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WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Dude I read everything and COMPLETELY agree with everything you said. My bro and I have been upset with and complaining about WvW for a few months now, basically saying everything you said and more. It’s sad really that the PvP in this game is such a joke because all ANet does is nerf things that don’t need to be nerfed (just to please the few casuals that come on the forums) and add in things while not fixing the main problems.

I’m really hoping they surprise me with this next update and add some depth to WvW, but we’ll see. Even if this update does go well, they’ll still have a long way to go before they make WvW what we all imagined and hoped it would be.

They need to make this game in general more challenging and deeper or it’ll die out before it turns a year old, and I don’t want this to happen at all!

Why is everyone complaining about Zergs?

in WvW

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


It’s my personal belief (and experience) that people don’t complain about zergs because it’s OP or whatever. Rather people complain about them because ANet designed WvW to (for the most part) highly encourage zergs.

As others have stated, the map design encourages zergs. The point placement on the map encourages zergs. But most importantly there are 3 things that encourage zergs the MOST:

1. Being able to see all enemy names (unless there is an object completely blocking your view of them AND their name or they are invisible due to culling or class ability) at just about any range. This rewards carelessness and thus encourages mindless zerging. No one has to really focus on locating or keeping track of an enemy as long as they are in the zerg and the enemy is on the outside of the zerg. Of course class abilities are an exception to this rule, but in realistic situations terrain always plays a HUGE role in ALL wars. Though terrain does have a somewhat large role in WvW, it would be much larger if you couldn’t just about always locate your enemy without any effort whatsoever.

2. The over abundance of open battle fields. This may be due to performance issues, but there is hardly any cover from attacks in WvW outside of keeps, and thus encourages zergs. If there was more cover in certain areas of the map, zergs would be less powerful overall and thus people would be discourage from always or nearly always rolling in a mindless zerg.

3. There is no way in game (that I know of anyways) to see your server rank in comparison to all of your region servers (and not just the other 2 your server is fighting). If your server rank was displayed on the WvW window for all players to see upon pressing (b), it would force lower ranked servers to ponder on why they are so low, and thus force them to come up with new and better tactics other than simply banding and roaming together mindlessly.

IMO these are the problems that encourage zerging the most, and simultaneously causes serious players to complain about zerging. There are a lot of things ANet can add or take out to make people less reliant on zergs, but IMO if these 3 things were fixed, we would more than likely see a dramatic decrease of zergs and an increase in strategy and tactics.

Can you play with friends in Snowball Mayhem?

in Wintersday

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Can someone please help me with this one? I’m thinking there has to be a way, because why would AN not implement a way for us to PvP with or against our friends?

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


I’m greatly disjointed in how most of you forum gamers are behaving. Yeah sure the new armor rank has its ups and downs but why are ya’ll acting like it’s the end of the world? So what the stats are better, but not enough to make exotic obsolete. Hell I don’t even have full exotic yet, yet I have no problems completing any and all PvE content because (gasp) gear isn’t that important in this game. It helps, but this isn’t a heavily gear based game, so really as long as your build is good, and your wep is good enough, it’s all good..

Because they sold the game on the basis there would not be vertical gear progression nor a load of gear grind and that people could play it their own way (now people who stay will be forced to do dungeons to play WvW), which is why many of us bought it, within 3 months they have totally gone back on their word.

Also people don’t just PvE, we do WvW, once they’ve added ascended to all the slots it will make a big difference vs exotics.

Lots of us are quitting over this and I doubt this change is going to help the game that much, because many of the people it appeals to also like things like raids, specfic roles, addons, etc.

1. Exotics are top gear now….are people forced to get a full set for WvW? No….they’re not.
2. Wait till the content comes out to make such claims as “once they’ve added ascended to all the slots it will make a big difference vs exotics”.
3. If you want to overreact and quit before at least waiting for the content to come out, go ahead, but honestly it’s a tad ridiculous if you ask me.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


I’m greatly disjointed in how most of you forum gamers are behaving. Yeah sure the new armor rank has its ups and downs but why are ya’ll acting like it’s the end of the world?

first off most people would have stuck with a dedicated pve game if they wanted to grind items like its their job. there are already several fully fleshed out games dedicated to grinding items that cater to the no-lifer crowds making them feel like spending their life in front of a monitor is rewarding in some way.

and secondly, its been 3 months and they already have the next ‘tier’ of gear released. do you honestly think this will be the end of it?

It seriously doesn’t take much time to attain any piece of exotic. I’d be full exotic out if I decided to collect the other dungeon sets, but alas the dungeon set I want (CoE) is hardly played by anyone on my server. At 1st I was just going to go ahead and get the CoF armor since that always gets played but after getting 3 pieces in like 2-3 days, I decided to stop since I don’t really like how the armor looks. Since then I’ve been logging on to see if I could get a CoE party and if I can’t I log off.

Long story short, if I wasn’t stubborn and picky, I could’ve been had full exotic in a week tops. But it’s not really necessary. And as I said yeah, I highly doubt new ranks will be added later, if anything just new infusions (which sound like runes/sigils to me).

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


I’m greatly disjointed in how most of you forum gamers are behaving. Yeah sure the new armor rank has its ups and downs but why are ya’ll acting like it’s the end of the world? So what the stats are better, but not enough to make exotic obsolete. Hell I don’t even have full exotic yet, yet I have no problems completing any and all PvE content because (gasp) gear isn’t that important in this game. It helps, but this isn’t a heavily gear based game, so really as long as your build is good, and your wep is good enough, it’s all good.

If they keep adding more armor ranks (which I highly doubt they will, sounds more like the infusion thing will be the future) then go ahead and panic, but until then at least wait till you try out the new content to complain. Also about the infusion thing, to me it just sounds like a higher level rune/sigil, and considering that the highest level rune/sigil is 60 I don’t see a problem in this whatsoever.

That’s because you don’t have full exotic yet, its vastly different to full rare, which is vastly different to full masterwork. People angry at the stat changes is because Arenanet has just lied to our faces.

On the surface it seems “vastly different” but honestly it’s not that different. Back when I 1st played and went from full materwork to full rare, I didn’t feel/see much of a difference. The only thing that was really different was the color of the armor name. What truly made a difference for me was my build, everything else was minor in comparison.

Infusions affect normal stats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


I’m greatly disjointed in how most of you forum gamers are behaving. Yeah sure the new armor rank has its ups and downs but why are ya’ll acting like it’s the end of the world? So what the stats are better, but not enough to make exotic obsolete. Hell I don’t even have full exotic yet, yet I have no problems completing any and all PvE content because (gasp) gear isn’t that important in this game. It helps, but this isn’t a heavily gear based game, so really as long as your build is good, and your wep is good enough, it’s all good.

If they keep adding more armor ranks (which I highly doubt they will, sounds more like the infusion thing will be the future) then go ahead and panic, but until then at least wait till you try out the new content to complain. Also about the infusion thing, to me it just sounds like a higher level rune/sigil, and considering that the highest level rune/sigil is 60 I don’t see a problem in this whatsoever.

GW2 needs less focus on currencies, more on randomness

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


You have a point to your post. Personally I think if they added unique rare skins or even runes/sigils that you can ONLY get as a drop from the dungeon, it would make it more worthwhile to run (for you and everyone). This way you would have the guaranteed armor/weapon/etc. skin in your sight that you know you’ll get from an X amount of runs, and you’ll have the other unique armor/weapon/etc. you can possibly get during each run.

What server can I go to for CoE exp?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Still look for players, but u dont need to change servers. Only carch is US with US. EU with EU.

I do look for players. Not to sound rude but I don’t think you understand. It literally takes all day just to find 1 or 2 parties willing to run this dungeon on my server. Now I don’t need to run it all day but I’d like to know that when I get on I’ll be able to find a group, instead of praying that I’ll find one.

If I wanted to run AC, TA, or CoF, I’d be guaranteed a party every time I get online. I just wish it was this way with CoE.

No i dont think you understand ME actually. Lol

Im telling you to continue to look for a group on the forums, but continue to do so with the knowledge that you dont need to change servers as dungeon groups can be run cross server. So long as the people you intend to group with are on the same kind of server as you (US with US, EU with EU).

I prob shoulda explained that better. Basically im trying to save you money. Lol

Oh ok I got you lol.

What server can I go to for CoE exp?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Still look for players, but u dont need to change servers. Only carch is US with US. EU with EU.

I do look for players. Not to sound rude but I don’t think you understand. It literally takes all day just to find 1 or 2 parties willing to run this dungeon on my server. Now I don’t need to run it all day but I’d like to know that when I get on I’ll be able to find a group, instead of praying that I’ll find one.

If I wanted to run AC, TA, or CoF, I’d be guaranteed a party every time I get online. I just wish it was this way with CoE.

What server can I go to for CoE exp?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Yeah I know this seems like a dumb topic but for real, NO ONE on my server wants to do this dungeon for some reason. All they run is AC, TA, and CoF.

I really want the armor set so if anyone has a server or knows of a server that runs this quite often please tell me so I can go there temporarily to get my armor set.

Diminishing Returns... for Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Honestly the only way that ranged attacks can ever be fixed in mmos is if they make the player actually aim before/while shooting. But since that’s not going to happen anytime soon, I think the system GW2 has is pretty decent but of course can use a bit more fine tuning (mainly PvE wise).

Imo the mobs generally don’t have enough pulls/reflects/etc to challenge the kiter. I feel that if they give certain/most/all mobs 1 or more of these type of abilities and make them activate at a challenging enough pace (that also depends on the mob’s lv and rank) then the problem would decrease dramatically.

Profession Gameplay Imbalances?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


@wauwi I had the same problems in the beginning with Mesmer. If you want to dps as Mesmer try sword/pistol & dual sword or sword/pistol & scepter/focus or sword/pistol & greatsword, or any mix up of those combinations. You’ll find it much easier to dps and stay alive with those combos.

Profession Gameplay Imbalances?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OEXTRA.1780


Well there are a few problems you’re experiencing here.
1. You haven’t had enough time to master any/all class(es).
2. You haven’t taken into account that you are probably playing certain classes wrong. Whether it be that you’re trying to play them like another class or you’re trying to make each one fit your exact style of gaming.

For example, my bro plays warrior and I play Mesmer. I see his fast high damage and try to do the same thing in the exact same way. It doesn’t work, but not because the classes are imbalanced but rather that they are different. Warrior is extremely straight forward and thus Noob friendly. You find the “best” moves, stack power precision and critical damage and you’re good to go. Mesmer is more like a puzzle than a straight forward picture. There’s all these little things you can do and if you find the right combination you can achieve the same type of damage a warrior can.
So basically with every class it all depends on what weps, slot skills, and traits fit your build the best. So no imbalances really (outside of the glitches moves in certain classes anyways lol), just inexperienced players.