Showing Posts For Noxin.5602:

Profession specific mechanics skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I’d like to suggest a little something; A tab among the Slot Skills, Weapon Skills, and Traits that lists Skills specific to your profession’s special mechanics.

I main Engineer and was slightly confused when switched over to Necromancer to check something out in HotM. And when the new Grandmaster trait in the Curses line said “Dark Path also converts two conditions into boons” I had to check which Slot Skill or Weapon Skill that was, but no, would have had to pop the Death Shroud to find it.

That leaves me with very little time to get a solid overview of the skill and see how certain Traits affect those skills, so a tab for that would be greatly appreciated.

Minipet sizes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I made a recent observation of my much adored Mini Bloody Prince Thorn. He is considerably smaller than many other minis out there, which is doubly odd considering the size of other human minis.

I feel that it’s rather moot posting this here, but I’m requesting a resize of the mini in question to the size of the Mini Queen Jennah.


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Engineer
Armor in question: Vigil Medium Coat

So, I logged in after this last patch to check if there were any progress on the Vigil/shield issue I’ve been posting about since late January. And indeed there was; the shield is no longer horizontaly implanted into my Charr’s elbow. HOWEVER.
Now her flesh stands on end on both arms, and it looks terribly disturbing when moving around.

Part Charr, part porcupine.

Edit: here’s a video of it in action. I hid the shoulders and gloves to show it.


(edited by Noxin.5602)

1 year anni: Color Blind perspective

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


It’s not a game bug per say. More like a suggestion and a good one at that.

Dual Ascended Weaponsets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I’m curious about wether or not the inactive weaponset’s Agony Resistance will be active in counting towards the total amount of AR, and if two-handed weapons get a buff to their infusion.

On the topic of a 2nd weapon set; remember Engineers and Elementalists do not have these and it would be incredibly unfair.

In short; will it work like Crit Dmg% ?

(edited by Noxin.5602)

WvW character limit & quality needs a change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noxin.5602


WvW character limit and quality needs a change of description as it’s no longer is limited to WvWvW. Had me confused for some 10 minutes as I waited for people to load in.
Either make separate options for PvE and WvW character limits or change the description.

Charr footsteps looking backwards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


You’d think it would be super simple to fix, and it probably is, but game breakers first!

Engineer turret bugs!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Heh, no wonder I only use them for their ‘knockback on destruction’ trait.
But very good suggestions on how to solve the problems!

Can someone help identify this armor!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noxin.5602


It seems that the headpiece is an NPC exclusive, commonly worn by Raven shamans. The shoulder is a skin you can buy for karma in Orr (not the Temple specific ones, though) and the chest and leg piece is another karma skin you can get in Harathi Hinterlands.

Visual Bug for vigil shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


No, it has been over half a year…
I’ve posted about this issue thrice on the forums. Reported it firstly in-game back in January and not as much as a peep about it : /

(edited by Noxin.5602)

missing rune effect for tornado

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


It has probably something to do with the skill being a transformation skill. It propbably has the same effect on the Norn’s racial elites, Engineer’s Elixir X, Necro’s Plague and Lich forms and Warrior’s Rampage.

Med. Vigil Armor Pieces and the Shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Nothing? It’s my favorite armor for my main character and it’s been like this for so long. It’s make me rather sad to see it not working as it should with my shields.

Med. Vigil Armor Pieces and the Shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I’d like to add that no Shield is unaffected. Even vielded in Preview.

Edit: Added another group of picture to prove my point.


(edited by Noxin.5602)

Med. Vigil Armor Pieces and the Shield

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Proffesion: Engineer
Armor: Every single piece of the Medium Vigil armor.

Issue: Each single piece of the Vigil armor causes the Shields to become integrated into my character’s elbow. It’s been like this since around January, but back then it was only the shoulderpiece and boots of the Vigil set that caused this. Since then it progressed into being caused by every single piece.
I’ve transmuted the armor over a set of lvl80 Rare Noble set of armor if that’s of any help.


Temple of the Forgotten God story mission

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


The one at the very end is not as obvious as the ones appearing before it. The last objective tells you to get to the exit as quickly as possible and with the amount of stress one might be feeling as the temple collapses does not help on the confusion.

Temple of the Forgotten God story mission

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


For some reason Exit Waypoints appear through out the the whole story mission and the one at the very end sendt me out of the Mission prematurely.

They appear at each hint waypoint and are dangerously easy to click and accept.

Game Crashes in WvWvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Reports of crashes from people playing WvWvW on every server (at least in the EU) since last night. Porting to any WP besides Citadel is a gamble, so is moving within the middle part of the map down to the southern parts. Getting close to various Tower gates also causes it without fail. It’s a bloody good defence when you don’t want the opposing teams to take Garrison since they also disconnect if they stay too long.
Are you guys looking into this?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Not including the two other continents would be and incredibly waste of creative work. I mean, just think of all the love and care that was put into it in the first place.

I do recognize that the Elder Dragons are the main driving force behind story for now, but I can’t help to hope that when the Deep Sea Dragon has been defeated we will be able to discover Cantha again. Or in another approach; Start out in Cantha as the opposed population that the Emperor wants slain, pushed from both sides as the DSD surfaces.

A Fractal of the Jade Sea won’t do it for me. I’d love for the whole region to return!

Missing Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


This was a frightful bug to wake up to; Seems like everybody is having this problem. Even my own Elysian Plains of Gandara.

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Class: Mesmer

Armor: Invaders Acolyte Leggings (lvl80)

Apparently it’s Find-the-clipping week for me c;
The pants are completely gone from the legs themselves as well as twisting the texture and glow on the legs. No other armor piece seems to affect this occurrence.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Class: Engineer

Armor: Vigil Shoulders
Weapon: Ghastly Shield

The armor and weapon this concerns is the Vigil shoulder armor and Ghastly Shield. I posted here about some clipping issue with the Vigil boots last time (glad to report that they don’t cause anything anymore), but now there’s this.
I didn’t test if this is true for all shields, but I’m guessing it is.

I think we can all agree upon this being a severe clipping issue


(edited by Noxin.5602)

[February] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Class: Engineer /medium
Armor/weapon: One piece of the armor makes the arm go through shields.
Full Vigil armor. Transmuted over lvl80 crafted Noble armor. Here with a Ghostly Shield. I’ve checked with more shields, the error occurs then too.
Nothing wrong here, but as soon as the Vigil Boots gets on…
BAM! Arm is going through the shield again. I went through every armor piece and the Vigil Boots are the only one causing this to happen.


GW2.exe process not terminating on close [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I also think this has a profund effect on the queues for WvWvW. It’s gotten really bad lately also, which make it more important to fix this. Guildies and I will test this a bit further today; form up a party and have one or two stay behind to confirm that our souls linger on in WvWvW.

(edited by Noxin.5602)

Switching Worlds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Thanks, but do you know what happens to the player’s items that is stoved into a bank or collection of crafting material and all that? I guess that’s easier to transfer.

Switching Worlds

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noxin.5602


I’m wondering what it is that my guild and I would lose on moving to another world. From what I’ve gathered it’s all the guild upgrades and points, but I’ve still not found any confirmations about it.

Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Tinka Tinkerclaw.
Iron Legion Engineer
Speciality; explosions galore.


Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Noxin.5602


Tinka Tinkerclaw, Charr female, Iron Legion, lvl.80

Working on making exotic Rampager gear. Can’t remember the name of it, but I absolutely can’t stand the look og the pants. It looks like old, wet, pruny skin.
Edit: It’s the Emblazoned set.


(edited by Noxin.5602)