Showing Posts For Nsain.7531:
I gotta say, I never really saw huge issue with the dragon/chest events prior to update. A little bump in drop rates would have been more than a welcome change. But I gotta say, this is getting a bit ridiculous.
For 3 separate PVE Chest events that were to occur over the last 1.5 – 2 hours, I have been thrown into an Overflow map every time. I have not been released from overflow till each event was done. As I type this very message, I am sitting in an overflow, instead of hanging out in my home server, YB
If lag is something in question, then this is the best thing I can say about how it is affecting me (and I assume other players) is that we can play through the lag and still get some reward for our time… The way it currently stands, I get absolutely no reward from sitting in an Overflow. I would rather play through the lag…
This is an issue that is severely affecting the enjoyment I had playing the game, prior to the recent update. I use to not have a worry about enjoying my time as I was given the chances fro m the server; now it really bothers me that I am going to have to worry about whether or not I can even take part in the content I want to explore.
This is is an issue that should warrant heavy attention from the developers.
^ This. This is absolutely absurd that I cannot play on my server that I selected at early access. The lag wasn’t great, of course, but now being forced into an overflow for EVERY chest event zone is completely ridiculous. If you aren’t planning on spending 2+ hours waiting on a mob to spawn in a single zone guess you are SoL. Whoever decided on this fix just shows another split decision to try to fix a problem that should have been evaluated much longer than a week.
Not to mention the ninja patch that goes in without anything specific said about it. Oh hey guys, go kitten yourselves for trying to play on the server you selected because we implemented guesting! Great work, another thumbs up.
15%? Where is that number coming from? A poll of what sample size? Most people seem to enjoy actually playing the game and enjoying content. Not sitting in LA hoarding gold to screw up the market even more. I.E. the hilarious precursor market, yeah, that seems legit.
ANet would be the first company to build a multi million dollar product without doing some market research first. Although I don’t know the answers to your questions, I would guess that somebody at ANet has some pretty substantial numbers on what players tend to like and dislikle.
Also, I don’t remember John Smith stating that those 15% do exclusively play the market and nothing else, as you assume.
That’s funny you mention market research on what players like and dislike. There is an overwhelming majority that the market is SEVERELY destroyed in several aspects atm. It would take a chimpanzee with a calculator to do that market research. Yet they do nothing about it. I take whatever market research they have done with a grain of sand, as they have not acted on the most apparent and destructive trends.
Also, the blatant fan boy-ism does not suite you, or anyone for that matter, well. Try looking at it from the average player’s perspective. Not your knight in shining armor, always here to save the day, Anet. Beer goggles may help someone look nice for a night, but once you take them off you realize the mistakes you have made.
Actually about 15% of the population finds making money very fun, irrelevant of the uses of that money. Ever gotten unnecessarily rich in a single player RPG like Skyrim?
15%? Where is that number coming from? A poll of what sample size? Most people seem to enjoy actually playing the game and enjoying content. Not sitting in LA hoarding gold to screw up the market even more. I.E. the hilarious precursor market, yeah, that seems legit.
9/10 statistics are made up. Thinking this is one of them.
Well sad to hear that they basically think the precursor market isn’t insanely broken. Dusk is currently sitting at 745g, as the cheapest available on the TP. There are only 4 total on the market. The rest are likely being sold for real currency via gold-selling websites.
Not broken? Very far from it.
We were told that a scavenger hunt for precursors was in the works around 2 months ago. I have searched the forums and have found nothing in regards to the whether or not the scavenger hunt is still on the table.
With precursor prices being controlled by the select few (this including gold sellers, as you can visibly see in their spam messages), something has to be done to change this market. It’s absurd to let inflation of these items go uncontrolled like they are now, when you say that the economy of the game is one of your top priorities.
With the introduction of laurels and increasing the drop rate of bags in Orr and such you have increased the ways to farm T6 mats as well as lodestones. These are all moves in the right direction long-term. The problem with precursors still exists however.
So Anet, I know that a timeline is not a viable thing to give out, as it will change everyone’s way of dealing with precursors until the release. But just for the sake of the many of us seeking legendary weapons one day: is the scavenger hunt actively being worked on?
A concerned citizen of Tyria