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Struggling with the Ele? Try this...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


It’s not that they feel the Arcane tree is amazing, and the cooldown benefit is required, it’s because the other trees are so lackluster that Arcane gives the only decent benefits for our playstyle

What if attunement cooldowns worked like weapon swapping?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


Perhaps changing one set of the minor traits to be a stacking buff (that caps) as such:

“casting a X spell increases the effectiveness of FireX spells while in X attunement for Y seconds”

So that way people who want to spec into sitting in an attunement get a benefit, whereas everyone else gets a nice small buff. They’d have to adjust the magnitude of the buff, how much it stacks, and for how long it lasts, to have it fit in with the current buff system (or just come up with a new type of buff).

Rearrange the minor traits such that:
-current 15pt becomes 5pt
-current 5pt becomes 15pt
-current 25pt gets replaced with above

So that way people who want to dance can spec evenly and get the benefits, and people who want to specialize in an attunement or two get more bonuses for doing so.

And, ofc, you’d have to impose a new cooldown setup for attunements. Haven’t thought that far ahead.

I think it could work, but it would definitely be revamping a class that already (mostly) works, and would be a lot more work than they’re probably intending on doing

Edit: Even though I think the class works, I definitely think they should’ve considered the people who wanted to go for more of a classical Mage feel by sitting in one attunement when designing the class with a “play how you want” ideology

(edited by Panda.8169)

Attunement Dancing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


It’s called Twisting

Bards in EQ twisted to keep their songs up constantly to buff their group.
Same thing goes for the Bard soul in Rift
They called it “Stance Dancing” for warriors in WoW, but really it was just stance twisting.

Elementalists Attunement Twist.

1) This. Although WoW modified and popularized the phrase when warriors had to “stance dance”, it was originally known as twisting.

2) Who the kitten cares? call it what you want, as I’m pretty sure that even anyone with the intelligence of a decaying brick can use context to easily figure out what you mean.

3) I’ll be calling it dancing, because I have for the past 8 years, and believe it rolls off the tongue a LOT better than twisting or swapping

FIX ride the lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169



this really needs to be fixed

FIX ride the lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


Also will target non aggressive monsters in PvE if they are withing range and Players pets in sPvP.

Just wanted to throw out that you can avoid this by turning Auto Targeting off in the options.

Doesn’t makes sense. Why can I have auto target on in PvP and deselect my target to RTL away and it not target a player but will target a pet if it’s within range? I like having auto target on for Drakes Breath and Cone of Cold.

I’ll take the ability to escape like a boss (since that + traveling is all RTL is good for) rather than lazy target selecting any day. Eles need to stay alive, because going down is a death sentence. RTL helps you make a VERY quick getaway when kitten gets hairy.

That’s not to say it doesn’t need to be fixed, because it DEFINITELY needs to be fixed. I just believe the escape mechanic outweighs auto-targeting

Are you sure elementalist is really fine?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


I run D/D aura/cantrip/dance+dodge build (can link build if requested). Only time I have an issue in sPvP is against good guardians, really good mesmers, and good thieves. Everything else is relatively cake. It might take a little bit to kill people (as it’s not a glass cannon build), but it gets the job done.

We can compete. It just takes a LOT more effort on our part. My left hand often starts to hurt after a couple hours of sPvP. I am in no way saying the class doesn’t need work, because it does need some help:

-RTL needs to be tweaked. I use it more as an escape/travel option than I do for offense, as it’s very unreliable (unless you’re perfectly lined up for it to hit)
-Downed state. Completely defenseless, rely 100% on team mates to make sure you don’t get stomped.
-Some traits need to be tweaked. ~Half of our traits are focused on sitting in specific attunements, making them go against what is largely considered our class’s core philosophy of stance dancing
-Timing for spell effects (Shatterstone, Dragon’s Tooth, etc)
-Everything in the updated bugs list thread.

I don’t think complaining about Elites is really helpful, because most classes’ elites are bad, with the exception of one for some classes (I’m looking at you, Time Warp/Supply Drop). The same goes with utility skills. A lot are garbage, but a lot also find a place in specs and do well.

Also I feel like a lot of people don’t understand the importance of running away. As foolish as it sounds, if kittentarts to get hairy, you need to get out ASAP. As I said above, our downed state is terrible, and it’s almost certainly a death sentence when you go down. Once you’ve recouped, head back in (if you left allies to fend for themselves). We have plenty of ways to travel quickly (lightning flash, RTL, plenty of swiftness), and can jump to water for keeping ourselves alive while running. This also serves as a GREAT distraction if you have allies with you.

All in all, it takes some getting used to.
-Practice your dancing, know your skills and when to use them
-Be cognizant of your enemies, the options available to them, and terrain around you. Study your enemies each match and adjust your strategy accordingly. Ex: If enemies know to rez their allies and beeline for your downed teammates, save your hard CCs/Armor of Earth for those moments.
-Churning Earth + Lightning Flash is an excellent gib, use it well.
-Do NOT Xv1, unless you’re defending a point and holding out for an ally that’s on his/her way. You will die.

The big one is knowing your enemies and acting accordingly. If you can do that with any class, you’ll be (mostly) successful.

For PvE, I love staff support in PvE, and run fire/water/dodge build. If I’m solo, just switch to D/D and swap out some major traits. Very little complaints in this area.

No comments on WvWvW because quite frankly I’ve not done enough of it since Beta to come up with a guild build/strategy that works.

tl;dr – yes, we’re really fine. The class takes practice. Once you get it down, it’s uber fun

(edited by Panda.8169)

Reliving the good times

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


So, while we wallow in how our prof is mediocre, let’s reminisce about some good moments. I’ll go first

>5 eles on our team
>all running same dance+dodge build
>end up dodging team to death
>win 500 to 200
>every ele on our team got 200+ glory from that match

Elementalist Downed

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


You’d have to be crazy not to sign this.

But for the time being, I just try to avoid being in downed state That includes running away. I can’t count the number of times where I’ve been focused for being an ele, turned tail and ran, and my allies destroyed everyone chasing me

Question about Arcana Tree's Attunement Recharge Rate

in Elementalist

Posted by: Panda.8169


If it’s working as intended, that’s pretty dumb. I can’t think of any other cooldown mechanics that work like this in the game. It’s also quite misleading. A lot of people I talked to yesterday thought the base attunement recharge time was 20 seconds because of this when it’s actually 15.

This actually makes a pretty big difference and it doesn’t make any sense that this single recharge/cooldown mechanic follows a different formula than every single other thing in the game. I’d really like some official confirmation that this is either bugged or working as intended.

I’m pretty certain that’s how chilled works, by decreasing the rate at which skills cooldown. So like, tenths of a second of cooldown actually take two tenths of a second to pass (as a hypothetical example). The rate at which it cools down has been decreased. I think it’s the same idea here.