Showing Posts For Nik Perumov.5694:
Yes, I have the same problem. I’m pretty sure I didn’t walk in fire, and I have no summons either.
Solo’d on thief. Just used shadow trap to get to Caithe asap. Also left mined body there. At last def phase you can just jump down and wait. It’s not necessary to fight with this mobs. But still imbalanced because it’s just impossible to save the group without portal/shadow trap.
2nd concept is really good in my opinion. I’ve run hundreds of dungeons and killed over 9000 world bosses, but the best rare drop I’ve ever recieved was Venom (15g worth at that time). I tried MF for precursor, but no luck there also. So yes, I feel like I have no luck at all. After all I just don’t touch RNG any more. It is much more reliable to save money and buy the item from TP. I can’t say, that I recieve no exotics from loot, but mostly ones 1,5-2g and it doesn’t look like really “rare” loot. I agree that only token concept is boring, but RNG should be more fair. When you play like 5k hours and best rare loot worth 15g it is not rewarding at all. Here is how I would like to see it working. For example we have a drop rate X for dropping rare loot.
try #1 – drop rate X – no rare
try #2 – drop rate 2*X – no rare
try #3 – drop rate 3*X – no rare
try #n – drop rate n*X – got a rare!
try #n+1 – drop rate X…
Linear function is just an example. It can be any other increasing function.
It is still RNG, but guaranteed RNG. If you continue tries you finnaly get what you want. And even if you got nothing in a patticular run you think like “ok nothing today, but next time I’ll have more chance!” After getting rare loot you can just start from the beginning, or may be even with lower drop rate than X (X/2 for example). It’s need to be investigated to prevent mindless farming and damage to economics. I also would like to see a system “skill for loot” not just “time for loot”. Something like if you do solo dungeon (no exploits ofc) you get better loot, but this is another topic.
Today I tried to do guild trek 1st tier. After I started the mission I lost the ability to travel to the other maps. I just clicked the wp and nothing happened. I was still able to travel to wp inside current zone, and I also was able to change zone through the portal (between zones). Once I stand down the guild with active GM I could map travel as always. If you unsuccessfully try to map travel while representing guild with active mission the ability to wp is blocked and you need not only to stand down the guild but also to relog. I was doing this mission alone.
Thanks a lot for the video, ticktickboom! The thing is, I didn’t expect to complete this run, or even if I did, nobody would like to see 8 hours of rough gameplay video with over 9000 wipes. I really doubt I will ever go solo p4 again, because it’s not really reasonable for sale. LOS is really extremely useful against Elite Risen Illusionist, but unfortunately I found it out at the very end of my run. :-)
I used the same tactics with Melandru as on the video, and as I said before I din’t kill Dwayna legit solo. By the way I found, that using skill 2 on bow makes killing Lyssa’s illusions much safer than with S/P. It was nice too see how you kill Lupicus off wall, because it’s a great difference. I used to kill him the same way, but this is a bit random because his skill, when he is bombarding big area in front of him is too buggy and can hit you even when you are outside of red circle. I think you may find my tactics for phase 2 Lupicus a bit interesting. When he uses his aoe skill, I always use Withdraw or Roll for Initiative to have a big distance. The bigger distance the more time in needed for his projectiles to reach the ground. Then I just make a normal dodge at any safe direction and run to him or use skill 2 on dagger. This allows me to be never hitted by his projectiles. And one more, as for the mobs in Grenth room (exept 4 Elite Risen) I just balled them at the wall and killed with S/P and Blinding Powder.
May be I should really make a video of soloing Arah to have more impressive evidence of completing the run. xD I’ve never made gameplay video by myself, so I would be happy if you could suggest me a good program to make one.
Yes, glitching is problem for solo-rewarding-concept, but some easy solutions can be implemented with or even whithout it. Killing of all bosses should be the must for getting the reward, so at least bosses are not going to be skipped. The solution to what Enaretos.8079 said is to lock the reward at the beggining of the dungeon. So if 5 players enter the dungeon they will get 1/5 of the reward each and even if they kick people they still get 1/5 of the reward. Reward can be decreased if more ppl come, but can’t be increased if people leave or get kicked.
(edited by Nik Perumov.5694)
I spent few hours trying solo legit Dwayna, but I gave up. I just don’t have enough dps to kill her alone even in full ascended berserker gear. That’s the only problem with her. So yes, you need either to use bug or another player to help you. And I doubt even warrior can do it legit solo, at least I didn’t find any videos showing that, but who knows, warriors should have better dps. All the other bosses where killed normal solo without any help or exploits.
They don’t give you a bigger reward because they want to promote teamwork between the players.
The thing is, many experienced players, who play from the release, who did their dungeon master 1,5 years ago and who completed dungeons hundreds of times have no point in going there again. But there could be one reason to return to dungeons: money. I can run solo arah p3 in like 40 min and earn 20 gold selling it. Can I earn something like this in any other dungeon with full party? – No. Teamwork is a good thing, but I’d like I could do dungeon duo with my friend and earn 2,5 x reward. 2 people is also a team. Not everybody can do solo any dungeon anyway, but most likely can duo or trio. Soloing is always more profitable than teamwork, but currently this profit can only be obtained by selling dungeons, which I don’t like even being a seller. Soloing already exists, but my suggestion is just to make this activity more “legit” without selling dungeons.
Hello, folks! I’m very excited to say, that I’ve just finished arah p4 solo as a thief! There are plenty of videos on youtube showing how people can solo p4 as a warrior or guard, but I couldn’t find any with a thief, so I decided to find out if it is a possible task for my favourite class. I’d like to mention, that it wasn’t my first time soloing arah. Previously I completed p2 and p3 many times, as some other thieves did. By the way I would be happy to know if anyone else tried/completed p4 solo as a thief. The whole final run took me about 4 hours plus I spent twice as much to find out strategies for all the enemies the day before. I’ve lost a count of how many times I died, but roughly it should be somewhere around 50 xD. You will be very surprised to know what was the hardest part of my run – elite mobs! I mean this 4 Elite Risens standing together before the Grenth and Bloodstone, especially Elite Risen Illusionist – that was the real pain in my kitten … It was pretty hard to find out good strategies to kill bosses, but when you find one you kill the boss from the first pull. I don’t want to pay attention on builds and strategies for each boss, but if anybody interests please ask, and I will be happy to give you some tips. However, as for me that’s the most interesting part in soloing dungeons – finding builds, mechanics and strategies. Despite all the pain and wipes, I’m very happy that I completed this run and hopefully increased my skill :-).
In the second part I’d like to say some words about soloing dungeons in general. I find it very interesting, exciting and challenging to solo the content designed for a party of 5 players, but unfortunatelly not every dungeon can be done solo. I fully acknowledge that dungeons are not initially intended to do solo, but why not? Many people would like to see more really hard content for experienced players in this game. At the moment only fighting with Liadri the Concealing Dark can be compared with soloing Lupicus and called “hard contend”. The lack of hardcore content made soloing dungeons so popular for elite pve players and I think it can be used as a base. But there is one thing, which disappoints me the most. Why playing hardcore content is not appropriate rewarded? Why do you recieve the same reward when you play solo and when you are in a party? I remember Guild Wars 1, where it was profitable to play with not full party or even solo: solo UW farming, solo green farming, raptor farming and many more. When you went solo to UW you recieved the drop like whole party of 8 people did and that was really rewarding. Here in Guild Wars 2 there is no point in doing dungeon solo, unless you sell them. For example, if you recieved not just 3 gold and 60 tokens for completing solo arah p2, but 3 × 5 = 15 gold and 60 × 5 = 300 tokens, that would be really rewarding and awesome. If it was so there would be no more point in selling dungeons, which is honestly speaking killing the pve. Also it would widen possibility of farm. Compared to Guild Wars 1 here is just too few ways of farming, which is an essential part of any mmorpg. That’s just my suggestion, feel free to comment and criticise and good luck in soloing dungeons!
Hello folks! I’m quite surprised there is no such topic already, or at least I didn’t find one. I would like to pay attention on infusions with +5 AR, +5 stat. In my opinion the current prices are just impossible and imbalanced. Mighty Infusion with +5 AR, +5 power value is about 50 gold and Versatile Mighty Infusion with the same stats will cost you about 130 gold. I’m sincerely asking Anet do you really think this is normal? o_O There are 14 infusion slots in equipment now and a full set of such infusions can be created for about 700 gold. It is more than a full set of ascended equipment itself with the best runes and sigils can be crafted for. So you can get +70 extra stats for 700 gold. I wouldn’t complain if there were no alternative, but there is one. This +70 extra stats can be earned from wvw infusions (Mighty WvW Infusion), which cost you…nothing. Badges of honor is nothing, most people have tons of them, especially those who play wvw regulary. Of course it requires some time, but still incommensurably with earning 700 gold. In that case I wonder why there is so big difference between infusions for wvw players and for pve players, who run FOTM. Even more: it’s not possible to run fractals without AR, while wvw players can still do wvw easily without +\-1 damage vs NPC. This means the following: if you like fractals you lose stats, other way you should have another equipment set. I suggest that the amount of T6 materials you need for creating infusions with +5 AR, +5 stats should be reduced by 5 times i.e. from 100 to 20 for offensive/defensive infusions and from 250 to 50 for omni ones. May be some other ratio can be used so that people could afford buying mentioned infusions.
Hello folks! I’d like to share with you some of my thoughts about making ascended gear account-bound. When I heard this for the first time it seemed very attractive for me, but after a time I realised that this changes are practically useless. At least they are so for me. Please remember, that it is only my opinion and I’m not pretending this to be taken as gospel. At the moment I have two level 80 characters using medium armor: thief and ranger. My thief currently has knight’s ascended gear, but in view of comming updates and some other factors I decided to change it on berserker’s, which cost for me 470g (only armor). You may thougt: “Man, with this new changes you can pass your old gear to your ranger!” No I can’t. My rangrer’s buid is based on condition damage and I prefer using rampager’s stat. Since ascened gear gives only +5% benefit I suppose it is much better to wear exotic gear, but with right stats on it. My engeneer is not 80 lvl, but if he was, I would like to see him wearing rabid’s gear. Anyway my knight’s gear goes to the rubbish bin, in case I can’t even salvage this gear. That’s my personal example, but I think there are a lot of people having different builds on their characters. For example it is very possible to have support guardian and zerk warrior or zerk mesmer, healing elementalist and condition damage necromancer. The question is: What is a chance to have same build on different characters using same armor type?
I’m quite sure that this feature should be improved. May be it should be possible to change stats on ascended armor as you can do with legendary. May be this could be done not for free. For example to change stats you can forge existing ascended piece with new ascended insignia/inscription with a new stats, but not for full price again. May be you could have one-time possibility to change stats when equipping ascended items to new character, or something like that. May be ascended gear should be salvagable with a good chance getting 500 lvl crafting materials. I hope you’ve got the main idea. Please discuss and sorry for my English( it’s not my native language).
And also it makes a sort by wins
In my opinion it should be this way: rank=next tier in achievement. If Anet want to separate them, then account medal should not depend on achievement (it certainly does atm).
Hmm…I found the answer! Neither top stat bonus(5 points), End-of-match bonus for winning or even tournament win bonus(200 points) do NOT count to the achievement! I’d say this should be fixed.
P.S. May be I remember incorrect, but when I got my rank 20(it happened few months ago), I got my title before the exact rank, as it should be in my idea(and as wiki says).
P.P.S. I would appreciate, if someone could tell how’s his or her achievement work.
Hello, Anet! I’m not quite sure if it is a real bug, but it seams very strange to me. I’ve recently got rank 30 in spvp. According to wiki I should have earned 136.5k + 2.5k rank points by this moment, but my “Avenger” achievement shows ~110k. The question is where are another ~30k? Kind a big loss for me, you know. My account medal is still dolyak…
I look forward for any comments about this issue…
I wonder, why they just can’t make real drop rate… They are going to make scavenger hunt, which means, that everyone will be able to get precursor. Someone will use it, another will sell it(if they won’t be soul/account bound). This is thousands of weapons… It’s obvious, that prices will just crash. In that case, Anet, why you just can’t make more realistic drop rate unit scavenger hunt is ready? I don’t think, it would be a great problem for economy if precursors cost 100-200 gold for example(actually many of them did so after karka event). I’m trying to make bolt and I spent about 1k gold for gifts, and now I just can’t farm any more for zap, which is 450g. That will just make me hate pve. I tried MF(750 rares), I did a lot of dragon events – still no luck. Ok, if increasing drop rate doesn’t seam acceptable for you, can you make the process less random? For example drop 1000 rares into MF, of kill 100/200/whatever world bosses to get a guarantied precursor. Or another suggestion: with every opened chest/weapon thrown into MF you get +0,1%(or whatever reasonable percentage) chance for precursor, and when you finally get it the chance become 0 and you can start from the beginning, if you like. Anet, please, make a small patch before the scavenger hunt, or tell us if it’s coming soon or not. I hope you will read this cry of my soul…
Just wasted all my money (750 rares) in MF… Recieved 49 exotics, which were also thrown into MF and… nothing lol. I’m giving up till scavenger hunt.
Hello, can someone tell me, if path 1 works properly now or not? Thanks.
Yeh, I’ve done 100% map and now have only 50 (I crafted many mystic weapons). Dungeon run reward is 177k exp but I don’t think I could do this 300+ times xD. It’s easier to delete my char and lvl up new one). I have no idea what to do now, because bloodstone shards seem to be soulboud so I can’t lvl up another char and use skill point on it.
Hello Anet, recently I’ve faced a problem. I started to think about crafting my legendary and realized that I need about 350 skill points for it, but I currently have only about 50 of them. I can’t see any good way to farm them. 300×254k exp is not really easy to earn. So I have a suggestion. I think it would be great if players could earn skill points for completing high-end events, such as temples or claw of jormag. Even 1 skill point for event would be a great deal. Thanks.