Showing Posts For Patches.7584:

Camera Rotation and Mouse Lock

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patches.7584


More information from testing.

If I tab out of the game to anything and then back in, mouse locking during camera rotation works until I press a key.

As soon as I press a key in guild wars (anything, doesn’t even have to be bound) it will not longer lock the mouse during camera rotation until I tab out again.

EDIT: I sorted it. No worries!

(edited by Patches.7584)

Camera Rotation and Mouse Lock

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patches.7584


This feature doesn’t work for me. It is localized to GW2. Affects no other games.

Windowed Fullscreen, Fullscreen, any combination of these. All programs but GW2 closed as test. Still occurs.

Example of my problem: I move mouse to far right side of screen. Press and hold one of mouse buttons causing the pointer to disappear, and move mouse to the left. This rotates my camera/character to the left. My mouse pointer is not where I initially left it to rotate, but is instead moved to the left as if it moved while invisible during camera rotation.

It happens regardless of my setup thus far, and is only occuring in GW2.

Figured I’d make this topic just in case others might be experiencing it.

EDIT: If I tab out of the game and back in (any type of windowed/fullscreen) it will temporarily lock the mouse for camera rotation, but quickly stop doing that within a minute.

(edited by Patches.7584)

Nightfury and Asura

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Patches.7584


Not really a bug I don’t guess, but decided to put it here.

The graphics for the bats on Nightfury scale with armor size making them almost invisible for asura characters.

In the login and preview views, they are normal sized.

When you enter the game however, they shrink WILDLY to the size of gnats/insects.

I spent a lot of coin and time farming these shoulders, and main an asura.

Just wanted to put it out there, since I’ve not seen another post anywhere on it yet.

Item Link to Secondary Guild Chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Patches.7584


Can confirm this also occurs with my game. It is impossible to link an item/wp/whatever to a guild you’re not currently representing.

Plans for a Gem Store API?

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Got the ok to expose the data, won’t have future sales or anything and may be missing a few items if we can’t come up w/ a good way to represent them.

This data is super-easy to get, so shouldn’t take long. I’ll try to get a PR together at some point.


Don’t forget the forum post when you open the endpoint! Looking forward to adding it to my wrapper.

New Endpoint: /v2/wvw/matches

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Hi Lawton,

FYI, kills/deaths seem to be broken for EU matchups. The overall kill/death stats are not present at all, and the per-map stats all report as “0”.

Ick, I think I know why that is but fixing it is actually going to be really difficult. Thanks for the bug report!

So I just learned that my bug hunting in my own code was in the API. Thanks for the confirmation!

Keep us updated friendo. We appreciate the work you’re doing.

Plans for a Gem Store API?

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


I’d enjoy it being implemented. It’d be fun to wrap, and should let me know as soon as a sale begins/ends or if something showed up I have been waiting for.

Make it so, devs c:

PVP League Badges.

in PvP

Posted by: Patches.7584


Of course there are downsides. You make good points, but don’t be so arrogant. I have seen plenty of games where a person who is lowest ranked on a team will be blamed for a loss and cussed out, all over something they had no control over. No one is pretending it won’t be useful, but there are legitimate concerns out there as well.

So I am arrogant because I want player info like in every other competitive game and real sport out there? Care to elaborate what’s arrogant about my post, because I don’t see anything. There will always be certain people that harass players regardless of their “rank”, I’ve seen better players that are simply quiet get harassed by bad players for no reason so what concerns does this raise?

The last thing SPVP needs is map chat spamming “Legendary Rank Only.” Or every player with the highest quality badge logging out every time he gets a match with any team member or members who don’t have same. The constant 5 v 4 is bad enough already.

So the last thing sPvP needs is people finding players on their own level to form groups and teams with? First world problems right there.

You’ve both got decent points, there is no reason to make it hostile. It’s not necessary.

There is good argument on both sides: showing badges in-match will allow you to gauge your opponent. On the other hand, it will also let people have an “excuse” to afk/dodge the match, or abuse the newbies.

One of those arguments is easily solved by not showing the badges during a match. The other argument is much more difficult to address, because it directly conflicts with the other. This is a scenario in which you will likely not be able to please both sides.

Being competitive is fine, but being an kitten is not. Showing the badges before/during a match promote nothing but singling out individual players for abuse. You can say it allows you to “know who to watch”, but we both know that if he plays poorly most are not going to offer tips on how to improve. Also, you can pretty easily tell without a badge who is playing poorly. We don’t need a target on their head for abuse.

On the side of “knowing thy enemy” so to speak, I don’t think badges are the place for this. In the stream, they said PVP division was a PERSONAL accomplishment. It was literally designed for personal bragging rights, and bragging should be a CHOICE. Not everyone who is better than another feels the need to brag or gloat about it.

Either way, lets keep it civil guys. It’s a decent debate, and for those of us who play the game for PVP it is one that is important.

PVP League Badges.

in PvP

Posted by: Patches.7584


I’m hearing arguments for not showing badges during a match, but what about just standing around in the lobby?

This is perfectly acceptable.

It certainly should not be visible during a match though. The potential for vitriol/afk is too high. Upon thinking more on the issue, I see what some people are getting at with if we can hide it people will assume the worst.

The greatest compromise is to just not show it at all during a match (or possibly, after it had ended..though I’d prefer not as whispers of vitriol and hate could/would still occur).

Glad to see I’m not the only one who has thought on this. Thanks for the dev response.

PVP League Badges.

in PvP

Posted by: Patches.7584


I’d like the option but you need to realize this:

Divisions won’t reflect player skill.

In the same way we had in the last season the entire top100 of engi turrets who played 40-50 games/daily

Legendary division will be only for two category of people:

- players who play 40-50 games daily
- players who play less games (but always 10+) daily but they go in premades 3+

That’s all

As said before, this isn’t necessarily true. Obviously it’s not a direct indication of skill, which is not what I meant :P

I am merely saying it gives you a rough idea on the players experience, and therefore you can act accordingly. Is he legendary? Maximum caution. Is he Bronze? (Don’t know lowest league) Destroy him.

The maximum caution portion can be useful, I suppose. I don’t think the “oh he’ll be easy lets just take him out of the game” mentality of focusing the newbies is healthy.

As much as I WANT to be a nice guy to newbies in PVP I know for a fact if I saw they were Bronze (again, no idea on label of lowest) I would just focus them down immediately. After all, I want to win.

They may be new and unfamiliar to counters/builds, but damage/cc is damage/cc. If my group takes him out right away, that’s one less thing to worry about.

Obviously it’s situational, but no doubt a probable scenario.

Another scenario is for flaming/vitriol. Imagine you’re losing by 200 points, and there is a guy 3 ranks below you. Who is the one you naturally blame? You may be a nice guy, but if you do sPVP at all you know there are those people who will jump down the lower ranked players throat for “bringing the team down”.

That said, I enjoy the idea of badges. I PVP daily, and it’s pretty much all I do. I’ll earn a decent rank I’m sure. I just know I have friends who will focus the newbies which will likely discourage fresh meat from continuing to PVP.

Maybe we’ll get a dev response one day on it.

PVP League Badges.

in PvP

Posted by: Patches.7584


Is there any word on if the “badges” mentioned in the livestream will be toggled/hideable?

While I would enjoy flaunting my rank should I earn a high one, I can see the scenario in which some may wish to hide theirs.

Example: if you can look at some one and know they’re legendary ranking while you’re nearer the bottom, you may just avoid that person. It works the other way as well: you see a newer player (low rank badge) and know that you as a legendary can destroy him 9/10 times. Creates a “focus the newbie” scenario, which seems counter-intuitive for getting newer people into PVP.

It also takes a bit of surprise out of the initial meeting on the point, as you roughly know their skill level based off their badge.

I may actually be misinterpreting how the badges were supposed to be displayed/work as well.

So, tl;dr – Will league badges be hideable/toggled or will they be visible to anyone all the time in sPVP? Just looking for clarification.

New endpoint: /v2/wvw/objectives

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Soft-launched this yesterday and nothing blew up. Basically /v2/wvw/objectives is an actually working replacement for /v1/wvw/objective_names.json — it provides a bulk-expandable endpoint for WvW objective data. It also provides some additional fields that the v1 endpoint doesn’t, notably the label coordinates, sector_id and such.

It’s really important to note that due to backend changes objectives ids will going forward no longer be integers — they’ll be strings. This will be reflected in /v2/wvw/matches (and likely /v1/wvw/match_details.json) which I’m trying to get out before HoT ships. Check (and comment on!) the /v2/wvw/matches Github PR if you’ve got some time before we ship it!

Hopefully coming next week are /v2/achievements and /v2/achievements/daily (the bits for account achievements aren’t on live yet so it’ll just be dailies for a while).

Lemmie know if you’ve got feedback/questions about /v2/wvw/objectives

Will the int->str change be going into any of the other API endpoints (pvp, item, etc)?

I ask because if so I’ll need to cast them into ints for my wrapper (it expects int from the non-wvw endpoints).

Otherwise, stoked to implement this and achievements.

New endpoints: pvp and char specializations

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Does the game keep track “Top X” awards internally? eg: Top Condition Damage Received.

I’m curious if this will ever be available in the API.

It’d be neat to get it via pvp/games, but a counter in pvp/stats would be cool as well.

Larger interface for 4k

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Patches.7584


This is the forums for the API. You’re in the wrong place, as the API has nothing to do with the in-game interface.

Perhaps you were looking for one of these:

New permissions.

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Last refreshed my key with new permissions for unlocks/wallet stuff so I could add that functionality to my wrapper I’m writing.

Decided to make a key today with different permissions for checking, and noticed “pvp” and “build”.

I remember reading the thread about their purposed implementations and whatnot, as well as watching the github for information on it.

I hadn’t noticed the permissions being available when I changed them last though, so I figured I’d ask: Are they coming soon?

This is one of those features I’m looking forward to implementing.

Sidenote: can’t edit the wiki for api (for obvious reasons, I understand) but the tokeninfo page is outdated on permissions.

edit: v2 API :P

(edited by Patches.7584)

Way to test API key permissions?

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


This is probably what you are looking for

This is more or less what I do. Pull the tokeninfo, and store the permissions in a list.

Compare against that and raise an exception if it’s missing.

Mind you the wiki is slightly outdated. It does return ALL the permissions as expected.

Skin vs Default Skin

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Side note, sort of off topic.

Is there any particular reason you guys went with the inconsistent “If it’s not there, don’t define it” method of json attributes?

Just curious, I’m sure you’ve your reasons. Care to share?

No particular reason

FWIW, the encoding used by /v2/items is the bane of my existence, but the data coming off that endpoint is fairly complicated to begin with.

It’s actually worth a lot. We will suffer together <3

Skin vs Default Skin

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Side note, sort of off topic.

Is there any particular reason you guys went with the inconsistent “If it’s not there, don’t define it” method of json attributes?

I’ve run into a lot of errors, easily accounted for but tedious, where the error is raised simply because an attribute exists for ONE item, but not for another.

This isn’t just the difference of weapons and accessories, by the way. It can be for the same types.

Example: some items have a “description” attribute, while others don’t. Just depends on the item. I know it’s optional, but a default None value or something would help.

Wouldn’t a simpler solution to make all these optional attributes have a default value whether or not they have something assigned to them?

Instead of not even HAVING a description attribute, why not just an empty one? None? 0?

Adding a bunch of try/excepts for things that sometimes have attributes but some times don’t grated on my nerves slightly and this is an adequate venting process for me.

Just curious, I’m sure you’ve your reasons. Care to share?

Skin vs Default Skin

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


Noted, thanks.

Will adjust.

Skin vs Default Skin

in API Development

Posted by: Patches.7584


I’m writing a wrapper for the API, at least part of it. Send a message if you want in on the project, I could use some help in places, or just general feedback.

Anyway, on topic.

I’m noticing items have a default_skin attribute, but not an “active” skin attribute. Does default_skin get overridden, or is there something else in play?

I only ask because I’m currently writing a skin information function, and being able to tell the difference between and applied skin and the default would be useful information.

TL;DR – Where does an item store it’s non-default skin ID?