Showing Posts For Orion.9861:

PvE overflow queue to work like WvW queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion.9861


I’m currently sitting in an overflow where I am the only one there. I could map out and then back hoping to get into a more populated overflow. Or I could just stay here by myself hoping to finally make it into my home server at some point today.

PvE overflow queue to work like WvW queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion.9861


Would be nice to know where you rank in the queue as well.

Event and Chest Bugs?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Orion.9861


I’m now showing credit for towers that were bugged. With the exception of Queensdale. I re-visited areas where I had trouble earlier and yesterday and I’m at least getting credit for the achievement. I’m not so worried about the loot. Just want credit for the achievement.

Event and Chest Bugs?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Orion.9861


Ok thanks, I’ll look into it.

So what did you find when you looked into it 3 days ago? Will there be an update to fix this issue? And when can we expect that update?

Event and Chest Bugs?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Orion.9861


Had at least 2 bugged towers so far. Queensdale and Gendarran Fields. I’m now using a checklist I made from the wiki info. I know I had bugged towers yesterday but can’t remember where they were. These “tips” people are posting do not do anything to improve success rate.

And saying, “but you only need 30” does not help those of us without 100% map completion.

Very disappointed that these weren’t fixed in today’s update.

How do you get the gift from Tixx?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Orion.9861


What’s weird is the wiki doesn’t even mention the gift. Which made me think that maybe there was no free gift. I’ve seen no official response to this issue. I wonder how many others have this issue but aren’t aware of it. I know my guildmates havent gotten a gift either. I saw people posting about getting double rewards and I didn’t know if they meant the gift or a reward for a quest. I also concerned that if ANet has mailed the gift to some people, they think the issue is fixed.

How do you get the gift from Tixx?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Orion.9861


“Lion’s Arch

Toymaker Tixx finally arrives at Lion’s Arch! As the Wintersday guest of honor, Tixx and his workshop will remain in Lion’s Arch for the rest of the holiday. He has a special Wintersday gift for everyone who visits him while he’s in Lion’s Arch.”

I talk to him and he only ever gives the typical dialog. I receive no gift, nor do I receive instructions on how to obtain gift.

Anyone know what this is supposed to be?


This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


You want gated content

Well of course I do, those asura gates need to go somewhere, why not more content?

You know what I mean. You want content available to only hardcore grinders with no life.

In the interest of fairness, generalising isn’t helping that side of the argument either

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


That’s not my leading counterpoint, although we haven’t hit “gear treadmill” just yet. As people have said, this could be the start of one or it could be a false start. I remain cautiously optimisic. (Fatalistic is a world view I hate, because it leads to me being an unpleasant person to everyone around me. But this isn’t about me, so let’s move on.) In short . . . I’m not sure if this is a treadmill yet. I need more than vagueness from a specifically worded sentence (“we might introduce more tiers later”). Doesn’t mean they will, doesn’t mean they won’t, only that it’s possible.

I will agree that the communication isn’t / wasn’t all that good but the only thing I have to say is: given the reactions of the few who are really angry and passionate about their views, can you blame them for getting quiet? The upcoming AMA is going to be interesting, primarily because I want to see if it goes badly and if so . . . how many people are going to start calling for a blood feud. (Figuratively, of course.)

I agree this wasn’t well handled. Any of this. The event was founded on an interesting premise but technical issues made it “a qualified success” instead of a good kind of success. The staggered introduction of Ascended gear has left a lot to speculation of what the rest of it will look like, and if there will be alternate earning methods than Fractals of the Mists, and just in general “what the heck is going on?”

I do not mean gear treadmill in the traditional sense. It appears to be isolated to the fractals at this time, at least according to ANet. But it appears clear that you will need new types of infusions in the future. requiring new infusions in the future in order to be successful in that future content, is a treadmill.

Again, I’m not saying this is a bad thing, and I do await more info from ANet.

The best analogy I can come up with is this:

I’m staring at what appears to be an apple sitting on a table. One person tells me this is a poisonous apple and we are all going to die. Another person looks at it and says the first guys is stupid, this isn’t an apple. Either way, until I’m able to read a little more info on the label, I’m not biting. And I just wish the label said something more than “we’re excited about you eating our fruit”

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


He is going to clarify monday. But I can’t see how much clearer you need to be when you say. “Ascended gear is meant to be in between exotic and Legendary” It’s like all of you just ignored that statement entirely. Also legendary’s stats were not where they supposed to be so even before this we knew it was getting bumped. So again i’m saying your mad they are fixing a error?

Do they literally haved to hold your hand for you to understand? This isn’t first grade my man it’s reading comprehension. As far as endgame I’ll
correct you again they said the whole game is endgame not they’re is none again reading comprehension. And again reading what you want to see not what was printed.

So if they add a level in between exotic and legendary who cares. I think your done here pretty much dismissed. Unless you want to argue uselessly that the Christmas event is Illuminati funded or something else you didn’t read properly. The more you go the more you prove my point people are not paying attention. And just raging without proper knowledge of what they are even raging about or just plain trolling.

Where exactly is my raging? You are the one lashing out, not me.

And by definition, if people are asking the same questions after your “clarification,” then you have not clarified anything, and thus you were not clear enough.

If the whole game is endgame, then there is no “end” game. Since by definition, the end would come at the… end.

“Ascended gear is meant…” Yes, IS meant. Not WAS meant. these are two distinctly different things.

They worked on this game for 5 years. Legendary stats were exactly where they intended them to be. Making a change now, is not fixing an error, it’s making a change.

“if they add a level in between exotic and legendary”

adding? I thought you just said they were fixing an error…

“And just raging without proper knowledge of what they are even raging about”

You mean like insulting people without having actually read their posts? I have to assume you just haven’t read my posts at this point, since despite your declarations of a superior aptitude for reading comprehension, you keep attributing arguments to me that i haven’t made.

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


Hi there. I’ll be polite and respectful if you please.

How does accessing a gear treadmill in different ways not make it a gear treadmill? If you hop on at the end. I can’t begin to say what plans they have (I don’t work there) but I’d wager Token/Badges exchange of some sort. If they were going to be more creative, a guaranteed drop the first time out of certain DE chests like ones for the Cathedrals, Claw of Jormag, you get the drift.

Again, yet again, if they’d rolled this out all at once instead of in pieces, I doubt this would be half as painful to watch.[/quote]

I agree, that all at once would have been better. And that it would probably have cut down on complaining. But what I’ve read here is essentially one group of players complaining (not always eloquently) that this is ANet introducing a gear treadmill and it’s the end of the world. I then see another group that jumps in and says the first group is stupid, there is no treadmill, and that these changes are both awesome and needed.

I’m not in either of those groups. There is very obviously a treadmill here, at least based on what little official communication we have from ANet. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, and I’m not necessarily opposed to it. But if your leading counterpoint is that there is no treadmill, then I question your ability to deduce info correctly and I don’t respect the remainder of your argument.

My biggest issue is ANet’s communication or lack thereof. They know what they are planning. They’ve known how this infusion thing would work long before this patch. Not informing the players more than they have is really negligence on their part at best. All of this fighting amongst the players is a result of that negligence.

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


1.Who cares what were you doing until now standing in LA? This section was filled with im bored omg no end game its doomsday I was fooled posts.

2. Read my last post it’s not vertical they corrected a issue that was there since launch. You can google legendaries not as strong as they should be. And in the patch notes they literally say that. It’s funny most of you guys stop paying attention after you read loot added.

3. Items not based on skill really? Check my fractals videos in the dungeon section tell me where that is faceroll. And that i didn’t actually haved to do something. Your opinion or dislike of something doesn’t make it fact. It does take some form of skill to do fractals and not die.

4. RNG items are the same as getting items in raids if you get it all the time. That lowers rarity and makes things less special.

5. Your thinking too hard they have to do that like I said in 4. I mean come on you gotta atleast earn something. It sounds like you are more mad you actually have to do something. This is supposed to be strong stuff you shouldn’t just get it because you log in. This is the mentality that led to the debacle that is WOW right now. No one wants to work for anything anymore they want welfare gear. Bet if they did that you guys flip all types of fits so cut it out with the laziness.

And read everything the developers are saying. Do not selectively care about what you want for your agenda.

1) ANet said there would be no endgame. Where were you the last 5 years that you would now expect endgame?

2)In your opinion, there was an issue there since launch. And patch notes don’t say legendaries are not as strong as they should be. They say exotics were easier to obtain than ANet realized. Those are two completely different things. If you didn’t comprehend that, then perhaps you should read more carefully next time.

3) When did I say fractals are easy? Oh, that’s right, I didn’t. Seriously, slow down when you’re reading, and don’t be so quick to make assumptions about other people’s arguments.

4) RNG is RNG

5) If it is RNG, how is it earning?

“It sounds like you are more mad you actually have to do something.” – Are you sure you are reading MY posts? Again, slow down.

“This is supposed to be strong stuff…” – So you are agreeing that it is gear progression

“This is the mentality that led to the debacle that is WOW right now. No one wants to work for anything anymore they want welfare gear. Bet if they did that you guys flip all types of fits so cut it out with the laziness.” – My mentality that ANet should do a better job of communicating? or my mentality that I would honestly like someone to explain how a gear treadmill is not a gear treadmill?

Not once have I offered my opinion as to whether this is a bad change. I’ve simply stated facts and asked for clarification.

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


Seriously, everyone needs to go do something else. This is getting really old, really fast. You keep complaining about “Gear-Treadmill”, but, what if Anet makes alternate methods to acquire “ascended” gear?. What if they make it so you can get an “ascended” weapon by putting 4 exotic weapons of the same type into the forge. Considering all the stats are built in, the chances of getting what you want are pretty low. So what do you do with it?. You put it on the TP. Since it’s “game-wide”, there will be a flood of “ascended” gear up for grabs, and the more there are, the cheaper they will BE. How hard did you have to “Grind” to buy the gear off the TP. If you’re like me, and have a lot of gold just sitting in the bank, then, not very hard. And, what if they add MORE ways. What if the add a way to get them through “crafting”?, or drops from “World Boss” chests??. The point is, we (which includes YOU) have NO IDEA what their plans are. So, if you gotta cry, then cry up a storm. Just don’t expect anyone to really care.

why haven’t they made alternative paths available by now>

How does the availability of accessing the treadmill in different ways, not make it a treadmill? Yes, a major point is that we have no idea what their plans are. That’s a problem. Players are concerned about the direction of this game. There is nothing wrong with those players voicing those concerns and asking for clarification.

A lack of maturity and respect toward fellow players does not make one’s opinion any more valid.

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


To those that say this is not a treadmill:

1) If I have ascended gear, and then when new content is released, I have to get new infusion upgrades because my old upgrades are obsolete on the new content. And then when the next content is released and now i need another set of infusion upgrades. Isn’t that a treadmill? Sure, it is isolated to just the ascended and legendary items. But it is still a treadmill.

2) Yes, the infusion only affects the fractals right now. But the introduction of vertical progression in any form will cause a segregation of the playerbase. Not all vertical progression is necessarily bad. But you are already seeing the effects on pugs for the fractals. The Fractals are appropriately named.

3) Is this type of treadmill acceptable to you because the item acquisition is not based on skill or time spent playing or money spent playing, but is instead a lottery?

4) Can RNG items even be considered progression since they are not tied to any true player progression but are instead based on luck?

5) How exactly is ANet rewarding “dedicated” players if they use RNG? Aren’t they instead, rewarding players that just do the same thing over and over again expecting different results? Some famous person at some point in the past used a different term than “dedicated” to describe those types of players…

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


4) Is ANet aware that they have an official website? It has a “NEWS” section and everything. I love receiving info on twitter, because it comes to me on my phone instead of me having to go out to the website to get the info. That being said, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and other non-official sites should only be used as a supplement to the offical website and not replacement of the official website. I should not have to join facebook or reddit or twitter in order to receive any message from ANet. (Sidenote: I don’t see why you cannot use your own website for Q&As, but when you guys do Q&As on Reddit, it would be nice to see those questions and answers posted on your official website at some point.)

5) It’s okay to make changes. Those of us that have been with you since GW2 was first announced have seen this game change in a multitude of ways over the years. Not everyone is going to agree with every change you make. But when you do decide to make a change, there are two things you should NEVER do:

a) insult your players

b) point to that writing in wet paint on the wall in the barn and tell us it’s always been there.

Acknowledge that you are making a change and give us the actual reasoning behind the change. I think you’ll find people a lot more accepting of the change, and they won’t feel as betrayed as many players feel right now.

This will not end my view

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion.9861


ANet’s biggest problem right now is communication. If there is any one person in charge of PR, that person needs to re-examine the communication strategy as soon as possible. And if that person is incapable of such a task, then it is time to find a more qualified person for that role.

Some issues:

1)ANet gives many of their developers the freedom to communicate directly with players. And that’s awesome. But not every developer or designer has a strong set of communication skills. Sometimes things don’t always come across as intended. So, when something is being posted on the official blog, is it too much to ask that it is proofread by someone with PR experience?

2) Anytime you refer to one subgroup of players as your “dedicated” players, you’ve just pissed off everyone else. The remainder of your message is now tainted. Please refrain from using this term as you clearly do not its meaning.

You used this term when you posted about reserving player names from GW1. Aside from either a) lying to players about being able to reserve names by purchasing EotN or b) misleading players by not correcting them when the generally excepted belief of how the process would work was incorrect, you take what was indisputably a message announcing a restriction to the process that had not previously been announced, and coupled it with an insult to some portion of your playerbase. Did you not expect the complaints that followed or did you just not care?

In the blog post, your definition of “dedicated” players included people who maybe heard about GW2 from a friend or saw it at a convention, spent $20 to buy GW1 to check out GW and then decided to pre-order. It did not however, include people that had played GW1 for years, followed along with every bit of information they could get for 5 years on the development of GW2, but for whatever reason, would not be able to play during the first 24 hours of launch. Spend $2k on a new system just to be able to play this game, but it would not be delivered in time? Not “dedicated”. In the hospital delivering a baby? Sorry, you’re not “dedicated”. Active military duty? Family emergency? Death in the family? Receiving chemo treatments? NOT “DEDICATED”!

In regard to gear progression to reward “dedicated” players: wouldn’t your “dedicated” players be the ones that actually watched your manifesto? Wouldn’t they be the ones who are grinding away knowing that any rewards are purely cosmetic? How is adding a new type or tier of gear rewarding that player? It’s not. It’s rewarding those that have ignored everything you have said for 5 years and are expecting GW2 to be like every other MMO they have played.

Please remove “dedicated” from your vocabulary.

3) I refuse to believe that ANet is too stupid or too ignorant to realize that the introduction of ascended items would not go over well with at least a portion of their playerbase. Setting aside the issue of whether this is a good change or bad change, there was going to be a segment of the GW2 population that would view this as bad news. Accepting the idea that ANet would know this prior to the change, why wouldn’t they do some damage mitigation PRIOR to the change. Saying " Hey everyone, check out these awesome changes!" and then posting an attempt at clarification AFTER the announcement, is terrible PR. If they had simply done the clarification in the announcement, and acknowledged those people who would have concerns initially, there would be more “wait and see” and less “flame”.

3) b) It’s probably best if your announced attempts at clarification were actually attempts at clarification and not efforts at spin control. If the same questions are being asked after the clarification post, then nothing has been clarified. And any further delay in clarification is both magnified and seen as support for those in the “bad change” camp.

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Orion.9861


In the future, when Anet is going to do these kinds of things, I would like to see different times for NA and EU servers. While that doesn’t completely solve the issues for Aus or NZ players, it would surely help. If the NA start time is not until say 6pm PST, then NZ would be at 1pm local I believe. While not ideal, that’s what NA is doing today. And it’s better than 7am. And then of course you would reach more EU and NA players as well.

Oh and if there are bugs, EU can serve as a de facto beta for the NA servers.