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Functionality of the volunteer button (SM)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Norrec.2713


Whats the point of the “volunteer” button in Snowball Mayhem?

I thought it would work similarly to pvp, where if you volunteer, it gives you credit for the victory, since you started on the winning team. I was just playing a round where 3 of the opposing team left once we got a 200-0 lead, but after volunteering, it counted that I lost.

Whats the point of the volunteer button then? If this is what they were going for, wouldn’t it just make more sense to autobalance without any player input?

Can only craft precursor once?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Norrec.2713


If you scroll down to the paragraph right under the picture of the sylvari holding the energizer, you’ll see that they’ve always been once per account.

However, it does seem really weird that you can craft T1 and T2 again, considering the amount of materials they need, when you can’t craft the actual precursor more than once. I suppose they didn’t want to remove the recipes from your characters after you crafted it once. Anyway, good luck! I hope they return the materials you’ve used.

Precursor Crafting Overpriced?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Norrec.2713


Just for the record can someone officially list the material requirements for all 3 tiers of precursor crafting with the corresponding current gold values. Just so we all have the pertinent information accessible for this discussion. Thanks.

This is OP’s version of how much it cost him for just first tier:

So I just finished my first precursor crafting collection for the precursor The Legend and finally got my recipe to craft the first tier precursor and found, to my dismay, that the recipe is way too overpriced. So what is required for the FIRST tier alone?

-35 Spiritwood Planks @ ~8g each (280g)
-10 Elonian Leather Square @ ~8g each (80g)
-200 Memories of Battle @ ~17.7s each (27.5g)
-200 Shards of Glory @ ~20.5s each (45g)

For a grand total of about 430g! For the first tier! Meanwhile The precursor itself costs about 1100g, so you’re paying the equivalent of 40% of the precursor’s price for one out of 3 tiers, plus anything else needed for the collections themselves.

This is 1 reddit user’s account of the entire cost based on his cost estimates 2 days before OP posts this QQ thread:

Basically: OP’s version ~ maybe 800 g? maybe more?
Reddit user’s version (2 days before) ~ 600g

Now that everyone’s buying all the materials used to craft the legendaries, its quite obvious that the price would only go up… Yet no one wants to wait and let the prices settle down, or to play the rest of the game while slowly building up the materials on the side.

Whats idiotic is that there are some people who expected ANet to basically give them the precursor for free, cuz they’ve had the game for 3 years, and “deserve it” or to continuously change the recipe based on a fluctuating market, lol.

Precursor Crafting Overpriced?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Norrec.2713


The funny thing is… when HoT first released, Precursors were cheaper to craft than they were to buy. So the entire original argument is invalidated.

The only reason that its so high right now is that EVERYONE is trying to get their precursor as soon as possible, so its pushed the price of the mats up so much. Which, in turn, will push up the price of precursors on the TP. If you really wanted to craft it for less, you should have been one of the first ones to craft it. Now that you’re not, either wait for a few months till everyone finishes crafting theirs and the craze dies down and buy the materials for cheaper, or join the crowd and pay more.

There is no way for ANet to control the market (they can influence it, yes, but they can’t directly control it), so obviously they can’t adjust the recipe every time the cost of crafting a precursor goes higher than the cost to buy it outright.

Design your Revenant character!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Norrec.2713


Not really into RP, but I was trying to figure out what I would want my Revenant to look like when I use him in WvW… Its def got to be… unique… enough that people would instantly remember me on the battlefield :P


Eternity giveaway

in In-game Events

Posted by: Norrec.2713


I would love a chance for eternity

Engineer Bug: Slick Shoes auto-cooldown

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Norrec.2713


I’m getting this weird bug where if I use a skill and its on cool down, if I switch another skill slot to slick shoes, slick shoes gets the same cooldown as the skill on cooldown without being used. This doesn’t happen everytime, but it does happen every once in a while. (Which gets annoying cuz I switch to slick shoes to get the tool belt speed boost and have to wait before I switch my skill back).

Anyone else have the same issue?

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Norrec.2713


lol 50 chests is fair? :P

what about the people like me that didn’t get all those extra chests? Do they give us extra chests in return?

Weird Description in Power Knight Core

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Norrec.2713


was just random characters and symbols… but i managed to find another one and when they stacked it became alright…

Weird Description in Power Knight Core

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Norrec.2713


So I have a static power core in my inventory that has some really weird text in its description. Anyone else have this problem? The ones on the trading post all seem fine… seems to be just mine :P