Showing Posts For Oujisama.4519:

[HVOC] Havoc Guild on Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


Try us now for doing small scale group battle fun in WvW! Cheers!

Avoid the zerg, kill the roamers, make them scared roaming and desroy their havoc groups!

[HVOC] Havoc Guild on Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


We have a flexible play time schedule, but we are seeking for more Oceanic / SEA Players for our core members!

[HVOC] Havoc Guild on Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


We are still continuing to seek players to be one of our core members! Pro or New you are very welcomed in here!

If you have another guild for PVE you are still invited! You can just Represent our guild if you want to have a coordinated havoc group when you are in WvW!

[HVOC] Havoc Guild on Jade Quarry

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


Havoc Guild is now starting to recruit Pioneers to form our core members. Everybody is welcome to try.

We have 10 questions below to summarize what kind of players we are seeking to be part of our guild and also for you to quickly kitten if this guild is worthy for your toons and also for your play style.

Q : Do you like WvW? If yes, do you give at least 1 hour(min) in WvW just to kill and have fun?

Q : Do you prefer running with a small coordinated group doing fun stuff rather than adding numbers to your zerg? This can apply both to WvW and PvE activities.

Q : Are you okay with a guild that cannot join you in your daily dungeon grind when they are already in WvW slaughtering foes?

Q : Do you want to learn and get better about the different classes / builds by learning and at the same time sharing information with a small group? This can apply both to WvW and PvE builds.

Q : Do you like a guild that let other members take turn when leading a havoc group? Everyone can be a good havoc leader with some practice.

Q : Do you like a guild that does one on one pvp practices?

Q : Are you a player that wants to create a good strategy, have it criticized and put it into play?

Q : Do you play a toon with a stealthy or bursty build that aims to just quickly assasinate enemey players?

Q : Do you imagine yourself role playing as a notorious killer or a bad a* assassin or something similar with no respect to your enemy?*

Q : Are you okay with teaming up with a very young guild, to become a pioneer and help upcoming members?

If you answered 5 or more YES. Please do try our guild, with that many YES you are really indeed one of the few out there with the same play style with us.

Thank you for giving time to read and answer. You can PM me here, in-game, or post here for an invite!

PM below In-game for invite!


(edited by Oujisama.4519)

Spawn ; Tribulation Mode, World 2 Zone 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


Same problem. Confirmed.

That checkpoint is really buggy. Sometimes you will live sometimes you won’t. Next is the cloud checkpoint bug or troll cloud

Anyways please fix the problems. W2 Zone 2 is the most epic tribulation zone ever!

Tough Customer, World 1. 10/11

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


Hi, is this already fixed?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oujisama.4519


same problem here with other Filipino players, I’m giving some patience about the lag till the next big patch.