Showing Posts For Nightmare.4316:

Constant lag and inconvenient Disconnects...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Ive played the game till January 6th and stop playing for a while. All that time i never had any lag issue of any kind.

Now i say to myself, Hey why not get back to GW2 might be fun with new content.
I log in to find that i have minimum 500ms on my Skills. On any map, i get that Horrible and unplayable lag on my skills, doesnt seem to affect the movement, such as walking and jumping but thats the least of my concern of i have to wait nearly an entire second to shoot a fireball.

I might keep logging from time to time to see if this is fix but until then i wont play.

Best of luck to you to fix that.

Server: Sea of Sorrows

Suggestions - Blueprints - Story mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Would be amazing for WvW guidl thats true lol

Spirit weapons sad truth.

in Guardian

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Alright before anything, spirit weapons are amazling, giving them 50% more duration, not destroyed on activation and burning dmg per hit, they can do a great amount of dmg and crown control.

The sad truth i am talking about is that the damage of spirit weapon is fix.
If you are lvl 80, no matter how much condition dmg or duration you have, the burn will last 1 second and do 528 dmg.
No matter how much power you have, the dmg of a normal spirit weapon hit will always be constant as well (but it has a range of damage like any normal weapon)

The only thing that seems to be based on player stat is crit chance, having a crit chance of 22%, i did 21 crit out of 100 tries.

Well thats it i just wanted to inform you guys!

The new Ascended armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


As far as i can understand, Ascended are just a bit beter than exotics, with the GEM of the ring inside the base stat instead of an upgrade slot (which doesnt make it really stronger), with a new special slot for Agony resistance, to fight agaisnt the new agony condition from the only new dungeon.
Basicly same gear with +2 stats everywhere and agony resistance.
Why is everybody complaining about that when people will still farm exotics for the looks.

Suggestions - Blueprints - Story mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Blueprints have to become account bound.

The blueprints are presently soulbound. I can’t think of any reason why they shouldn’t be account bound. I play with 3 different character in WvW and I need to stock about 18 different blueprints in my bank because of this.

Story Mode Dungeon:
Story mode dungeon needs to reward tokens.

I personnaly really enjoyed doing the story mode of every dungeon, in fact, some of them are way funnier then explorable. At the moment, there is no valuable reason to replay those story mode. This could easily be fixed by rewarding a certain amount of token at the end like any explorable. Since the story is mostly easier, it should reward less token. My thoughts are about 30-40 first time a day and 10-15 for multiple time.

I personnaly think these are some easy changes that can greatly improve this already amazing game

Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Sylvari

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


oh kitten #8230; -_-
i just remembered that during the Green Knight sylvari story, the Green Knight is wearing that Twilight Arbor Nightmare armor and it is clearly said that the armor was FORGED lol.

Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


well ty for the info, but that doesnt give the impression that it is growing out of my skin. I think we should still have the choice to dye it our way, might make the Default Dye Color of the armor to be your skin color for sylvari player that wanna keep this.

Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Sylvari

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Well, I still hold my point that this is unfair and makes things more difficult as you could simply choose a dye of your skin color if you wanna get that feeling. The only feeling i get is that part of my armor is green, doesnt feel like im growing an armor off my skin lol.

Still, thanks for that info, do you have any source?

Dungeon rewards are too expensive.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Full armor 1380 / 60 = 23 runs / 3 = 8 days
Main hand 300 / 60 = 5 runs / 3 = 2 days
Off Hand 210 / 60 = 4 runs / 3 = 2 days
2 Handed 390 / 60 = 7 runs / 3 = 3 days

Seriously if you think it should be able to get a FULL SET in less then 8 days of 2h-4h hours of dungeons a day, change game or hire someone to play for you.

Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Sylvari

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Here is a link of a thread i made in the bug section.
Basicly it is about the Nigthmare armor obtainable from Twilight Arbor tokens having a color restriction to sylvari, applying the skin color to part of the armor.
Other races don’t have that problem on the same armor.

sPvP Trait Template

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Honestly that would be kinda usefull, cause you don’t want to always carry 2 sets of weapons ammulet and armor on you depending on the situation you are facing. If you send all you things to the Locker, you lose the sigil and runes. Having let’s say 2 templates where you could keep all the armor and traits would be great.

As a guardian i often have to switch between Bunker and Roamer build, during a tourney, changing everything might take too long and doesn’t give you the time to adjust properly to the map and team you are facing.

"-50% falling damage-type" Traits at level 40.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


still not something you want to use even at lvl 20. Why would you want to take less dmg when falling, when you dont suffer a durability loss when dieing from fall. Even if you would take dmg this is so occasional that its not worth wasting a trait spot.

Karma for cultural armour.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


I also believe this should be exotic, with that price only to use it as a transmut skin, this is sad. And why not a bit of both? I’m not sure if anything in the game requires more then 1 kind of money, but a piece could be like 10g + 40k karma.

Legendary Weapons Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


120g + precursor is really only a small part you need.

Add lodestones and you have another 150-200g

yea i know lol but starting with the precursor would be a start, lodestone are somehow farmable

Legendary Weapons Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


lol even with 1mil karma and 120g you think everyone will be running with one?

i totaly understand and agree that not everyone is supposed to have one, but the way to obtain it shouldnt be restrained to gold

Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Bump ^^^^^^^^^^

Legendary Weapons Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightmare.4316



I believe everyone knows how to make legendaries now, and this thread is about some changes i would make to it.

First, legendaries are something you have to work hard for, something that needs to be hard to get, something that needs effort, time and skills. Now the way i see things right now is that you only need money, money and money. As everybody knows, legendary precursors are between 200 and 400g in the TP. Unless you are amazing with playing the TP, or you are rich and can afford to buy the gold, this price is nearly impossible to reach by a regular player.

Considering part of the legendary is to buy 2 recipes of 10g each and 100 claws of jormag of 1g, 120g seems like a reasonnable amoung to pay. So, I feel that the extra 300 gold (or the EXTREME luck) you need for the precursor is way too high.

I might be the only one thinking this way, but the Pact token you recieve once you complete the story quests would’ve been a good way to obtain that exotic precursor if you ask me. Other part of the gift that includes money, (because lets face it, 250 of each tier 6 material is not viably farmable) could be change for more skills and time oriented gift such as:
100% dungeon completion: Dungeon Master
completing all jumping puzzle
killing all big bosses in the open world
even a part of sPvP (why not since there is already a WvW part), where you have to earn a certain amount of glory in order to buy a gift, something like 50,000-100,000 seems reasonable.

In summary, I just feel that getting a legendary should be more oriented towards skills and achievements then simply luck and money.

I’m really open to your opinion and wanna see if you share my feelings (even with playing 3hours a day i feel this is not a possible goal). If you feel like telling me to go to hell, well do it! but make sure to tell why.

Dungeon system and patch system need to be fixed ASAP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


Yea i totaly agree with that.

Same thing happened to me and this shouldn’t be happening.
We just cannot be rewarded with negative bills for doing 90% of the hardest dungeon whatever is the reason that made us quit.

Giganticus is the nicest boss ever!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


i just met this amazing boss. we even drank tea together.


Nightmare Heavy Armor Sylvari Color Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316



Basicly I have noticed that the heavy armor of Twilight Arbor dungeon is taking the color of our skin on some location on the armor. Those spots cannot be dyed, so as a green skinned sylvari some spot on my armor will remain green. The is making color matchup really disappointing. Especialy when you farmed some 1000+ token for a full armor.

Here is a picture of my entire armor dyed as Abyss and you can clearly see the green.

If a developper could answer me about if this is a bug or if this was intended, I would really appreciate.

If this was intended I dont think this is fair that we have to be stuck with a certain color while other races dont.

Thanks for your time.


Nightmare Gear, Heavy Armor, Sylvari Version, Coloring Bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nightmare.4316


bump bump bump bump