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Diminishing return on dungeon tokens since Nov, 10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nodora.1365


I didn’t know it was implemented more than a month ago. Just started to get this yesterday. But as mentioned above by others, I still think it’s a nonsense to reduce your reward for doing it fast.

Inevitably you will get better and better in a particular dungeon. Do we skip some group of trash? Yes. Not always, but after doing the same dungeon over 30-40 times, you simply don’t wanna kill every single mob inside. And to be honest, the game shows you it’s not necessary. So you master your class, gear you toon, learn a dungeon, do it fast – cuz you have a nice group – and what? Instead of getting better rewards, you get punished. Way to go!

I agree that nobody can dictate how I enjoy my time playing, but apparently they do. I guess I’ll just have to adapt.

If ANet wants the players to go a bit slowly and still have a sense of purpose, why not putting the tokens back in the mid bosses? Because mostly mid bosses are way harder than the last one (see Lupicus and Ancient Ooze in Arah, or even some paths in AC). Give us 10-15 tokens in the 2 before last bosses and reduce the final amount. Would be a less painful experience. Specially when you have a problematic group or are open to bugs before finishing the dungeon. For instance, Arah path 1, when the other night my group took almost 3 hours to complete (for the first time), killed every boss, included the last one. But NPC “script” bugged and we got 0 tokens.

Diminishing return on dungeon tokens since Nov, 10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nodora.1365


Well… I just realized today after running 3 paths on Twilight Arbor and then 1 path on Ascalonian Catacombs. The second and third path on AC me and my guildies got 45 tokens only. We planning on going Arah next, but come on… risking to get only 45 tokens or even 30 it’s not worthy it (one of our PUG got 45 then 30 respectivelly after 2nd and 3rd TA run).

Is it really intented to DR dungeon tokens, even if its a DIFFERENT dungeon and a path you’re running for the first time that day? I hope it’s not, because probably millions of people will just rage quit (me included) for some mindless punishment for playing the game fair.

On a sidenote, I usually don’t come to forums to complain. But this is something to worry about.

Losing Personal Story progress...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nodora.1365


I also have this problem. Sometimes when I’m on WvW or doing Personal Story I lose connection with my ISP and have to start all over again. Not to mention the random dc from the game itself. It’s really annoying and demotivating for instance in long story lines like Claw Island. For sure they need to make a fix on it. Like the sPvP tournament when you got dc in a game you come back after loading Mists and then the map you were.