinding the same easy dungeons over and over? That is kinda lame. Some high-end dungeons like the old FOW/UW that you can’t clear in 30 minutes would be nice. Dungeons that are hard to do but that give you a nice reward.
Pvp: Well there are a lot of titles, but they are not pompous. I like the finishing emotes, but you can only show them while finishing in pvp. Think there should be emotes like in gw1 (HA) which you can show in every pvp area through the command /rank.
Also there should be more formats. The GW2 pvp is fun, but 5v5 all the time is boring. I want big epic battles. Please learn a lesson from WoW. It’s pvp is nice: There is a lot of alternation: 10v10, 15v15, 40v40, capture the flag, this point capture mode like in gw2 and this siege weapon-conquer stuff. WoW’s 40v40 battles like in alterac valley or isle of conquest are so amazing and they never got boring.

(edited by Nibbler.6130)

How to use gifts of exploration? How to craft legendaries? (Answered)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nibbler.6130


But if you indeed need those gifts of exploration then you could craft only 2 legendaries per character?! That would be kinda lame. Crafting every legendary on your main would be a nice target for the future…