Showing Posts For Offering.1524:

[LoN] Guild ,Old School looking for ppl

in Looking for...

Posted by: Offering.1524


bump for good measure.

Fish long, eat well

[LoN] Guild ,Old School looking for ppl

in Looking for...

Posted by: Offering.1524


Who [LoN]: Legions Of The North
Where: Yaks Bend server NA

Backstory of the guild:
LoN was started during GW1 just after beta, and a few of the original members are still active in GW2 today. LoN was designed as a buddy guild lots of friends in RL just hanging out enjoying the game. LoN participated in tournament GVG against the fabled WH guild as well as matched against the Legendary WM [WarMachine] and we were defeated, but kitten was fun running up the ladder that far. Our premade Spvp teams were tight nit and virtually unstoppable.

GW2 Beta launched, and LoN emerged into GW2 with refreshed vigor, some of our retired members came back for a fresh new GW. The guild had been very very active for the first year. Learned about WvW and spent a great deal of time on that. Cleared all the PvE content in quick time.
And last winter, the content got slow, and there wasn’t much to do in GW2 so a lot of people in the guild, and game as we saw it found other things to do.

Now: They merged servers, released living content, boosted the crafting systems. And the game is springing back to life again. We are rezzing this old Guild back to hopefully former glories.

Members: Rep req: only for Competitive PVP and WvW, we understand people have multiple guilds for different reasons, but please if you want to run with us. RUN with US.


VOIP service: We have 3 to choose from. and mix it up depending on whos hosting.

How to apply:

Which aspect of the game you wish to run with us, and a short summary of your playstyle, favorite class and your normal hours of play if you have any.

Fish long, eat well

(edited by Offering.1524)

BlT (Black Lion Traders Co) black market

in Looking for...

Posted by: Offering.1524


<BlT> Black Lion Traders Co. Underground black market guild started.
Looking for more like minded traders. The goal of the guild is networking for crafting, theory crafting, making legendaries, farming mats. And to share info on item flipping to progress economics guildwide. Hope to set this on to more then a few servers. With the release of Ascended crafting, and the boost to crafted items. A crafting guild can be useful to a wide range of players in the community.

for invite information pm me In game Offering.1524
Or PM in the forums.
All servers welcome.

Fish long, eat well

The apathy toward the Ranger profession

in Ranger

Posted by: Offering.1524


I don’t think you quite understand the build, the healing power keeps a team on their feet for a extended duration. The root with the condition damage can stop a rushing zerg in its tracks, the cripple on the barrage does the same to slow the force so that my team can eat them. Raw dmg builds are fun, but not playing to benefit a large team of players.
So my thoughts are you build your class for solo pvp performance values in large scale team play.
Its your game you play it the way you want, but before you cut a build idea down look at the application, instead of just raw dps. Healing power with sprig is massive for healing a huge party, the cc’s to immobilize the other force so the raw dps can mow over them. The solo capabilities vs 2 thiefs in one section and they both run because they cannot down the build.

Theres plenty there you might have missed. Just sayin’

Uhhhh…. You’re wasting your condition damage. Like, entirely. That’s 700 some odd points that are being added towards a stat that you’re only using when you throw torch or use a skill that’s easily escape-able and dodge-able on a 150 (120 traited) second cooldown.

Even with wanting to play a support build, the stat allocation doesn’t support anything. It’s being wasted. That’s 700 more power or precision you could have to make barrage actually matter, and your attacks actually matter. AND you’d still be able to root and pressure with entangle; the difference would be that now, the people you are supporting won’t have to pick up your end of the damage.

I’m only trying to be helpful here, because while you had the best intentions, you aren’t going to convince anybody of anything, especially build viability, when you are trying to do it through showing off a build that has a fairly high investment in improving conditions and almost zero condition output.

Nobody here is telling you not to enjoy what you’re doing. They’re just telling you that you could be doing it better.

Though I would love to spend my evening explaining in great detail how this build works in its fullest and why I think its an effective choice for my playstyle and defend my ideas and build, viability and mechanics.
I will simply stop now, as this will just continue to be picked apart as it does on forums. Thanks to those who posted. And good night on this thread.

Fish long, eat well

The apathy toward the Ranger profession

in Ranger

Posted by: Offering.1524


I don’t think you quite understand the build, the healing power keeps a team on their feet for a extended duration. The root with the condition damage can stop a rushing zerg in its tracks, the cripple on the barrage does the same to slow the force so that my team can eat them. Raw dmg builds are fun, but not playing to benefit a large team of players.
So my thoughts are you build your class for solo pvp performance values in large scale team play.
Its your game you play it the way you want, but before you cut a build idea down look at the application, instead of just raw dps. Healing power with sprig is massive for healing a huge party, the cc’s to immobilize the other force so the raw dps can mow over them. The solo capabilities vs 2 thiefs in one section and they both run because they cannot down the build.

Theres plenty there you might have missed. Just sayin’

Fish long, eat well

The apathy toward the Ranger profession

in Ranger

Posted by: Offering.1524


my 2 copper. I have been playing Ranger since release, so much I actually rolled a second one because my Azura was unsightly and I decided I needed a better carrier for a legendary if I was gonna spend the time on a piece. instead of a mini legendary due to the Azura model scale.

Heres a video of my Ranger in WvW with the current build, running Ranged Longbow bunker style build with condition damage and survival gear. Ranger for 2440 played hrs…

I can tell you, I am fully happy with the ranger AS IS. Pet is a lil bumbly, but saved my kitten in the 2v1 in this vid.

Fish long, eat well

WvW video, Yaks Bend SM castle 9/1/13

in WvW

Posted by: Offering.1524


3 way fight at Stonemist, and other footage from intense wvw weekend!

Footsteps of War Guild <FoW>
Yaks Bend U.S.
Offering of Kudzu

Fish long, eat well

Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Offering.1524


If a picture is worth 1000 words.


Fish long, eat well

So, is magic find really useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: Offering.1524


The problem is, there is no evidence, prove, that MF really works. Some people say it works others don’t. Guess i should just forget acquiring a Mf gear and just use food and count with the boost from the guild. About the MF gear, i wouldn’t use this kinda of gear as my main, or in the dungeons. it will be a alternative of course.

But i gotta say, one of these days i got 4 rares from a chest in a event, frozen maw i think. Then for the rest of my gameplay, like, 4 hours or something, even in events like Claw and Shatterer, didn’t get any yellow nor green, just blue. Also, MF really affects chests? WTf

There are a couple options for ya, 1: aquire your own set, and stat track with a spreadsheet and compare the #’s Like I have been doing to see if there is an impact. 2: Believe the post on a forum and decide from what you have read to be true and accurate, or untrue and unaccurate.

To answer the question on MF “effecting” chest drops. Again, yes it has a significant impact on chest drops, breaking down items into materials. There is even rumored belief that it effects mystic forge results. But, I personally have only stat tracked chest drops, and mob farming, as there is more work vs. gold involved in those processes. I hope this helps.


Fish long, eat well

So, is magic find really useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: Offering.1524


It’s not scapegoating at all. Sample size is a REAL factor. Killing something 10 times and saying the results are significant is a joke.

That is true. But if a scenario goes like this:

Day 1: Get 2 rares within 15 minutes of joining the game, then only get crappy greys for 1h+
Day 2: Get 2 rares within 15 minutes of joining the game, then only get crappy greys for 1h+
Day 3: Get 2 rares within 15 minutes of joining the game, then only get crappy greys for 1h+
Etc and so on

… You dont start to see a pattern? Really?.

I see a pattern but I don’t see enough trials to give me the power to conclude anything statistically significant. I CERTAINLY don’t see anything that convinces me that MF is a factor for DR kicking in.

I don’t mean to cut down your thoughts on this or come off as neg., but have you tried jumping zones? The drop rate resets and you can keep farming to hearts content. If you stick to the same zone the DR always kicks in, keep in mind that it is an “anti-farming/botting” script. So, in short change the terms, and keep making gains instead of camping one zone knowing full well DR is in effect, and getting crap lootz. As an example, I farmed tonight for a full 3 hrs. Swapping zones, got 16 rares, 2 exoctics, and an ample supply of t6 mats just by noting the grey drops, and swapping zones. Even went as far as cashing in on 1 free guest server transfer to make sure well, DR would reset. And made 12g in sales of stuff I didn’t plan on using. Just some insights. Happy hunting!


Fish long, eat well

Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Offering.1524


At the moment for the Longbow “Kudzu”
Just missing:

Leaf of Kudzu
and 5 runestones,

and the price on it just seems to climb, and climb.

Fish long, eat well

So, is magic find really useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: Offering.1524


I hate to be “that guy” But truth be told.
I have been playing since pre beta, and the “MF is bunk” topic has been heard more then a few times So IF I may shed a bit of wisdom, and light on the subject.

MF does help, it works, its operating as designed.
I run a full MF find set for most all game play, say WvW or High tier dungeons, and SpVp.
The difference when I farm Orr for t6 or SS for t6, is this parse info.

Without MF gear, DPS gear
drops from 500 kills( farm run 25mobs, 11 min run):
lower tier mats= 111 (average) t6= 33 average

With MF gear,
drops from 500 kills( farm run 25mobs, 11 min run):
lower tier mats= 223(average) t6=87 average

now, my basic math skills may be a bit rusty but that’s a huge % towards mats. Sure I don’t cover rare loot drops or exotics. But that is what I have been running for farming t6 mats.

Keep in mind now, there is and anti-bot, kill your farming on the world map, built into the game. So if you find that you have spent more then say 1hr in the same location, and your drops seemed to have been nulled. Switch spots, either SS or Orr and do another hr in another zone if you are dead set on grinding it all out.

Another thing to consider, is the level of mobs you kill for mats. ATM I farm Orr level 81-82 mobs for mats, either events ect. They usually have a higher chance of dropping better. If you farm low end get low end.

Also, contrary to popular belief it DOES effect chest drops from world bosses.

I hope this helps.

Fish long, eat well

Dragon Bash Experience achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Offering.1524


My achievments are stuck as well, 100% for Dragon Ball games/wins and no Update on the UI. or % towards total completion for the event. Please help!

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Any N.A. Servers temple active?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


any NA servers up?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Any NA servers temple up?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Any open N.A. Servers?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Any NA temples open atm?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Any Balths Open North America? NA

Thanks in advance

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Opened Yaks Bend N.A. 30 minutes ago, still open atm.

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Open on Sea of Sorrows.

Still Open!
just got my shards!
Ty all for posting!

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Desolation is EU, Need a US server still. Anyone?

I propose a solution,
Anyone Intrested come Guest on Yaks Bend server and we will clear it
See you at the pact WP

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Desolation Open

(US) or (EU)?

Fish long, eat well

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Offering.1524


Bump. bump

Is the Temple open on any US Servers at the moment?

Fish long, eat well