Showing Posts For Noct.1495:
Wow GH must have rolled REALLY high, and PS somewhat low to draw this match in the #4 slot.
Actually the chance of us (GH) facing PS was 0.366492%. We were just really lucky!
LOL. It’s like hitting the jackpot then wanting to hang yourself.
I already feel sad for Gunnar.
My apologies for what you have to go through this week Gunnar People :/
why? we like a good beating
but thx anyay for th gentle words.
cu on th battle fields
Just want to say sorry to SOE and CHcv if my comment upset you, it wasn’t ment for that. I just find it a bit borring and dull when you meet 2 good guilds on a borderland that potentially can give you great fights, and in 2 hours all they do to you is either run into a buffed supply camp, run inside a tower or hold hands. The death penalty in this game is very low, less than 2 silver each death :P
For example when u guys came and defended inner hills together, I rly dont mind that at all, that’s just natural ofc :P
And I never care if my opponent is more than us^^ before [Air] merged with [FIRE] I dont know how many times the 6-10 of us charged into zergs of 30+ and I do not know how many times we died and won, loads of both. I’m here for the challenge, not for the lootbags
apologies accepted
on that Hills fight you guys would have won, SOE softened you guys up and just the momnt they we re pulling back to inner we arrivd making it able for CHvc to wipe you. SOE alone or CHvc alone would have struggled for sure. Anyway, so far I ve always enjoyed fighting FIRE and you re totally right having an equal balanced fight (number wise) is always most fun, sadly it s hard to find due to 2 many guilds joining forces all the time.
See you on the battle field!
kitten I rly need a new keyboard kitten ‘E’ button is so broken :p
Also, we didn’t run with CHvc last night. We met at water and fought the Dz zerg together but after that we went our separate ways.
nope we didn’t, ofc if you have 2 guilds roaming the same map it happens we end up in the same battle. Sometimes SOE jumps into our fights, sometimes we go help them. Sometimes indeed we end up defnding a keep togther,… Do you really expect to see only seperate guilds fighting in the fields? Go do some gvg man, stop running around in WvW, because that s what it is WvW or server versus sever. Can’t blame GH for having a strong community where people from other guilds get along fine and play together. It s what made GH th great server it is now. We all join our server mumble on a regular basis and yes evn our pugs most of the times are pretty well organised because we ve all played together for ages now.
Anyway, before I get draggd into 2 much negativity, thx everyone (from all servers) who where in Dzag BL tonight. Our ‘heavy night’ server event wouldn’t have been this much fun without Dzag and Ros bing so persistent in trying to take our hammer train down and in defending your Garrisson. Hats off for you stubborn kittens.
See you on the battle field!
ps: don’t worry we don’t do these events that often
jesus, we (Gh) are getting our butt kicked hard atm
great fights yesterday Dz and Ros, you guys kept us running all over our BL yesterday
keep up the fighting spirit and see you all on the battle field!
Are you being serious cause I sent a mail and mail is not working!
We are experiencing high amounts of traffic at this time. We are working hard to resolve this problem. We apologize for any in-convince caused.
Ethier – Serious Serious Serious Something……. Division.
lol, keep up your RP, I love it
thx bloin, the feeling is mutual. I ve had kittenloads of fun these last few weeks as well. It might be easy to say from someone from GH because w are winning, but kitten who cares about points. It s all about the fun and so far the massive figths we ve had in our primetime (evenings) have been very balanced if you ask me. W ve all kicked butt but kitten we ve all received quite some slapping as well :p
I ve had superb zerg fights but our BL still provide room for small fights as well.
Thank you all and see you on the battlefields
Rof and dz, thx alot for a suprb evening of WvW on RoF BL, kitten we had so much fun. Epic battles and amazing 3-way fights!
Thx alot for splendid GvG fun NP!
Was a great learning experience, thx for the patience and the headsup
Looking forward to ‘see’ you on mumble on Friday :p
(edited by Noct.1495)
thank you for the offer gunners well look into it
no way, fighting you guys is 2 much fun
go for tier 5-6 and hope we can grow further and met you there :p
I wish Whiteside all the best, and I think that they probably have a decent core of guys who will/have become what we did. A community forged through hardship.
I think I can safely that everyone on WSR hope that GH does not end up losing players when they move up the ladder against two formidable worlds which hit harder than we and RoF have.
By losing I mean by guilds which start to realise they cant beat a foe, so the alternative is to move server jump ship than to stay loyal and fight for the world you are in.
The core guilds like SOE, Mara, CHvc, … who have been here from start and struggeled through the first few months loosing week after week though keeping up the spirit (cfr. WSR now) will for sure stick around and hold up the GH motto – always outmanned never outgunned -
With the new guilds joining us the last week and GH having way bigger numbers personally I like WvW alot less. 2 many zergs, 2 few epic battles. Anyway hoping it ll get more stable once we move up a tier.
GL WSR, you truly have been a worthy opponent, I hope in time we ll get on equal numbers or we merge together ;-)
I still think GH outnumbers us. We held you guys to a couple of spots before finally evicting you from the map
We went to bed :P hence the 0 defense in Hills haha we would have held hills a little more however we were just all dropping off one by one so we called it. There was a good 30+ around hills most of the night which CHvc, SOE, imp, Core and many others held off for a good few hours. In fact we were massively outnumbered at some points, such as the fights with SOGR and in the lords room at two points that night. Much fun on the borders last night and hoping for many more fun fights this week!
at that second push into the Lords room we barely had 10 people inside. Thank good we had quite a few guardians to keep th hallway blocked, and that superior balista rly kicked some kitten
WSR are clearly doing their best. Its a shame they got fewer numbers because otherwise this would be the perfect matchup. Whether trebbing SM is suicidal or cunning, at least those guys are persistant. If you cant win you can at least be a pain in the back. Seems we share a motto^^
it s not about numbers, I ve seen 10 people hold off zergs of 30. It s all about communication, good spirit, tactics and skills. I personnaly prefer to be the underdog (as long as he the opposite force isn’ 2 overwhelming). Personally I don’t think GH have more people, we just tend to swap BL faster when asked.
That should be a lesson to WSR for next week. If we see you in numbers somewhere outside your border, we’re coming to mess your kitten up. I promise.
I think I can speak for everyone on WSR, when I say, we really don’t care (just look how SM is still being attacked 24/7 with trebs even though it pee’s off GH)
We took our entire BL’s back, and went roaming into the ‘easy target’ with almost everyone who took it back instead of upgrading/defending it again (since that’s virtually impossible now we’re so heavily outmanned)
I’ll see you in the RoF bl’s
That s the attitude we (GH) like! Keep up the fight, don’t worry 2 much (it s only a game) and se you ingame! IF servers do merge in the future WSR s got my vote to team up with GH
Epic defense at Hills on RoF BL, keep up the splendid work GH!
And thx for keeping up the spirit RoF, you guys sure don’t give up easily :-) Looking forward for the next rumble
Poor Whiteside… really XD
Ok we hit em quite hard at the end, both RoF (NP and Icon?) and 2 packs of GH as well. But they ll hit back, seen quite a few decent fights last week, don’t understimate the underdog. They didn’t end that far from RoF this week in points!
Intersting start of the week against the same opponents but sure felt different then what we ve sen these last few days. Big numbers in as wel WSR BL as in RoF BL. Quite a few interesting fights guys. Icon and NP, keep up the good fight, always a blast fighting you guys.
Ow just one thing: when we snaked in between your supply group and siege group at WSR Bay, we (CHvc) were only 12 left + a few randoms. So don’t think we had the upperhand on numbers. Just a bit of luck running past the supply group that just ran into the camp as we ran over the wall. Got the gate repaired just in time to cut off this team and wiped the inner team.
2 bad you crushed us so hard just a little later at longview Then again, we didn’t expect Icon and NP around the corner kitten
Looking forward to the rest of the week!
Although the week hasn’t finnished I already wana thank everyone who participated in what s for me been the most exciting WvW week so far. Not because GH is gonna end up first for a change, but bcause it was really enjoyable fighting against RoF and WSR. In general we had really nice battles and both WSR as RoF get my vote for being brave and honourable fighters. I hope we get more of these matchups soon.
Special thanks to Night Pact (NP), it s thx to you guys we Cry Havoc (CHvc) started to focus and kept looking for some tactics (before we just grouped up and went for some fun). We had some great encounters, we re still learning alot, adjusting and finetuning our tactics and tweaking our regular players. Hope to bump into you guys more often, superb fun!
Special thx as well to all our Commanders who did a splendid job this week, it s you guys who are making it work! Thx for the hard work and the patience
(edited by Noct.1495)