Showing Posts For Obelith.1365:

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Obelith.1365


Whelp, fullcapped MagBL before Midnight. My Jobs done here.

Serathis – Elementalist
WvW Enthusiast.
[KnT] – BlackGate

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Obelith.1365


I go to WvW to have fun and I have to see this depressing kitten. Stuck in spawn, getting double teamed. You guys are brilliant…

Don’t worry, as soon as Blackgates sister server drops out of Tier 1 things will be much more fun.

Really? Like, really?? Do you NOT remember how Blackgate was made fun of for so long because we were claiming that JQ and SoR were doing a 2v1 on them? This went on for a very long time. SoR and BG are not close and whatever makes you think that is ridiculous. I can hardly believe I just saw someone from JQ post this.

I thought those complaints were literally a joke tbh. As in, they were watching JQ get double teamed and complaining that it was them getting double teamed. This kind of fit in with alot of other comments (from the same people) at the time that were completely the opposite of what was happening.

I’m honestly not sure of how to take this. A Few weeks ago there was almost this wonderful rotation of one day SoR would spawncamp while JQ took points and the next day it would be JQ’s turn to spawncamp while SoR took points. This typically went on with a couple of guilds (which will remain unnamed for keeping the dramallama in check). I’ll even admit I felt like we (BG) were being double teamed, rather relentlessly. We still pulled through, however.

I never was one to openly voice my personal or tactical opinions of other servers on the forums and really this feigning responsibility, blame, etc is very disappointing from all parties involved. I expected better from the T1 community as a whole to either complain or make excuses. I had really hoped there to be more professionalism and competitive play than this rampant name calling.

tl;dr – Most of you make me a sad panda.

Serathis – Elementalist
WvW Enthusiast.
[KnT] – BlackGate

(edited by Obelith.1365)

Grabbing bags is annoying in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Obelith.1365


Agreed. We need to figure out how we want to handle this, however, so I can’t say when we’ll do something about it or what the nature of the solution will be.

One of the best solutions you could do is rather than having bags drop – have them moved to a Cabinet Container (e.g. Heart of the Mists style) which a player can then grab at a later point. You could even have the inventory in that cabinet decay after timer period; say this period is anywhere from 4 hours to 6 hours. So a player can simply grab their cabinet rewards after heading back to spawn for repair or moving to another BL.

On that same note: I’d love to have an “interact” button not be a global “use” button. Having to pick up an object, only to have it blocked by an NPC dialog or spamming man/unman a siege object is just aggravating to no end.

Serathis – Elementalist
WvW Enthusiast.
[KnT] – BlackGate