Showing Posts For Nimbl.8957:

Ghost thief exploit, working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


btw.. i also heard someone saying that they could use a wall to stack stealth somehow.. dont know how that would work.. since i dont play thief

Do some research before you post like a moron. Stealth has a cap so they can’t stack it stupid high. They have reapply every few seconds.

I have watched you play and you are trash, you think that cripple strips stab for god sakes, why would/should anyone believe that this is anything other than you continuing to cry about a class you just can’t counter because you don’t know how their mechanics work.

Instead of taking to the forums to cry every time someone kills you saying it’s broken or hacks perhaps you should just learn to deal with the classes and builds. I kill ghost thieves regularly, they are a dumb build and a bad idea but they aren’t god like. Learn the game, you and people like you are the reason that we can’t have nice things and ANET just patches in worse and worse crap. Because you carebears can’t comprehend anything other than what you have always done.

The Guild frustrations of WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


How was your 6 months on Jade Quarry TW? Oh wait thats right there is no server loyalty and left after 2 months. kitten that is one sweet deal right??

Rumour is that Sladi transfered TW off because he is still salty because JQ and TC double teamed BG in season 2. And now he led the wolves to their retirement home where they slowly perish.

But the wolves with rise again. Tarnished wolves – a WoW raiding guild!

We stayed on JQ for four months. I transferred us off after initiating a coup to overthrow Indo because of him leading us to a wasteland of a server. TW is running private raids of 20-30 man squads 4-5 times a week and would be well worth the investment for DH.

Even if it was 4 months the original agreement was 6 months at least. So 4/6 is 66% which in most places is a D or a F. Unless you plan on repaying for lost time and not having 5-6 public commander like originally promised I would stay away DH. There hasn’t been loyalty anywhere with TW. They have just continually hopped from server to server. When ish hits the fan they bounce.

Can you present me and my team with the legal documentation for review? Were there written and signed documents?

Additionally what core members has TW booted of late? The only one I have heard they are trying to offload is Eldsvada Dod who they apparently shipped off to WoW.

As far kitten goes, I have raided with them, if you are serious about wvw don’t even bother, being 1 pushed isn’t considered competitive pvp unless you are trying to compete for most lost KDR.

Stop pin-sniping

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


this thread belongs on the cancer boards… come on.

and LOL at the Mag guy who thinks he needs 2-3 thieves to 1 shot a commander.

Anet, fix the moa invis bug and call it a day.

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


oh btw Tiff.. Dods etc… im loving the “Terribad Guild” Thing… i feel so famous now with an entire guild dedicated to trying to kill me [True]

I LOVE IT!!!!…

So funny when i kill em too =P … and Transfer Wolves too =) I loved triple downing Tiff the other night just for the heck of it at 1500 range.. made me giggle lol

Made my day! Soo funny you guys.

Tiff and Dods are still both on TC, and Tiff has not logged in for about 2 weeks.


I see True is still an idiot. Too bad he has me blocked, I miss whispering him asking why he died.

Isn’t he flying the RFG tag now? whats that stand for again? kittened kittening Guild?

“cripple downs, it removes stab”
“flowers left”

Listening/reading anything from True like listening to a Sarah Palin speech.

(edited by Nimbl.8957)

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


Despite Tiff being right that the Druid is just out classed in usability. Let’s discuss the type of player that goes to Druid/ranger. Most of them/you (Truefailure) tend to be the guys who can’t grasp proper movement for classes that have short range (necro @ 900) and so you had to go for something with 1500 range. With that amazing range however you manage to get even further out of position and then are even less useful. Ranger/Druid can be OK from time to time but is sub optimal. But most people end up being a sub optimal player like the “True….” I can’t be bothered to remember the rest of your name" who dies on inc and is just a liability to be resed by the people who understand how to move and be useful.

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


I play on SOS

No whenever I feel the lag everyone else has been as well.

I would assume that DB and Mag have had the same basic experience.

  • What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?

FPS lag (causes, often misnamed as “skill lag”)

  • What server are you on?


  • Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?

Same as my SOS counterpart, above. We all experience it, but to varying degrees.

This is linked to the CPU binding of data throughput for the client. We have talked this out in-guild and in-server, finding that FPS in battle scales with both the strength and make/model of CPU and north-bridge parts. Intel still performs better than AMD for this game.

  • Do you experience the lag at very specific times?

In any fight where FPS/skill lag is at its worst my AMD machine will hit 5-15FPS where an Intel player next to me will hit ~20FPS. A very high-end Intel player in-guild reports >30FPS in all fights.

The severity scales with number of participants to the battle. It’s that simple. This hasn’t fundamentally changed since game release.

I maintain 60+ FPS even in zerg fights I haven’t seen an FPS drop at all this week. I still get the skill lag.

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


Skill lag and rubberbanding. I play a thief many times I will enter stealth after 5-10 seconds then portal backward about 50 yards my abilities will be on CD no longer in stealth and a group is about to hit me in the face.

I play on SOS

No whenever I feel the lag everyone else has been as well.

I can’t speak for the other servers but I everyone on the map talks about lag at the same time.

I can play during the day and get almost no lag but around NA prime (1700 or later server) and the lag starts to really get going.

The lag only gets worse when it is zerg vs zerg but it starts if the E-zerg is at SM and we are at our keep.

Estimated zerg sizes, All servers in the T2 match-up have been running heavy during NA. ZOD had 25 on tag yesterday and about 10 pugs just following along, there was a 3 way fight with Mag and DB both of which had about the same numbers. On reset Zod had 35 members while the rest of the players were on the other side of the map. Fighting DB the lag was incredibly bad just 1z vs. 1z I couldn’t imagine that they had more than 50 players in Hills most of the time.

Originally I assumed that it was due to servers running extra heavy however I have noticed that my server will have the outnumbered buff on a BL and only the BL home server is there but we still get the lag during NA prime even if I am roaming and there aren’t any fights on the map. I would assume that DB and Mag have had the same basic experience.

Nerfing Berk actually hurts Cavalier/Valk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


Don’t think anyone said d/p want viable or even the build wasn’t. But you aren’t going to 1v3+ with it even if you pop your signets early enough to still have them a second time and you have lyssa for buffs. Not against good players at least

FYI standing in blinding powder does nothing for you if you get a c&d steal backstab combo, the thief will not be blind I hit it every time. Also c&d hits if you know how to do it properly even without steal it may be avoided from time to time but I have no issues with it. And I still hit 18k back stabs without 15-18 stacks of might granted not as often as I would with those stacks.

Anyway to return the thread to the topic in the subject line yeah, nerds inbound adjust or fail basically is what it boils down to.

Edit: spelling

[VOTE] Is Guild Wars 2 heading a good way?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957



Honestly I am only playing this game because dice failed with bf4 and wildstar isn’t out yet. Anet continues to make stupid choices ignore solid ideas implement dumb ones and generally f things up. I only wvw so to me this ferocity patch hitting during the season is a really bad idea. It will become whichever server can change their gear out to the new meta the fastest and adapt will perform the best. While I am not opposed to change I don’t think it should be there while we are in leagues especially since it is to fix a crapy pve system not pvp/wvw related.

This game just happens to be better than the other mmos I have to pick from

Nerfing Berk actually hurts Cavalier/Valk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


So riddle me this. What are you going to do when you get stunned? No stun break, so you better never make a mistake. And your 15-18 stacks rely on signets and refuge + rolling. Not saying it doesn’t work but in order to do it you become a 1 trick pony.

Nerfing Berk actually hurts Cavalier/Valk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


@rage. To each his own I guess. I roam and take on 1vX with 0 toughness I can take the opening back stab from full zerk thief and be just fine. Just have to be on your toes. Divinity runes………

But yeah 15-18 stacks permanent might on a thief? Not since October boss log over to that thief and link us some time/date stamped video of those permanent stacks pls because I would love to know how that’s done.

Nerfing Berk actually hurts Cavalier/Valk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


I’ll quit ele before I go play a staff on a zerg and stand on walls. Scepter/dagger was the only truly glassy playstyle I enjoyed.

I don’t want to play some kitten proof d/d cantrip crap god knows that’s been force fed to most eles for over a year and I’m sick of beiung forced to play a bunker unless I’m a thief or warrior or mesmer.

1) your comment about D/D thief is opinion. I haven’t been beaten by a d/p thief in over 6 months and I play d/d

2) go find something else to play then because your constant rant here fixes nothing. It isn’t about how kittene person can rant it is about how many people back the change or are opposed to it. We get it, you are upset. Many of us are as well but throwing a fit will get even fewer results than your calm suggestion posts did previously.

Nerfing Berk actually hurts Cavalier/Valk

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


First the nerf isn’t just 10% flat damage. That 10% is all added up by a 30% roughly crit damage reduction. So the thief who relies on those high Frits to get the kill will be losing out on more damage than a warrior who isn’t resetting and re-opening.

@zenith we get it you play fresh air ele and don’t know/want how to play anything else. Time to learn dude because it is about to be in the past if the nerf really is as bad as theory craft says for fresh air.

@rage. You shouldn’t be using cav gear as a thief anyway. Valk armor zerk trinkets. If you are dying it is due to bad positioning or lack of attention toughness doesn’t do anything for you when you are only getting about 1-200 of it max. That is like running full zerk with yack runes.

I am with you guys I don’t like the fix they are inserting when it is to fix their bad encounters in pve since the only pve I did was to complete a legendary. The devs know that they are hitting a lot of sets other than zerk and either will buff them or don’t care and we have to deal with it. Go play condi, get a dif gear set, whatever because no amount of our opinion will change the fact that anet is on par with some of the worst game devs I have seen in the past 3-4 years. You have all played other games and seen the qq about this class, that build, this ability and then it gets nerfed into the ground. You want perfect balance? Only make 1 class 1 set of gear and no build options. You want decent balance? Don’t put pve and pvp in your game if you can’t separate the gear and abilities from what they do in pve from pvp.

New mmos releasing in the next couple of months just bide your time for one of them.

Possible New Engineer Elite Skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


….. Like the scorpions in EotM?

Commander build advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


I have been running FT for months now and haven’t had problems with retal, then again I don’t just flame jet the whole time I rotate my skills and tools so I don’t think retal will be much of a problem. As for Bombs I know they have more utility I just am not a fan of them in a non condi build. I do like the elixir gun as well but the FT brings more to the table IMO.

I will look into the trait flip TY for that.

Tested the suitability today by rushing into a 50+ blob solo. I only popped Elixir X and stood there without attacking. It took them 18 seconds to get me into a down state after I got their attention. I did it again a second time and popped everything as I would normally and was able to get in and out without much trouble. Thanks for the input so far I think it is strong.

Commander build advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


I really don’t like the healing bombs. It doesn’t fit my play style.

Commander build advice

in Engineer

Posted by: Nimbl.8957


I put this build together but have yet to try it due to lack of sufficient testing time thus I wanted to reach out to the community.

The build sits at 3311 defense and an unbuffed 23702 HP. Increased shield skills and 2 shields in the build allow it to be very defensive. FT for tagging and blindness, fire field for might stacking before the fight, cone blow back etc. The Elixir X brings 15 seconds of stability to the build every 105 seconds and coupled with elixir b you can get even more, though I likely would swap that out for rocket boots or elixir s if I had plenty of group stability already. What are your thoughts?

Remember this is for commanding and not to be the spike damage of your blob. A commander who is still alive is always better than a commander who drops 2 people and dies in the first push hence the extremely defensive build.