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Can't Access Achievement Point Leaderboards

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


The leaderboards is unable to accept guild names with certain characters.

Page will load with “Internal server error”

Mortar needs a rework.

in Engineer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


Handheld-mortar kit. anyone?

Engineer Bugs Compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


  • Healing Turret’s Regeneration heals for 5 health per tick if you only gain Regeneration from the first pulse. Subsequent pulses from the turret apply a Regeneration boon that heals for the proper amount.

Here’s another one not listed
The healing turrets secondary ability doesn’t remove any conditions.
the description says “Overcharge your healing turret, supplying a burst of healing that cures all conditions

tested severel times, seems to work here and there though – but never when i really need it

The effects of overcharge will apply the next time your turrent fires (when it creates the water field).

It would be more accurate to say: “Regeneration boon from healing turrent heals for 5 after the turrent is no longer in existence.”

I wish they used our healing power…

I want an Elite Mantra

in Mesmer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


Mantra that spawns 3 illusions instantly.

yes! so cool.

PVE Full Rampager vs Full Berserker, which is best and why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


Confusion deals twice as much dmg. Not conditions in general :P

This is a really interesting debate. I have a tough/prec/cond + coral jewels, and full berserker.

I have no maths, but from what I “feel” after much playing around, staff with extra bounce trait and power/prec/cond/critdmg seems to have the second hardest auto atk.

(i think that.. no maths again)Hardest auto atk will be 4 charged up mantras with full berserker. but i hate playing this build cause i <3 my other utils so much.

For tagging dynamic events in cs, I find that berserker works best as direct dmg is what you want when mobs die so fast.

Hybrid stats with staff is great for pve (dungeons) for me, because i don’t have to rely only on phantasm to due dmg, staff clones are painful with shaper images and high cond dmg. Destroying objects won’t be too slow, and cond dmg comes in useful on certain bosses with high toughness. Also I love how both my f1 and f2 shatters deal tons of dmg. When i used full cond/full direct dmg, i always felt lacking as only 1 of my shatters is dealing massive dmg.

Yes, I bolded “for me”. You should find what is best for you. Even if you min-max the maths for the best dps, whether or not you like that play-style/gameplay is a different thing all together. Just like how I felt mantra build dealt the most dps but I dislike playing with it.

Farming Build? (Cursed Shore)

in Guardian

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


To be honest guardians are just so good at tagging with staff/gs/hammer. You don’t really need a “farming” build.

With a really low dps build ( and pwr/tough/vit and sapphire jewels). I can tag mobs without too much of a problem.

Why low base HP might be a good thing...

in Guardian

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


Overhealing will happen. That is the point of being a guardian, you constantly gain health while in combat. This is the reason why we are given a low base hp.

While that is true, overhealing won’t be a problem if you have high vit.

Assuming signet of resolve heals for 60% of your max hp. In order not to overheal, you need to heal at around/below 30% because 10% of hp will regen easily.
Most of the time, it is best to heal not at 30%, but at your “i-am-safe-with-this-amount-of-hp-left” threshold. The more vit you have, the bigger the margin between this threshold and 30%, resulting in less overheal.

While higher vit will make overhealing less of a “problem”(it really isn’t a problem). It is not necessary to get it too high.

I feel that anything less than 14k is a tad too squishy. Anything more than 18k, i would rather put those stats else where.

Post your stats.

in Mesmer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


1378 cond dmg is plenty. For 1500, you will need to have 30 in illusion trait and chaotic transference. This means you have to give up many nice traits which isn’t really worth it imo.

I might post my stats later if im not lazy.

Condition Damage Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


One way to build a condition build is with high prec and staff clones.

Traits will be something like:
0-20-20-0-30, or
0-25-25-0-20, or

With 2000 prec, crit rate will be around 55%. This translate to staff clone having only 15% chance to cause only vuln (do no dmg).

Since most dmg comes from staff clones, you will want to sacrifice as much power for cond dmg. Clones does a lot of dmg hitting, 0(vuln only), ~600(burn/bleed), ~1000(shaper image proc). And you have up to 3 of them attacking at each time.

Condition duration is not as useful as it doesn’t transfer to clones.

Shatters are your best friend. Since you can cause a stacks of confusion, and instantly replace your 3 clones(deceptive evasion. sigil of energy helps). Confusion does a ton of bonus dmg.(340 dmg per skill use per stack with a high cond dmg, in aoe too). You should learn to use shatters as they are highly spammable and you can maintain 3-8 stacks of confusion on a target for a long period of time.

Since your dps won’t be too high, stacking toughness is a good idea esp if you plan on using undead runes or/and if you want to go for toughness 25 trait.

Why No Mantra Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NrocPuos.6103


Mantras aren’t flexible enough.

There are two main reasons why they aren’t flexible.

First, no freedom in traits due to mantra related traits being in grandmaster.

For people who want a high dps, they will have to go 30 in dueling for the +4% per readied mantra trait.

But to actually have the +4%, you can only use each mantra once. Because of this, many people will pick up 30 in domination to be able to use them more than once, and also because it gives a lot of power. Healing mantra just isn’t worth without 30 dom trait too.

If you have 30, 30 in dom and duel, you will only have 10 points left to spare for other traits. Hence, it results in a lack of flexibility.

Of course, it is possible to make builds with 30 in dom/duel and disregarding the other trait line. However it throw many players off.

Secondly, mantras are very limited.

People rarely run mantra builds because mantras are awkward and you lose out on certain utilities that people tend to grow fond of.

EasymodeX says it all.

I find that mantras are poorly implemented.

Take this scenario:
You are using Mantra of Distraction(daze) in your build. After you killed someone, you are left with 1 charge. Do you use it and wait for the long cd? or do you bear with it having just 1 charge and losing 4% damage right after you use it?

Charges should recharge out of combat.

Personally, I like the idea of having charges gained every x seconds instead of having a cd and needing charge it. but this put the restorative trait after charging mantras out of business.

Edit: Also, mantra builds could be made more flexible simply by changing the traits to non-grandmaster or doing something along this line. All this so that people who want to make a mantra build will not get streamlined into going 30/30 in dom and duel.

(edited by NrocPuos.6103)