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An official response is sorely needed on this.
Has anyone else here been getting severe delay ingame as well? I have.
Yep, it’s back here too. Comcast, Southwest Michigan.
Last night I was one of the people experiencing the issue widely reported at and my game appeared to become playable later that night as well as earlier today, but about an hour ago I’ve begun to experience connection issues that are similar in nature, but without the patching.
My game is fully patched but refuses to properly load. I can log in and go to character select just fine, but my friends list either all displays as offline (even though I know that at least 10 are online at the moment) or will say online but does not display their character or location or account points. My guild name and other character information will load in, but the guild tag will simply display as an empty bracket. The information on my daily and monthly load just fine and so do my character portraits.
I can opt to enter the game but will spend upwards of three to five minutes on the loadscreen, with half and half success rates on whether or not the count of vistas/waypoints/points of interests will load, but will disconnect soon after. I was able to get into the map once earlier but it instantly delayed and disconnected me after a minute. I’m often forced out of the client after a white screen with a disconnect notice, or notifications on the character select screen stating that I have an internet connection issue. However, my internet is perfectly fine and all websites will load without lag.
It is important to note that others are also currently experiencing similar severe lag, some stuck in patching states similar to what happened to many of us last night.
I run windows 7, comcast, and am from the chicagoland area— the latter two seem to play a key factor in this strange lag.
@Oneiroid – did you let it sit with error or kill and restart the update?
It only blinked the error so there wasn’t even time to kill it if I wanted to. Prior to it actually reaching the download bar stage (it hadn’t even reached the login before) I killed it multiple times when it reached error, but not after.
Just finished patching. Hopefully game will work correctly now. Not certain what that was all about… maybe some intern tripped over a cord.
Made it to the login screen and download bar. It’s at 50% and counting despite being slow and flashing connection errors briefly before going back to downloading. I’m praying but not holding my breath. GW2, please do not give me an ulcer for Wintersday…
Still unable to patch. Been trying to for just over an hour now. Managed to slowly get to somewhere over 1000KB before hitting the 0kb/sec wall and connection erroring out.
A friend of mine from Colorado has reported the same issue. He isn’t sure if his campus has comcast or not, but he’s getting this exact same thing regardless.
I am from the southwestern Michigan area and also cannot currently patch my game.
Forgot to add: I am also on comcast and I’m getting the connection errors that others are experiencing, plus slow download speeds. The client will also refuse to close and I have to use task manager to prompt it to say it’s not responding so that I can force it to close. It appears to be taking up a lot of performance, also.
I am from the southwestern Michigan area and also cannot currently patch my game.
The discussion of possibly moving Terror into Grandmaster tier is making me dread these upcoming changes, if it happens. 30 in Curses is a staple for my build (20/30/20/0/0), and being forced to choose between Terror or Lingering Curses is ridiculously harsh. With my current gear and traits, swapping Lingering Curses for any other trait causes a time reduction of over four seconds for my scepter conditions. For someone relying on long durations to help stack up bleeds, that is a massive blow to damage. Deciding to go with Lingering Curses instead of Terror makes fear an absolutely useless condition, which is also way too harsh a blow to damage for me. I currently also have 20 in Death Magic because I adore the underrated Reaper’s Protection trait, but that extra 10 points becomes literally worthless if my fear doesn’t damage. Not having Reaper’s Protection AND not having it inflict damage vastly reduces the appeal of Death Magic for me.
So, point is, if Terror is going to be moved up to Grandmaster, then other traits are going to need to be moved or redone unless you absolutely want to destroy Scepter/Dagger Necromancers. We’re already hated enough with condition capping and there being much higher damage alternatives; to have to pick between Terror or Lingering Curses is just going to make us even less worth having in any party. I strongly urge you to consider making Lingering Curses and Terror accessible simultaneously if Terror is moved.
Another unhappy sylvari player here. My t2 and t3 combo on my necro used to be one of my most loved armor sets on him, as it had amazing color depth. As you can see in the attached before and after, that’s not the case anymore. It looks even worse when he’s glowing; since he’s almost solidly black, the white glow just ruins the color scheme completely.
I’m glad that Anet finally gave the sylvari players some attention, but I’m strongly in favor of rolling this change back. At this rate I’d probably pay real money to revert my t3 pieces back to the old ones, although seeing as it’s a change I never asked for, that’d be rather silly. I’d much rather Anet fix the ridiculous ballooning effect on sylvari characters (see: HotW leggings on a sylvari male VS HotW leggings on a human male), and just leave our cultural armor alone.
The idea of giving more glow options was good in spirit, but the execution caused more trouble than it was worth, I feel. I’m not sure that we’ll actually get the changes rolled back, but I’ll be ridiculously happy if they do.
Logged in just to agree. OP really nailed it. ‘Course, Anet won’t even acknowledge this thread it exists, but y’know…