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Short Story: Raised In The Streets

in Community Creations

Posted by: Original.9170


Hey all, I thought many aspects in the slums of Divinity Reach needed a revamping. I really wanted to try to put a serious tone on the slums. I’d love to see more realism/seriousness put into the guildwars story. Thanks for reading!

Short Story: Human Poverty (rough draft)
The boy gripped the handle of the shambling door. He knew what was inside. It was inevitability that was hanging over his head since he was a child. He had to see it with his own eyes. A fat black rat climbed onto the doorstep next to him. The rat sniffed the crack in the door looking for food. The boy looked down at the scavenger who began scratching at the door. He knew what food this sewer dweller was looking for.
“It was only a matter of time. The most important thing is…”
“Shut up!”
The boy interrupted, growling back at the man.
“Temper temper”
Murmured the man. He turned to keep watch, looking out from the back of the alley.
The boy opened the door. They were immediately bombarded by foul stink. The rat scurried into the darkness of the house. He quickly covered his mouth with his tattered shirt, choking back the vomit. The smell penetrated the boy’s lungs. He took a stumbling step inside. The house smelt of feces and rotting flesh twisted together. The walls of the house were decaying and the floor was littered with glass and feces. The glass crunched underneath his boots as he moved further into the darkness.
The first thing he noticed was the sound. It was like a thousand tiny mouths chewing and feasting and fighting. The boy continued to stumble in further to the familiar home. More tiny bodies passed around his feet, flowing like a river into the center of the room. The smell got worse as he entered the main room. The boy dug in his pocket for the matches. He pulled one out and struck it against the wall. The light flickered off the walls and he held it out to reveal the room. Thousands of rats flowed around his legs toward the decaying corpse in the middle. A thin layer of foul water was on the floor. A corpse in the center of the room, covered in rats from head to toe, fighting over every last piece of tendon. He couldn’t choke it down any further. Vomit burned out of the boy’s mouth. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve only to vomit again. A few rats began eating the disgusting substance. He made his way over to the body through the rats. It was her, his mother.
He stared at the body, taking it all in. Should he take an item to remember her? Did he want to remember her? He held the match closer to the amulet around her neck. Was she worth the memory? He reached down then hesitated. No. He was moving on. It was just another thing to weigh him down, just another thing to care about. No. He tossed the match onto the body. The flame caught the clothes and burst into a larger flame. The rats pulled the flesh away and ran back into their holes. The boy left the house.
“Let’s go, the seraph will be here soon.”
“Aye, there’s a caravan heading to Nebo Terrace leaving soon.”
The man replied.
“Anyplace is better than this city.”

Realism In Story

in Lore

Posted by: Original.9170


Hello, this is my first post. I really enjoyed guild wars 2 but felt like it fell short in many of the story aspects. I would like to see an overall deeper sense of realism with many areas of Tyria. A particular story that I feel could use a face lift is the lower class humans of divinity reach. In addition to the “street rats” I believe bandits should have clearer aspirations just like Riot Alice did. Please let me know what you think of this “sense of realism” change. Thank you.
P.S. -Removed short story included-hope this is more forum-appropriate

Original-A List of Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Original.9170


Hello, I’m relatively new to posting on forums. I would like to give my list of suggestions/ideas that I think would greatly improve this already fantastic game.

Resource Diversity
Purpose-Increase the value of different types of resources at lower tiers
Idea-Instead of “starter” nodes being identical and serve the same function in terms of crafting, I believe there should be a horizontal implementation in resources. So Kryta would have Krytan-type resources that give certain bonuses in crafting while Ascalon has Ascalon-type resource that gives different bonuses. Not only would this serve a reasonable lore balance, but also a zone balance. If players which to craft a certain variation of armor they would have to gather that zone-specific resource. I believe this would improve crafting and resource gathering in general.

PVE supply
Purpose-Increase realism aspect in pve
Idea-Just like wvw, pve would have resource gathering camps that can be attacked but also spawn caravans that move valuable resources and supply to cities and forts to support their defense and feed their soldiers. This could give more of a purpose for caravan events.

Valuable NPCs
Purpose-npcs are usually no help in combat
Idea-Though I agree npcs shouldn’t be kill stealing, I often find them useless and unhelpful. What’s happening with them? If they’re well-fed they should fight better. Are they new to the army? Then they should have worse skills. Even adding a utility aspect to them-not doing direct damage but assisting you in battle via environment weapons or by giving other bonuses. I should missss them if they die.

Improved story
Purpose-make real feeling and connection with and between characters
Idea-I cannot even begin to list all of the names of all the pointless named characters who died in the personal story. If a character isn’t developed enough and this character dies-I really don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me because they seem two-dimensional and I haven’t really understood their aspirations or back story. Also by improving realism in many areas such as “dirty grimy slums”, “lavish rich parties”, “norn society-government”, “Asuran college dynamics”. Overall, a sense of realism and sense of change in each zone.

Purpose-prevent empty zones
Idea-Not my idea. Some group events don’t have the group available. Just to be able to merge a low population zone with another world’s zone would greatly improve happiness of players within each zone.

Thanks for reading! Please comment and review.