Showing Posts For Outlavv.2954:

Please stagger build release times.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


Maybe also stop releasing new builds in the middle of the wvw reset night!. Ends up being alo of wasted siege when you are 30 mins into the battle and then boom new build that takes 2 hours to dl due to Anet’s server clogging problems for new builds.

No reason for being in a party.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


Pro tip: go into an area and type “hey, anyone in this area wanna group up for a while?” BOOM, party started!

Improved Player Ignore/Blocking Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


This is an idea that I would love to see and would cut back on the length of many players’ blocked names pages.

Instead of blocking/ignoring that one character it should ignore the entire collection of characters from that player.

It doesn’t even need to tell you the numbers of their account; it could look like this: “Goldseller.****”.

This would also cut back on chat spamming of gold selling and GMs wouldn’t have such a large load of reports. Everyone would just block the spammers when they see them and then that $60 dollar account of GW2 is blocked from their screen until they unblock it.

Take out traits dealing with falling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


I think these traits do need to be revamped for some classes. I play a thief and only do wvw, so I constantly use this trait. The smoke bomb aspect to it is also amazing since u can drop of of keep walls and cliffs to smoke bomb stealth your allies that are low health and knocked on the ground for falling.
Even in pve these traits are usefull for moving across areas instead of taking detours you just go down the cliff.

(edited by Outlavv.2954)

WvW Queues: A new feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


This is a necessary update and I don’t know why they didn’t add more stuff like this into this recent patch. Anet really needs to set one or two guys on these smaller things, because honestly I would rather they add a bunch of small things for benefit of the entire game than change a few large things that everyone has learned to play around anyways and doesnt really matter in the long run. Its the small things…

Display both weapon slots on character

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


I think this sounds like a great idea. Would add alot more skill in target selection and callouts in spvp and wvw pvp since you could assess your oponents weapons, and therefore, what attacks they are able to use and respond accordingly.

Dungeon Bosses: don't heal fully after wipe

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


I agree with how they are handling it, if the majority of players (sry to all the elitists) can’t complete the content that means that it is too hard. They make their money of the casual players not the hardcore players since there are alot more casuals standing around. For everyone having a hard time with content, try swapping some of ur accessories for tankier stats (not forgetting that toughness and vit are equally important, and heaing is nice too) just for that dungeon. People focus way too much attention on min-maxing dps when it is only required in a very few instances of the game that you can sacrifice some to live longer.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


I dissagree with increasing the duration of stealth and this is why: I built my character around stealth for wvw pvp and I can stealth every 3 seconds or so (the time for one full auto hit combo) that lasts 3-4 seconds. With culling it means that I come out of stealth for about 1.5 seconds each time, wich is not enough time for anything anyone can do to stop me.

What I would suggest is making the time between stealth up to 5 seconds and giving the first 1 second or 0.5 seconds of stealth as an evade, since it makes sense physics-wise that if I dissappear in front of you you are going to be thrown off your atack at least for a small amount of time (i go stealth and move like an inch so you miss your attack). I know we have a trait that makes us blind every time we stealth but blind is so underpowered in pvp that its not a very viable option for a trait unless you are 1v1, wich is not the case ever.

Why not make a trait that causes the evade instead? This would also allow thieves to not get destroyed by all the super OP aoe attacks that every class seems to drop on the ground and it ticks for as much damage as our highest damage ability.

(edited by Outlavv.2954)

badges of honor or jumping?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Outlavv.2954


To be honest it is perfectly fair to make legendaries require badges of honor. They are called LEGENDARIES! I could argue that because I don’t like any part of the game except world vs world pvp that the legendaries should be available to me from anything I can do from the world vs world map.

You need what, 500 badges. so like 1 month of wvw including jumping puzzles, killing dolyaks, killing players/guards. I do constant wvw pvp and consistantly get 20-50 badges per day including the three non-EB puzzles.

(edited by Outlavv.2954)