(edited by Nyres.6254)
Showing Posts For Nyres.6254:
The Fractal one is purely to force fractal runners into buying the Xpac and the combat ones are going to likely going to weak to the point of ‘why even bother’ so they don’t create dreadful Powercreep that actually gives people a sense of progression. Essentially the masteries are mostly fluff to disguise the fact that they’re making you pay to play Living Story +
Honestly they really should suck it up and add in the trinity. The system they tried to make left people heal starved even though constant mending was needed as you only got two dodge rolls and the fights seemed design being able to roll 3 or 4 times. The way people counter this is by pretty much going boarderline pure zerker and become glass cannons no matter what armor they have which makes for boring, frustrating and uncreative fight mechanics since they can’t do propper “tanks deal with x mechanic” or “dps need to do x”.
While you can try and sugar coat it all you like and act like its a non issue the lack a holy trinity failed created Zerg Wars essentially.
Another thing for people to keep in mind is that they should take the announcements as guaranteed to be in the xpac at launch. Weren’t there lore books and a couple other things that had been talked about for GW2 that got axed before launch?
Also after 10 years of Warcraft I have learned never to expect every feature initially announced to be in the final expansion and to expect at least one thing to get cut or delayed. So yeah more reason why this feels too small to be an expansion to me.
If your original statement is there minbariguy then it didn’t come out as negative at all. You were being honest and not being a blind supporter to the game. And with Anet’s track record with GW2 having tenuous loyalty is probably good as this company seems to thrive off keeping its consumers in the dark as much as possible. Which IMO shows a lack of confidence in their product.
This expansion feels like your paying for hybrid between a WOW content Patch and actual Expansion however this feels like its leaning way to close to the Content Patch, the new zone/ area(s?) are essentaily raid/daily zones for this game due to the lack of instanced raids and no mention of new 5man dungeons.
I’m sorry Gaile but its been a year now for your supposed living world its pretty pathetic that Lions Arch hasn’t been rebuilt yet. And if after 2 years of development on the Expansion you still can’t say if it will be fixed then my assumtion is no it won’t be.
The likely hood of being declined to goups and overall weaker if you choose not to go into your classes’ only specialization to, you know, play the class you rolled the toon for in the first place is exactly why I don’t like this as their ‘progression’ in the xpac.
Especially for Rangers as its likely the Druid will probably be shoehorned into a support role of healing due to what Druids tend to represent in other games means once agian those of us who rolled Rangers would be laughed at and declined spots in groups.
Honestly not surprised would have been too good to be true without that type of catch. Yeah totally passing on this joke of an xpac.
Considering how they didn’t seem to care at all about how the personal story got messed up by the China player experience patch that Anet forced on NA/EU players in September I doubt they will care and no one will even notice your a revenant as you go through the same personal story.
Nope they lost me as a customer when the game encouraged cheesing bosses by positioning them in a way that stops them from doing attacks and skipping trash until it leashes which proved to me the company had no care or talent in making 5man instanced content. Also the lack of a level cap increase is also a deal breaker and seeming only one new area do not impress me.
I doubt they will be able to balance the masteries well and that the new class/ sub classes will be required to get into any LFG group. Also the fact that they haven’t talked price makes me think they’re gonna try for 40-60 dollar price point which is laughable for how much content was teased in that trailer.
Well there went my hopes of ever getting a Cantha district, shame I had really wished there would have been one day. Seemed like it would have been much cooler to explore than a potentail ‘arts’ district.
I understand this is supposed to be a pirate election but seriously you should be rewarding the side that puts more effort into the event not the side that has the most in game money or disposable income to boost their votes via the gem store item. Please remove the ability flat out buy tokens.