Showing Posts For Num Nutzo.9056:

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Posting this for my brother. Hes been locked out of his gw2 account for atleast 7 days.
From what he has told me He was playing in the Beta and when it it was over he couldn’t log back in He received a error message “Your GuildWars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue.This action is Permanent”
Error Code: 45:6:3:2400" He can’t even log into the gw2 website. He filled out a ticket the same day as i told him too. Ticket# 1383406. He tried logging in tonight and the error code has changed to 45:6:3:2416 Anyways if anyone can help with it Ty

(edited by Num Nutzo.9056)

COF Path 1 Cant see fireballs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Yes there is I hope this helps . It worked for me and yes its a problem with the removal of culling The effects of the ghost also will get fixed when you do this. adjust your client side culling settings to high or greater for both settings. Not sure if this will work after you enter the dungeon so its a good ideal to do this before. I had same problem couldn’t figure out if it was a content release that was doing it or not so i got fed up and started changing settings and logging in and out to force them to take effect, while standing next to ghost to see which setting was removing the effects off the ghost and making them look human. it turned out to be the culling settings. it also fixed the invisible Boulders in cof

Bugged Master of Baubles, World 2 Achievement

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

For me too, it seems to be bugged. I searched myself for a few hours and didn’t find the last baubles. I also didn’t find a way to open the room right before the long slide!!! Well this was already discussed in the above mentioned thread.
I do hope, that it will be fixed soon or that they give us a hint for it if it isn’t a bug since noone seems to be able to find it.

if your talking about the 2 of the gale keepers on the ice spike slide room 1 opens with a song and leads to the shatter song and the other is a shortcut door back from the long ice hill u have to climb and the place you jump down from to the ice hill. Follow the ice hill till u see some ledges u can jump to that leads up on the left side of the hill. Once at the top you’ll see a window on the left(thats where the door from the platform you jumped down to the ice hill leads to) You will also see a big totem face. If you go across that face towards the bottom you’ll see another window( or gale keeper can’t remember) right by a snowtopped platform. Anyways that leads to a gale keeper door u can open with the hand and is on the opposite side of the galekeeper door to the ice waterfall maze.

Anyone done Z3- W1 Beehive?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Recent Patch fixed upside down spike platforms that made the bee hive unreachable Some if not all the Platforms now have collision to jump on and the ones that don’t are either the wrong way or have a hidden column to jump to.

Whistle bugged ?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Someone posted this on dulfy it shows a few things but towards bottom shows how to get the w2z3 song

Any guide/video for Bee on TM-Z3?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Recent patch fixed the upside down spike trap platforms in the maze most if not all u can jump too and the ones u can’t has a pillar spot hidden on it Guildie sent me this video he found on youtube

Poison waterfall shop impossible to get

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

You guys are clipping the edges either roof or floor most likely the roof before u die You literally have to hit it dead on and in middle and btw Rubberbanding comes into play here as well if the server sees you die your going to die regardkitten f if you see ur self hit the spot dead on or not. It is possible tho me and 2 guildies did it last night 1 of which had some huge rubber-banding problems with the jump mushrooms in the beggining of the zone. On our screens it showed him running off the edges of the mushroom, on his it showed him die in mid air. Anyways pick a spot on the lily pad and land on it before jumping forward, if u see your self fall before dieing even just a little pick a spot on the lilypad to jump on further away. if your not aligned with the door do the same by choosing a spot on the lily pad, moving either left or right. At least thats what worked for me before i got in. Also worked for my guildies.

Whistle bugged ?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

When i read the log with the song 1 2 3 on it nothing happens / my character doesnt say anything nor the log.

If i play 1 2 3 and wait for the tone to play nothing happens
If i play 1 2 3 and unequip the whistle inbetween notes nothing happens
If i press 1 2 3 without waiting nothing happens aswell….

I heard if you play the song the moto head appears on the ground … well not working for me.

That song is for discovering hidden things. Like bombable destroyable walls that have no clue to being one and such. Its not gonna do anything unless you close to either. And yes something will appear, a big white icon appears on the wall with the bombable wall. Kinda pointless tho if you don’t already know where the secret is. unless u run past all the walls spamming 123 all the time.

may i ask where you found that 123 song? I only found the 332331 song so far and bombed the hell out of W2Z2 literally ^^

lol me and my friends have been bombing the hell out of ALL the stages in hopes of finding SOMETHING….

Btw, if someone answers can you just give the World and Zone and leave the details behind a spoiler? I’d like to search it myself but wouldn’t mind focusing my search to a specific area…

Its in W2Z1 in a shop, don’t remember where the shop is tho. The zones are so huge in world 2 ugh. Anyways theres a wooden post in a shop that has the numbers 123 written on it.

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

The reason they are removing the recipies from the known list is so players can earn experience from crafting again.

yes but they can easily retroactivly give the exp instead Like they gave us the rewards on achievements and such so that reason is not a reason to reset.

How would you like it if they reset our acheivements points oh we didn’t give you rewards now you have to do them all over again to get them

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Alot of you are not getting what most of have been talking about so lets get this straight.
When We say recipes we are losing WE ARE NOT talking about what the devs posted about. WE know the recipes for incriptions will not be reset. What your not getting is. We have already combined Inscription + Part 1 + Part 2 and discovered for them all for all the inscriptions. And to give even more Sence of what ArenaNet is ripping from us. Heres the example count of Mats and need to get back to what we was previously at for huntsman that they will stealing from us.

9 Incriptions types have to crafted again.
5 dowels x 9 inscriptions x 7 weapons = 315 dowels needed again
5 × 9 × 7 = 315 Ectos
5 × 7 for each teir 6 mat = 35 fangs , powerfulboods, etc
10 × 7 Flawless Snowflakes = 70 Snowflakes
30 × 7 Karka Shells = 210 Shells

315 × 3 ingots = 945 ori ingots
315 × 2 planks = 630 Anceint planks

Craft Comp. 10 Inscriptions need this 11 if you crafted celes
Harpoon| 2 ingots 2 planks x 10 Inscriptions = 20 ingots 20 planks
Longow Stave | 4 planks x 10 = 40 planks
Pistol Frame | 2 planks x 10 = 20 planks
Rifle Stock | 3 planks x 2(2 weapons Require this Comp) x 10 = 60 planks
Shortbow Stave | 4 planks x 10 = 40 planks
Torch handle | 2 × 10 = 20 planks
Harden String | 3 × 2(2 weapons Require) x 10 = 60 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
Ori Horn | 1 ingot 2 planks x 10 = 10 ingots 20 planks
Ori Pistal Barrel | 3 ingots x 10 = 30 ingots
Ori Rifle Barrel | 3 ingots x 10 = 30 ingots
Ori Torch Head | 2 ingots x 10 = 20 ingots
Ori Warhorn Mouthpeice | 1 ingot x 10 ingots

Replacement of the 7 Sentinels Inscriptions I used already from the Molten Dungeon
7 × 14g(yesterday they where 18g wth) = 98-99g and There is only 208 left on the Tradepost

Totals for huntsman (forgive me if my maths wrong this news has me very upset)
1065 ingots x 2 ore = 2130 ore
850 planks x 3 logs = 2550 logs
100g for sentinals inscriptions
315 ectos
70 snowflakes
210 karka shells
35 of each teir 6 mat (Powerfull bloods, Ancient Bones,Elaborate Totem, Vicious Claw,Armored Scale,Powerfull Venom Sacs,,Vicious Fangs)

This Is what they will be ripping from my Huntsmans Crafting The time it took to gather the mats and buy any mats i still needed. mostly ectos and ori. The time spent on getting the Sentinals Incriptions in Molten Dungeon.

My weaponsmith I got done the same way before the Chaos update. Should I elaborate those totals too? Weaponsmith has 8 weapons instead of 7 so it be even more cost.

You few that can see there reason for a reset what reason is that? The new stuff being added is time based so regardless of if im 500 now or not makes no impact. Secondly you really think after the reset the rich isn’t going to climb there way to the top to do ascended crafting on the very first day of the patch release?
“But Hey I’ve already done all this and now i have to do all over again” This is what i worked hard for pretty much this first Year of Guild wars 2 to do, Since I first started crafting. and now they making me spend the next year DOING IT AGAIN. I can only see the reset as hurting everyone not helping and I see no other reason not to see it this way.

Call me crying or what ever you want. but this is a huge kick in the gut for me. Something i may end up never recovering from its what i worked hard from the very day i crafted to do Is to unlock the all items on the discovery page that was my thrill, My accomplishment in crafting not the xp gain or the level up but to discover everything. And now saying I’m gonna have to do that all over again after allowing me from headstart to do in the firstplace WTF.

And don’t forget its not just 2 of my professions that are being reset. If there going to reset all the exotic weapons What do you think going to happen when they roll out ascended armor my other 2 craft professions will get hit too Even worse for the ones that has this done for all the professions Something of which I was still working to do. this might no big deal to the ones that stopped @ 400 but this is a game killer for the ones that went past it and unlocked everything. The way i feel right now is Arenanet is reaching into my chest and pulling out my Heart with this reset. Its not a great feeling to have.
So please Arenanet don’t reset the exotic discovery’s give some sorta of retroactive reward for the exp thru discovering them all(or some of them) already instead.

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

As has been pointed out by other posters: The recipes for inscriptions are not impacted by this, you have to rediscover the weapon and then get XP from it. Example:

I can currently craft a Berserker’s Pearl Reaver. After the build, I will still know how to make the Inscription (which is the recipe), but i will need to put one of the Berserker’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscriptions, one Orichalcum Axe Blade and one Small Ancient Haft into the Discovery window and make it to be able to craft the axe again.

I did that to them all (ALL inscriptions have been turned into each weapon for huntsman and weaponsmith )already thats what Im extremely upset about.

Don’t forget Sentinel’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscriptions which has no recipe at all you had to do molten dungeon to get those and i did, saved up exactly enough for all the professions that used them. now i have to purchase those Inscriptions to redo AGAIN at a wopping 262g just to unlock the weapons AGAIN without the cost of mats.

I crafted to unlock things NOT to progress in level and your resetting all the exotic weapon discovery’s i have unlocked . Thats my gold, my hardwork and my time getting those weapons all unlocked for each inscription on the discovery page down the drain if you reset it.
and don’t forget about the people who unlocked destroyer weapons on the discovery tab those where to pricey for me to unlock so i was gonna unlock them all slowly after i unlocked everything else I still have Talior Artificer Jewler and Chef to fully unlock.

what about Celestial weapons that where unlocked thru a recipe (Not the inscription recipe) I have to purchase the recipes or wait 75 days to make them from the inscriptions to get them unlocked again.

To make my self more clear here is what I have unlock In-terms for exotic weapons that they will be throwing away from my account and why I’m extremely upset about this reset.
All weapons for Huntsman and Weaponsmith for the “Berserker’s ,Apothecary’s, Carrion, Celestial, Cleric’s, Explorer’s, Giver’s, Knight’s, Rampager’s, Sentinel’s, and Valkyrie inscriptions”
8 weapons for weaponsmith 7 for huntmans 15 × 10(yes i know 11 but the Celestial weapons i unlocked thru individual recipes) 150 weapons i crafted and i have to craft Again plus Celestial recipes to purchase since i already used the ones i saved for the 2 professions to unlock the weapons (Not the insciptions) and sentinels i won’t be able to unlock again till they release a way to get those inscriptions again other then the outrageous 18g per inscription on TP which means those are pretty much gone for good, for me.

And I’m sorry if you think im crying or what not i was really looking forward to this ascended weapon sab and legendary till they annouced they be throwing my hard work of getting all the weapons unlocked out the door with the reset.

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

i could care less about the exp i wouldn’t of unlocked them if i did and you don’t realize how many weapons i exotic weapons i have unlocked over 100 exotic weapons i crafted for weaponsmith alone to unlock them all thats alot of Mats and gold down the drain if the reset it. i don’t care about the exp for them.

Exotic Discovery's Reset

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

To facilitate this process, we have reset everyone’s Exotic weapon discoveries so that you will be able to re-discover them and get that sweet XP bonus once again.

I spent Months Discovery them all for Armorsmith, leatherworker, huntsman and weaponsmith, I’ve yet to do them to the other 2 crafting, not to mention Sentinels Stats, weapons and armor that don’t have a recipe i had to do molten dungeon to get the inscriptions/insignia’s saved up for unlocking which I’ve unlocked already on those 4 for all weapons and armor. Also I spent Hundreds of gold doing so on mats, your going reset them all including the celestial recipes i used to easily unlock the weapon|armor discovery’s and Givers recipes which uses mats that can’t be obtained anywhere except on the tp? WTH.
Why can’t you just give a boost for each item unlocked instead of a reset, that gives a random or set or whatever amount of craft exp when used for each one unlocked?

I did this all because i wanted them all discovered, i like unlocking them all (all weapons and all armor peices) even after i hit 400 but now your gonna throw out all my hard work out WTH.

Party Crasher Crusher no longer achievable??

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

How do you complete the Party Crasher Crusher acheivement if you already completed the story instance, without getting the ach and theres no way to reenter the instance to kill party crashers to gain progess on the ach.??

Secret Locations *Super Spoilers*

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

Yes theres a ledge behind waterfall make your way till u get onto that ledge then jump over

Bot Hot Spots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

I have question. Are you guys aware that botters are botting the Gathering Nodes? I mean there leaving all there toons on individual nodes and logging in and out on each toon every so often to gather them. Now i know some people do this normally but i also Know theres a great many botters doing it also. I don’t like farming the same events over and over so i travel through all the maps doing events i come across only once, Doing the Jps, grabbing chest and any gathering node along the way. I see so many toons appearing and disappearing on the nodes i come across in all the maps not just one. But i will say the most notable map i see them doing this in is Dredgehaunt Cliffs. I Always see at least 5-10 toons appear and dissapear before im done with that map. I was just in that map a couple days ago and noticed the botters bot program was glitching out. The same toon kept logging in and out over and over and over. The problem I had it was so fast I couldn’t left click the toon right click the target display and then select the tiny report text before he logged back out and the target display is lost. I still have this same problem with the rest of them. There only logged in for 2-4 secs, long enough to gather the node then there gone. I rarely fast enough to get the report screen to come up before they log off.
Now before you blame the culling on what I’m seeing, I was seeing this long before culling was being adjusted/fix.
I guess you guys have 2 new problems to tackle. Same node farming and how hard it is to report a toon that is only logged on for 4 secs.

Iron Marches, Hellion Forest Task/Event Glitch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Num Nutzo.9056

Num Nutzo.9056

There is a workaround to the heart I believe your talking about. I just discovered it while seeing if there was a unnormal way to complete the task such as killing other stuff. While i found out there wasn’t anything i could kill. I did however run across Dead loggers which is part of the Heart Task, inwhich you had to protect them. infact all the loggers where dead but you could not revive them becuase you don’t get a Revive menu to select. Then it hit me, I remembered that i had a skill that helps with reviving people when there downed or completely dead. The skill is a engineer skill call Elixer R. Now the normal elixer dosn’t do anything but make you recover from stun and refills your endurance but the Toss Elixer R skill that you get in your f key skills when you equip Elixer R will put a radial field down where ever you select and will replenish some of the health bar each sec. Not much tho it still takes 3 tosses to revive them and it has a 85 sec cooldown, So it might take some time but you progress on the heart for reviving them as well as the shades you can kill, that spawns every so often around the loggers since there now alive. Hope this helps. So now all you have to do is either bring a engineer and revive a few of them kill the shades that spawn every so often. Or if needed on another class/toon use your engineer toon first to revive a few of them then switch toons and protect them from the shades that spawn. You can also get some other engineer with the skill to revive them for you if don’t have a engineer. (Currently i believe only 1 logger which has shadow Foes spawn around him which you can gain progress for the heart from. Hes located South of Bria’s Manor Poi)

(edited by Num Nutzo.9056)