Showing Posts For Nick.5697:

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


By the looks of thing it’s likely going to be either these two
- Largos
- Tengu
The truth is, i’m excited that either one is possible, they’re both cool and i can deferentially see story arcs. However when looking up the Kodan, I really see more of a racial sympathy candidate., but yeah i wish they could be a player candidate.

My final vote, go Largos! I love their mysterious culture, their look, and their accents.

Charr vs Human vs Asura vs Norn

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


Humans wont win, but you know what? If the other races like the Charr or Asura want to take out humanity, their not going to enjoy it because of many reasons.
1. We humans never give up, NEVER. We’ll go full Guerilla tactics and no race is going to sleep softly in Kryta. How much is a good nights sleep?
2. Charr already tried to rid of all of humanity and their still dealing with the aftermath. That’s right, if we go, we’ll keep fighting even after death, caused maybe by a second foefire if anyone marches into Divinities Reach and try to call it their own.
3. Kryta isn’t the only human kingdom. Eventually Cartha will open again (If you want to or not in this scenario) and everyone knows how xenophobic they are to other non-human races, they almost completely purged their continent of non-humans. (It doesn’t sound good now, but if humanity is pushed into the hills and swamps, that does not sound too bad after losing your kingdom, you home, and likely everyone held close)
4. After finishing off humanity, how long until the Asura, Charr, and possibly Norn crumble because of over reaching over our land?

Humanity might not win at first, but we’ll make it impossible for anyone else to win.
Forever Kryta, Ascalon reborn, and long live humanity!

(edited by Nick.5697)

New Profession of future Expansions

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


I didn’t know about that arena net already commented about this. Well, shows i should have read ahead then, huh? Does make sense when thinking about it. Still, it was a interesting thing to think about.

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


Tengu and Largos seem like the most possible due to story and possible change to apply characteristics.. Kodan are just plain cool and could possibly be adapted to have unique looks, but story still needs work, but in the future who knows.
The three most like are
- Largos
- Koadan
I’m sad to say, but the lesser races like the Skritt, Quaggen, and Hylek are not good candidates. They may be cool and cute, but no real possibility.

Hey there could be a whole new race that Anet is working on, we’ll just have to wait.

New Profession of future Expansions

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


Also i forgot to say, this guy would be put in a Elonian based expansion

New Profession of future Expansions

in Lore

Posted by: Nick.5697


Here’s the low down, by seeing that there are three scholar professions, three adventure professions, and only two soldier professions, i think there is a good possibility for new soldier profession in the future.
If Arena net isn’t thinking about it, as well as a new sixth playable race, they should be in future expansions. What would be a good name, special abilities, and style? To be honest, it could be anything but soldier looks the most likely.
My idea is called Timariot.
They, like guardians are descended of teachings of paragons but have focused onto the sun and eclipses allowing some dervish spells and characteristics into the mix. They in some ways are the middle ground of Warriors and Guardians, while having their own style of attack and defense.

Two handed weaponry
- Shortbow
- Greatsword
- Rifle
One handed weaponry
- sword
- axe
- scepter
Off handed weaponry
- Shield
- Pistol
Aquatic weaponry
- Trident
- Harpoon Gun

Some of the special skills would include sun based spells and abilities, like gaining favors of the sun and moon, while also summoning war beasts to their aid during battle.

Throw some ideas out.