(edited by NormalNormy.4261)
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I’m new to raids and can’t find a group if my life depended on it. I have teamspeak and I main a DPS warrior with full ascended gear and Twilight. (Dungeon Master title if that gives me any credibility).
8.6k AP
Warrior name is “Im So Legit” just pm or send me mail.
They wont fix it, they don’t want people getting these collections done so quickly. That’s why more than one collection is bugged and no fixes have been made after so long.
None of you followed what I said!!!!!! I said more than warrior [USING THE SAME EXACT BUILD] lol! Warriors are nice but most likely everyone will run phalanx with empower which do NOT stack so it’s a waste. So far my best team setup was me (phalanx/empower) with 2 staff eles, a guard, and a thief. We did all paths of 2 dungeons in under and hour and it was amazing
I’d also like to note than it only takes 1 warrior to keep the whole groups might at 25 stacks without using the tactics banner.
The downside to it being so good is that you’ll most likely have more than 1 warrior on a team using the same exact thing like empower and phalanx which nullifies the effectiveness as they don’t stack and 1 warrior can already rack up 25 might with ease.
If I have a chance, I try to get a bunch of dps eles on my team when I run phalanx lol the dungeons runs are amazing.
Searching for dungeon master AND recruits open to learning and teaching anything possible in the dungeon universe. A guild focused only on dungeons and FoTM, in search for recruiters and keeping an eye out for admins as well.
I prefer people to rep while running dungeons or FoTM
This is a new guild started on 3/31/2015
Send mail to me with any questions and interests involving the guild.
I find that using a phalanx warrior increases group dps and dungeon speed by a lot and can make up for what lower levels are lacking if there are any in the group.
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NormalNormy.4261
Will we have to pay for HoT?
Once again it happened today, score reset from about 180 to 0. Seems like it happens every day.
I would like to throw an idea out there and ask that something be done about scores being reset when you get disconnected from a game please! 2 times I had my score reset from around 200 back down to 0. 1 of those times I was robbed of my chance of getting a daily pvp class winner because it was at the end of a game.
I’m sure a LOT of people have had similar problems, can’t there be some sort of memory for each persons’ score in the game? Resetting is so unnecessary.
I have never heard of the Dungeoneer title! Wow that sounds like one that I would want.. I’m going to look into that one, thank you!
I think there should be an indicator or title of some sort that shows you have completed a collection of a certain dungeon. Maybe a small icon near the name similar to a map completion icon that only shows while you are in the dungeon or some kind of title. The rewards are really good but the only way to show off that you’ve done it is by linking what you got and that isn’t very prestigious. It’s just a random thought, I think people would really like this.
I think hard mode dungeons would be good, not entire dungeons though.. Maybe an extra path for every dungeon or dungeons about level 50. I was also thinking that having two parties on a hard mode path would be interesting, the two parties would split up and have to complete objectives which all lead up to the final boss or something. That’s about all I think, also bigger reward for the hard mode paths. Thank you for reading The double party thing is just a bonus but I really do think hard mode paths is a good idea.