Showing Posts For Nightz.2491:
We queued a 3rd upgrade and then: the 1st upgrade on queue finished, Art of War lvl 5 followed up with a restarted timer.
ANet, either refund the 150k influence or do something with it.
Either return the lost influence or do something with the remaining time. As the influences used to speed it up were bought from Guild Promoter.
Anet, we still want a proper answer
So is the sigil bugged, or meant to be vs elementals. “Imps are not demons.” wasn’t quite an answer.
So, demon slaying sigil doesn’t work against demons but elementals. Still waiting for a response from ArenaNet, if this was meant to be or if this is bugged (and you have any plans to fix it).
Tested against Fleshreavers. Demon potions worked, however demon sigils did not.
Imps aren’t demon, sorry for that, however that still didn’t answer whether demon slaying sigils work against demons. They definitely work against elementals just as its description says.
Potions work without doubt, however the sigils work only against elementals.
My aim is to increase my dps on Imbued Shaman using Night/Demon Sigils, however after experiencing dps loss on Imbued, I further tried the tests on elementals in Fireheart (Tar and Ember) and demons (Imps) in Fireheart and lower level areas (to see clear difference) . It does effect elementals however I couldn’t see an increase on demons.
(edited by Nightz.2491)
So, is the sigil bugged or was it meant to be like this. This isn’t hard to answer dear ArenaNet
I’m wondering if demon slaying sigil was introduced as a sigil against elementals to begin with, or the bug still not being fixed.
I’m assuming it was meant to be vs. demons, otherwise don’t see the logic in having 2 sigils with same effect but different name (Elemental=Demon Slaying Sigil). I have tested it and it does work vs elementals but not against demons.