Showing Highly Rated Posts By Noblehawk.8036:

[Bugreport] WvW HoT 1.0

in WvW

Posted by: Noblehawk.8036


Will just leave this here…. hopefully didn’t forget much – feel free to add if I did

- Autolooting not working in WVW.
- Objectives too far from each other. Treb doesn’t “quite” reach.
- Guild fortified transported (+5) missing from guilds which already had it.
- Many PvE mechanics to crowd control/damage players have been placed to WvW map.
- Shrines and epic megalazer™ are showing on map and it not aprils fools day yet.
- Objectives are upgrading even when no one is talking with the quartermaster about the upgrade strategy.
- Objetives are upgrading even when dedicated yakslapper is killing all the dollies coming from camps.
- Shield generator tells you have to buy PvE expansion for it to work.
- Objective lord thinks that he is the center of WvW fight.
- New borderlands are designed for PvE rather than WvW.
- Average defender is unable to navigate in new keeps without a map.
- Locating stealthy personnel from keeps requires clairvoyant elite specialization.
- There is lava on the floor.
- People who liked upgrading stuff are now unemployed.
- People who liked to escort dollies are not escorting dollies because of the “reason?”.
- People who liked to roam deep into enemy border to kill dollies and deny camps are asking “why?” and writing to forums instead.
- Resource nodes are demonstrating inside towers and camps for their brief relocation to original placements.
- Resource nodes in keeps and sm do like their new placements, but they don’t like to be so near of each other.
- “There” is no one to fight and even there was, no one wants to walk all the way to get “there”.
- Even merchants love selling siege, not most merchants should sell only siege.
- Generally it is a good idea if burning oil above some random (sm) doorway reaches ground.
- Waypoints should be open only in friendly objectives(?).
- Clicking WvW button takes you to jumping puzzle instead (and parachutes are missing).
- Completing master of ruins daily is not possible because WvW map is not loaded.
- “Hello! I am waypoint and my name is Invincible Ivan. You don’t need to defend me!”

(edited by Noblehawk.8036)