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Trying to play again after being gone 2 years

in Necromancer

Posted by: Old Spice.1264

Old Spice.1264

Hey everyone,

I am a level 80 Necro and I just started playing again this week for the heck of it…. I have some various questions I was hoping everyone could answer for me…

- I had a lot of gear that needed to be assigned stats. I wasn’t sure what this was all about, I think it had to do with magic find being taken away from items…?

- As a Necro I assigned Carrion gear to everything… Was that the right thing to do?

- When I left, I appeared to be using a 2H staff and Rod & Dagger. I believe I was going for AOE and Condition Damage… is this still viable?

- What do I do with Mystic Coins? I have 52.

- What do I do with Mystic Forge Stones? I have 9.

- I have multiple Hall of the Monument portal stones? Can I delete them down to 1?

- What is there do in the game?

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and answer some questions…

Sector Zuhl jumping puzzle chest unlootable.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Old Spice.1264

Old Spice.1264

I also just finished this jump puzzle and completed the boss solo and there was a chest that animated and opened but there was no loot. It was unlootable. I submitted bug report with picture