An hour in past was an hour spent defending/repairing/recapping camps etc.
An hour now is a tedious bore everything’s to far away to defend etc and the map is so poorly designed it doesn’t flow is just a jumbled maze.
In old maps could do anything scout/defend/run with zerg, recap camps/find people on other team
takes far longer to cap anything and silly amounts of defensive mobs spawn, its like they tried to make map more rewarding to zergs. the stupid oasis weapon makes it even easier for the strongest server to win easily.
the loot is even worse than before, cant buy wvw levels with my useless laurels now.. ironic they add the notary npcs so wvw players can buy hero points through wvw levels, but make it far more difficult to get wvw levels (and also made it so much harder to get the badges since they nerfed eotm). not going to waste my time battling with all the grinding walls to unlock new elites.
Oh and the new siege looks hideous, looks like a primary school kid made it out of playdo.
•How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW
-wont log in game. (or buy heap of trash (hot))
•In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.
- deleting them and putting proper maps back instead of the oversized overly pretty but utterly useless map. parts of it like the keeps would be better as a maze than an actual objective.
•In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a new WvW player.
- enter… look around, cant find any allies any enemies or any clue what to do… leave and go back to pve.
•In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a veteran WvW player that is new to the maps.
- enter look around, cant find any allies, any enemies, objectives to hard to take unless you can find allies, return to EB/quit game.
•Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?
used to be able to provide guild buffs as a small guild to help my team ? nope cant do that any more, guild upgrades locked behind paywalls/grind walls etc etc.