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Smash The Town Isn't Bugged

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ombar.3469


Took us almost an hour. Turns out that some of the round Charr buildings that look broken are actually still intact. We just kept AoEing everything until something broken.

P.S. to ANet: that stupid unbreakable wall in the rocks in one of the charr towns needs to go away. We wasted WAY too much time trying to break that…

Skipping Stones <3

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ombar.3469


I’m having the same trouble with this JP as with clock tower (other players). I’d be happy to wait until there are fewer people but I’m worried about the champ at the end. Is he solo-able?

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ombar.3469


This worst part about this is that after the initial outcry about the event starting in the middle of most people’s workdays they quickly implied that the only time sensative part would be the ending on Sunday. Now I log in after work to learn that the beginning was indeed a short half hour long ONE TIME event. And to rub salt in the wound most of the rest of the content is bugged…

Bugged NPC's - Who and which server

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ombar.3469


Noll is not appearing on Ferguson’s Crossing.

clocktower needs to be solo instance

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ombar.3469


Agree with OP 100,000%. Everyone in the waiting room I’ve spoken with has said the same thing. And like Joiry said, the only times I’ve gotten close were after everyone failed early so that i could see what in the would was below my feet…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ombar.3469


I’ve said it before, we’ve fixed the bug to prevent it from affecting new players, but we CANNOT fix characters that have already been affected. There is NO differencetween a character that was sent to the Vigil because of the bug, and one that chose the Vigil, so there is no way to do any automatic fix. CS does NOT have the ability to change a character’s active story steps, so this is not something that can be dealt with on a case by case basis if you petition them. I wish I had better news, but I’m just being brutally honest.

Where was this ever stated? Here is every red post that has been posted since we got you to resticky this issue several weeks ago. I’ve added emphasis to Gail’s quote that gave us all hope this would be fixed for us. Put shortly, your customer service and communication on this issue has been a huge disappointment…

Now, we are aware that there are a couple of other bugs related to story steps.

  1. The first involves a split in parties paths upon selection of one’s Order. I’ll update a separate thread about that and you’ll be happy to know that this one has been repro’d and a fix tentatively developed. Upon successful testing, it will be rolled to live.
  2. The second involves a similar kind of split when the party chooses their greatest fear (at level 70). This fix is under review by QA and the details are not yet fully known. It will be addressed as soon as we are able to replicate and then develop a fix.

Would appreciate more information on this and how to best avoid running into problems.

Short answer: if you’re playing a Sylvari, don’t group with someone when they choose their order. The issue I’m aware of happens to secondary players who choose to advance their story past the “choose your order” story step, but never actually chose an order. (The player who “owned” the story step will be fine.)

As noted earlier, if you have a character who was jumped forward in their story (a while ago), you were reset back to the L26 step where you choose an order, so you won’t miss any content.

How did you do the quest twice? Did your friend NOT accept progress the first time?

At what point did your next quest change? Did it suddenly go from “Tower Down” to “Shell Shock”? What was your next listed step when you finished “Forging the Pact”? Just looking at the journal there’s no apparent issue, it looks like it would for any character that chose that story branch.

Note that the “Estate of Decay” bug has nothing to do with this thread topic.

TL;DR Known issue, jumping on TOP of the door will allow you to interact with it.

The fix won’t hit the live servers until the 10/22 content update.

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ombar.3469


The fix won’t hit the live servers until the 10/22 content update.

Nope. Just logged on after the update and I am still on the wrong quest chain. I’m tired of getting jerked around on this issue. I’ve been sitting on this character for almost a month now and ANet keeps going back and forth on whether they will/can fix it. All I want is a straight answer… is this going to be fixed!?

Here is my issue again for reference…

“Character: Verdan Von Boom
Server: Ehmry Bay
Story: (lvl 30) Chose Priory, was placed in Vigil
Details: Was in a party with my wife (Rubyofdeath.4583 on Isabel Rosebud) during the quest to choose an order (Sylvari). It was her instance and she chose Priory. When she exited the instance I was given the usual option to choose to accept her choices and move on or reject. I chose to accept because I wanted the same order. Now I realize that I have been place in the Vigil instead. My wife was placed in the quest “Dead of Winter” which I assume is the Priory Quest."

Guardian: Swap Shield skill 5 with Focus skill 5.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ombar.3469


I completely agree with the overall complaint that the shield just doesn’t feel right. I picked guardian partly because I like the idea of running around with a shield, but it wasn’t long before I realized that the item that actually gives the best defense is the FOCUS? It gets a ranged blind AND a triple block! The shield on the other hand just feels awkward with its bubble and 5 sec. protection cone (really, why do wee need that when we already have virtue of courage that gives an AoE aegis?).

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ombar.3469


All I can say at this point is that I am very hurt and disapointed by ANet’s dismisal of this problem for people who got switched to a different order. My wife and I bought this game to play together, and at the first sign of trouble ANet has shurged and said “though luck.” It now appears that ANet is hopping this problem will just go away by unstickying the topic.

Real classy…

Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ombar.3469


I already submitted this in game but I will re-post here too

Character: Verdan Von Boom
Server: Ehmry Bay
Story: (lvl 30) Chose Priory, was placed in Vigil
Details: Was in a party with my wife (Rubyofdeath.4583 on Isabel Rosebud) during the quest to choose an order (Sylvari). It was her instance and she chose Priory. When she exited the instance I was given the usual option to choose to accept her choices and move on or reject. I chose to accept because I wanted the same order. Now I realize that I have been place in the Vigil instead. My wife was placed in the quest “Dead of Winter” which I assume is the Priory Quest.

(edited by Ombar.3469)

Too few events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ombar.3469


I honestly think something is broken with events. The official line is that we are supposed to level mainly from DE’s and use hearts to round things out, but for the past few days I can barely find any events. The few I do find seem to be bugged and stuck in a never ending cycle [Ehmry Bay]. I’m seriously thinking about transferring servers to see if things work better elsewhere. As it is I tend to see more events in overflow! “Travel to Home World?” No thank you…