Showing Posts For Olmega.4965:
Does this mean raids will be a month after release or is it still a two week delay?
I think the best thing to do during this event is get to 10 stacks as quickly as possible, then afk somewhere alt tab and watch something until you get your rewards or the next map is about to start.
Has anyone considered releasing new weapons on professions as new rewards? I know anet said awhile back that they’ve been working on making all weapons available on all professions. I don’t know what the status of that is, but it certainly would make me want to raid for those rewards.
Just brainstorming, so don’t take this too seriously.
I’ll just say it, I think the raid content should be difficult and rely on team work across 10-20 ppl. Will this exclude some players, yes but so what. Fractals has already done the same with 5 man-dungeon party. It’s not like fractals caters to people just starting the game. Dungeons are a good progression of learning to play in 5- man party team and fractals work as the high-end point of 5-man parties. So it makes sense that once we add that organization to more people it should be high-end. World bosses and guild missions already cater to the casual crowd. And Honestly I think it’s silly for it to be so casual and easy. Why do we need more content that’s like that? I do not want to wait for 20 ppl to organize to do a 20 min event that’s so bland and easy.
i think this game has to offer are skins only for end game and i dont like to see more skins in the raids the main problem is proggresion something that is not skin but we like u guys sey no geartrademill but what then 10 years down the road you guys gonna be happy whit the same gear ?
Yes, I will be very happy. I’ll be happy that the things I’ve worked for haven’t become obsolete just for artificial longevity. I’ll be happy that I will have not been forced to grind for new gear just to remain viable. I’ll be happy that Anet hasn’t abandoned the core ideals of the game for people who like stick and carrot. I’ll be very happy, indeed.
so u build something once and u have it FOR milion years WOW so dull
tell me if u buy one car u gonna drive it 50 years you not gonna change it cuz you worked so hard to buy that car right ?
What’s dull to me is having to play not for fun, but to stay viable. And yes, if it’d be a car I like, then of course I’d use it for as long as possible.
This is not a game focused on getting better gear. You have plenty of options for that in other games, but just because you want it doesn’t mean others do.
While I don’t believe he put up the best argument, I do agree that it’s weird to be playing for so long and have my characters not see progression. It’s kind of boring and makes doing high end to hard content kind of trivial if the rewards are just more gold for more skins. And I don’t think you’ll become significantly less viable with gear progression happening. Most of this game relies on skill and traits.
I agree with this post. I know that at the beginning of the match I get paranoid that my team won’t fill up with 4 other players.
I agree. It’d help the atmosphere of the settings if we could sit and enjoy them in game.
Mine’s America/Texas : At&t, not sure if this is one of them, but I’ve been getting problems from the patch at first they were minor but for the past couple of days it’s been unplayable.
This has been happening to me as well since the last patch earlier this week, but it’s be significantly worse the past couple of days.
1. no, I don’t own the game
2. I’m playing from the US and haven’t had any problems until really today but i had a couple of hiccups since the july 1st patch
3. I’m central time and i tend to play from the range of 5pm-12am though lately I’ve been playing more sporadically through the times. Today I started playing at 12pm and I started getting disconnects around maybe 2pm and now I can’t go 1min without it disconnecting.
I’ve been getting the same problem since the last patch, it’s been happening off and on throughout the week but hardly noticeable at times or was way too infrequent for me to really care. But today especially is the worst I’ve ever seen it. can’t go 5 mins without a huge lag spike and disconnect, tried the solutions I could find and reset my modem a couple of times and nothing works. And it’s been happening all day.
Same here, Server: Tarnished Coast, was just walking back into the grove when I got kicked and been getting the “Error Code: 42:6:3:2158” on log in.