Jade Quarry
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Jade Quarry
Now I have met a lot of Engineers that run Deadly Mixture (VII) instead of Potent Elixirs (VIII) in the Alchemy tree, don’t do it!!! While yes it looks like you will lose out on DPS you won’t!
You really think the extra few seconds of Might/Fury from Elixir B with Potent Elixirs is better than a flat 15% damage increase?
FT/EG Engineers can already maintain Fury through Drop Stimulant, Elixir B, Toss Elixir B, and Runes of Altruism, so no DPS is gained there. And Rune of Altruism giving your entire group Might and Fury is way better than a few extra stacks for yourself through Hoelbrak/Fire/Strength.
The choice of HGH is fine, but you can easily run Deadly Mixture with it at the same time anyway.
Is fury (since I have already above 50% crit chance) really worth it to sacrifice 15% boon duration overall and 35% might duration?
Jade Quarry
I have been sharing this build with people I do dungeons/wvw with and I want to share it with the Engineer community as a whole because it’s the most fun build I have had the pleasure of playing with so far and Engineers deserve all the <3.
Build (Side note, I use the Southsun Ascended back piece so that’s apoth stats)
Now I have met a lot of Engineers that run Deadly Mixture (VII) instead of Potent Elixirs (VIII) in the Alchemy tree, don’t do it!!! While yes it looks like you will lose out on DPS you won’t!
So without any food or boons you have…
1469 Power
1608 Precision -> 37% Crit
1519 Toughness
1554 Vitality -> 22535 Health
798 Condition Damage
60% Boon duration (80% might duration, and an extra 20% boon duration from elixirs)
29% Crit Damage
So you normally get what, 6 stacks of might from the Juggernaut (XI) trait? Well now you have a base of 9 stacks due to might duration. So you will almost always have 9 stacks of might up bringing up your Power to 1784 and your Condition Damage to 1113. Just using Elixir H, B, and both thrown toolbelt skills you now have 15-18 might stacks.
Now the glorious part of this build, want to hold 20+ stacks like a boss? Lay down Napalm and use Magnetic Shield and Acid Bomb. You can also use Supply Crate as well but I usually reserve this unless I’m confident I won’t need it. Each one of these blast finishers used on your fire field are going to give you and all nearby allies 3 stacks of might for 35s. So within a moment your entire group (if clustered together) now has 9 stacks of might for 35s. Throw down your toolbelt elixir skills and give them two additional stacks so 11 Stacks of might! For your group! Or just for you since you already have 9 base stacks, another 9 from combos and then that what 5-7 stacks from your toolbelt/utilities. So yeah pretty easy to maintain 20+ stacks and buffing your group as well!
Now let’s get crazy and make you more amazing. You’re going to want to run Mater Maintenance Oil and Rare Veggie Pizza
Check the attachment for stats. Not only are you tanky but you release a slew of dps through a fury of pure damage and your conditions on top of that!
Now don’t be lazy and stay in FT all the time either, use your Static Shot and Poison Dart Volley from the pistol, use that Fumigate (Also to clear those conditions from your buddies!) and Super Elixir from the EG! You stack those vuln, bleeds, burn, confusion and whatever else conditions you’re transferring to your foe while cleansing, healing, and buffing your group because you are a gorgeous beast of an engy!
Not only do I run this in dungeons but I also use it as my roaming build in WvW. Just to give you an idea I have lost 2-3 1v1’s in the past month in WvW and I roam in WvW pretty frequently (MOAR BADGES FOR GOLGRUK!!!).
Downside of the build, it’s VERY involved and you lack any real burst. You’re pounding out your elixirs and abilities fast and having to switch in and out of kits on a pretty frequent basis. So this is very far from a lazy man’s build it requires a lot of attention on using your buff abilities as much as you can (Remember 25 in Alchemy is giving you 1% extra damage for each boon on you!).
I was enthralled by the Engineer and how versatile they are and I wanted to take the concept that we are not pure dps, not pure tank, not pure anything but an incredible balance of all of it and I found a way to make my swiss army knife of Tyria work!
- I’m a liar, the trade off for the amount of boon duration that VIII gives in Alchemy is nowhere near the payoff that VII gives to your dps.
Jade Quarry
(edited by Nietzsche.5870)
I love the new changes to AC personally, you may wipe a few times sure but it’s fun figuring out new mechanics and watching your group become more organized through communication in just a matter of minutes.
Spider does WAY more damage with the ground AoE’s so no more healing through it or toughing it out just either run or dodge out of them. Take your time before starting the fight to clear out wall turrets and the regular spiders, if you have to worry about the boss and those adds it can become too frantic for most pugs to pay attention to all the little things going on. Spits a cone in front of her that does medium damage but roots you in place and a lot of times while you’re rooted she’ll put a ground aoe right underneath you. So stun breakers and condition removals are your friends.
Troll throws lightning from his hand that hurts. Still don’t want to be hit by his melee as it puts stacks of bleeds and does high damage so snare/chill/cripple and kit around him. When he does his jump move when he lands he’ll send out tremors out and you want to dodge them as they hurt really bad and knock you down.
Kholer just spawns additional adds. Two at a time at different percentages of his health. Just keep the mobs close to Kholer and AoE the mobs down with him. Remember to dodge out of his throw and carry a stun breaker to be safe.
P1 1st event has no breeders so just watch out for the regular gravelings additional leaps as they knock back now and you’re all set as long as you follow burrow order. Feels like the burrows go down faster now too but that may just be due to the fact that there are less mobs overall so we can slam more dps on them.
P1 2nd event is the same just watch out for additional knock downs (stun breakers and swift givers!).
P1 3rd event has glitchy movement from the gravelings, not sure if that was intended because if they were all moving like normal then this fight would probably be a lot harder because of how many there are. As of right now you can just kite them around while dps’ing the boss and staying out of his face and you’re all set. If the movement of those trash mobs is fixed they should increase the ring of fire times slightly as with that many it will probably be a good idea to kite them into it so you don’t get overwhelmed but as of now the fires go out quick and are random (from what I can see) for placement so it’s just wasting time at this point.
P2 1st event feels a lot easier. Also I found it easier when kiting this to kite clockwise and then come up along the side of that overturned fence off to the left and hop over that rock. Most of the mobs will run around the fence so gives you some breather seconds waiting on a heal or skill cd or just to keep a good distance between you and the hungry hoard of lizards looking to eat you.
P2 2nd event there is no change. Just follow usual order.
P2 3rd event is fixed for the most part (Yay). I love the push for teamwork on this one and it forces you to organize with your groupies (talk to your fellow players!). Now that the traps reset this encounter just takes practice and it will go really fast. For the glitch where he stops moving I’ve found that that’s because people continue to dps him and he spawns all those oozes and it’s like he’s stuck in a loop where if there are oozes out he won’t switch back to aggro’ing after he reshields. So once you’ve damaged him for the first time and he throws that shield up STOP damaging him and when all the oozes die he should resume combat with you.
P3 1st event is so much easier now without breeders. For those still pushing for ice bows at all in this dungeon need to stop being a bunch of sissies and kite around some. The lack of breeders means a huge lack of mobs so you should be able to run around and dps burrows and pull aggro off of the mobs attacking the resonators and continue to kite and go back to dps’ing burrows just fine.
P3 2nd event is the same.
P3 3rd event isn’t working for me since the new build just a little while ago. I had no problems after the big patch (wiped about 8 times before figuring out the mechanic though, but was awesome fun :-D) but since the build Grast isn’t throwing up his bubble. He was not locked in the hammer animation, was not recently knocked down (giving out stability ftw!), but he still wouldn’t throw it up. I ran this path 5 times since the big patch and didn’t have an issue but since this build he just won’t throw it up :’-(.
Overall love the force of communication (I primarily pug) and the new challenges. I hope they make similar changes to the other dungeons because if they swap out a bunch of mechanics I know a lot of players (by a lot I mean a few, but I like the direction so I’m going to say a lot) that will revisit explorer modes simply for a new challenge.
Golgruk Steelshaper
That Char with the Quaggan Backpack
Jade Quarry