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Juggernaut makes Asura T3 parts invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Panda Bloodshire.1836

Panda Bloodshire.1836

Has this been fixed yet?

Juggernaut makes Asura T3 parts invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Panda Bloodshire.1836

Panda Bloodshire.1836

BumpI plan to have the same setup, that needs to be fixed

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Panda Bloodshire.1836

Panda Bloodshire.1836

Rewards,where are the rewards!

Call To Arms: Balthazar Temple BlackGate

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Panda Bloodshire.1836

Panda Bloodshire.1836

When? Now.
Unbugged? Can be unbugged anytime when enough people are at Rally Way Point.

(Opinion) Design changes I think would be cool.

in Warrior

Posted by: Panda Bloodshire.1836

Panda Bloodshire.1836

Subtle changes can make a whole skill set feel totally unique.

1.Instead of my endurance being used to dodge when I wield a shield, let my endurance bar be a reaction block, procing on block effects from traits and maybe even interrupt/fumble my enemy.
I don’t want to dodge away, I want to be rewarded for standing firm before my enemy and rewarding my successful blocks.

2. Bulls rush/Shield bash should provide knockdown,block,or push back effects. I’m a charging warrior, choo-choo.

3.Like thieves our skills should evolve with our off hands, duel wielding does not incorporate any synergy outside of skills 4 and 5. I swing my sword, I swung my sword again, I double sword slashed on my third strike/I cleaved with my axe on my third/I bashed my shield on my third/I upper swung with my mace launching my foe.

4. Reckless and into the fray, adrenaline should provide additional effects when taking on more foes. In general, mostly world v world warriors a punished if they are ever the first ones into combat, mostly because of the stigma in world v world that range weapons are a must. Balancing this with your burst skills would provide battle winning or losing choices.

5. Let banners be spawn able off-hands this solves the problem of that everyone can take your banner and that it is an inconvenience to have it laying in the battle field.

Your 4 and 5 slot now host inspiration skills for party support unique to each banner is unique skills.

The original slot the banner took would be slamming your flag into the ground providing an AOE field depending on the flag.

Strength banner lays-Fire,Ice or darkness
Tactics banner lay-Dark, lighting or smoke.

You get the general idea.

6. This goes for a lot of classes but make elites feel more like elites. This leads me into to much ideas, so this one is left vague.

7. Make shield available as a 2 handed weapon. Idk but the idea of thrashing an bashing peoples heads in as a train sounds like a warrior to me. I have never played any game which let me wield a spiked shield. It would be a retaliation/bleeding/cc weapon.

8.In general make spears into a amphibious weapon, they would make underwater weapons more desirable and brings that whole pole arm/lance weapon into play.

(edited by Panda Bloodshire.1836)