Showing Posts For Oak.2698:
While I do agree it is trashy. I have had fun using the Power Suit’s helicopter attack in Wv3. If you get really lucky with timing, and the enemy is oblivious, you can whack an entire zerg as they go through a gate.
You can also VERY occasionally trick newer people into thinking you have Siege Golems.
To Nerf, or not to Nerf, that’s barely a question.
Edit: 9/10 Not exactly Asuran, but doesn’t make it any less cool.
Probable final look.
I quite like it.
(edited by Oak.2698)
That little horseshoe magnet of mine has wracked up an outstanding death toll.
It also has the bonus of being coupled with the Gear Shield, and and Box o’ Nails.
If you really want to be mean, pull someone with magnet, toolbelt net, net turret, supply drop (timed immediately after the net turret fires, net shot (rifle). If really necessary, throw in Slick Shoes.
Use when you want 1 person to be really, REALLY dead.
Edit: This is the “I don’t feel like trying” set-up for me.
Feels a little out of place, but that’s prob just me. 7/10
I feel like a wrench leaning on an elixer would look nice.
Can’t speak for others, but I find the cloaking device to be a life saver during fights, unless you’re fighting 1v1, or other really small fights (I WvWvW most of the time) the cloak is usually enough to lose focus of everyone you’re fighting at the time.
And ranged classes that immobolize to set up a huge damage spike, and then just stand there looking unhappy.
Watched all the videos after seeing “Run”.
I now feel the need to bring glory to the Engineers as you did.
Thanks for these inspiring videos.
Edit: Also wanted to know, did anyone else cheer out loud every time he spiked someone?
(edited by Oak.2698)
An Engineer named Aliyanna.
She specializes in Chain CCing (upwards of 12 seconds) whoever my allies want dead.
And running away.
Asura are my favorite race by far, and Engineer is the funnest class. I love her dearly.
Having used only the Prowler armor for the most of the game, I’m heavily inclined to disagree.
I figured that Elixir X meant it was experimental.