Showing Posts For PaToNe.5983:

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Read what Gaile said the last time you posted about this, that goes for the rest of you as well. The rules apply to everyone regardless of who they are or what they’re doing and the chat filter does not give you a license to break the rules. Once may have been an accident, but a second time? clearly you need to shape up before they decide to give you a perm ban.

What are you talking about ? I haven’t said nothing wrong I want them to tell me what i said.

This is just another dirty trick of JQ

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

The best solution you can do is to submit a ticket and the support will tell you why got suspended. If it was a mistake you will get your account right away!

I did that last time they send me NOTHING !!! now i want them to reply this post.

Patone SoS Commander BAN AGAIN ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys you guys ban me 2 weeks ago for inappropriate language and now i get ban again for another 3 days ?

I haven’t said nothing wrong since I got ban last time, can you guys please send me the evidence for what you guys are banning me for ?

SoS vs JQ vs SBI 1/4/13

in WvW

Posted by: PaToNe.5983



TSYM here, first off congratulating JQ again for their win last week. To all those who want to post an asterisk next to the win, the enemy saw an opportunity, capitalized on that opportunity, and kept stomping on our necks until we didn’t get back up. We assure you, if we saw similar from your server, you would see the same from us, so grats on being brilliant tacticians! Anyone can see opportunities, the great ones seize them!

Funny someone mentioned the stomping JQ gave to Dragonbrand. That match is what made TSYM what we are today, and we remember it like it was yesterday. To say we were obliterated would be a massive understatement, I do believe we lost by like 600k points. We went in there every day trying new stuff out, and you guys were there every time to send us packing, and back to the drawing board. By the end of the matchup we were wiping 4x our number pretty regularly, but was a hard lesson…

Next week will be the loss of a well known server, and the addition of a brand new server. On behalf of all us at T1, best of luck SBI on your next shuffle, and give them hell.

To BG joining us, welcome to the fight! Be assured that negitivity and hostility felt here and on guru come from the forum warriors, and not from the leaders. Most of us are very excited to see what you will bring to the table!

TSYM will be on EB for next shuffle, I do so hope we get to see some serious action from both JQ and BG. GLHF keep classy, and die well! GG and GRATS to whoever takes home the trophy!

Patone from [ONE] Here

TSym is going to be in my map that is interesting

Good luck with that bro we need to talk about new plans to welcome BG

12/28 SBI v JQ v SoS

in WvW

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Patone from [ONE] Here… I think JQ have been doing a great job this last two weeks and our server SOS is looking weaker, I think is time for us to push more hard.

Great job JQ nice fight in EB everyday.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Thank you very much for all your support.

I am not asking for forgiveness, I just want a little consideration, because my situation is not the same of any other player I have to deal with constant pressure and handle large groups of people so once again I apologize if anyone was offended.

I hope my case can be reviewed.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys I’m the main EB Commander in the T1 server SoS, And i got ban for 72 hours for inappropriate languague, I would like to know if is any chance to get unban early if I apologize here in the forum, some times when I’m commanding big zergs I said the wrong thing while I’m commanding I’m sorry if anyone was offended.

Please guys I can’t be ban I need to help my server and I have a Guild to RUN.