Showing Posts For Peitzi.2501:
I find that quite clearly as a “No it won’t happen” and I also see it as a response.
Yup thats clear, thanks for clarification. It appears that ANet have indicated their stance on this matter. enough said
Should pretty much have been the of the topic that link
I dont think so, like in this thread already mentioned, ANET can change their Mind if enough People want it and are ready to pay for it.
If we push this thread enough and more People say they want it then there is an Possibility that they will do it.
Money is truly powerfull. ^^
Hi im also full for a Race Change. Why ?
Because my Main Char has now 400 hours of Playing best Equip end Everything and soon an legendary and i need to make a new Char just because i dont want to be a Sylvari?
What should i do with the old char then? delete him? i dont need him anymore because i have the same Class just another Race.
And i dont think that there would be so many Problems.
The Change itself i think is easy just the Makeover Kit with race Change.
And about the Story Line, if you have your Story finished let them Decide after the Change which Story you completet just like when you createt a new Char.
If not then it will be reset to 0 or it will reset in both Ways there are so many Possibilities. About the Rewards they are nothing i have now 8 Chars on 80 ( all Classes) and made with everyone the full Story ( except Arah Dungeon) and i got nothing thats realy worth the Time ( 1 full story takes like 6 hours or more) and i got about 1 gold and 3 booster )The only good reward is for Arah Dungeon the random bags but no one will pay Money and play a whole Day just to get a good Item by Chance.
And to make sure no one uses this for bad Ways make the Change worth 30$ or 50 gold because Guys who want to change will pay the price.
I realy hope that an Anet employee will answere this just if there will ever be a Possibility to change the race .
Because i f not then i need to make a new Char because the legendary is chosen for the new and i dont spent months and 1000g on a legendary for an char and then i dont want him to have it, becausei chose the Legendary for the new.
But that would also mean i have a Char with 400 hours playtime i dont need and that is just wrong in my Opinion.
Eevery Game should have the Chance to change the race, bc People tend to chage their Mind as the game progress and so should the Game give you the Option to change your Char too.
So i think i said enough only want to here if in the near Future it will be Possible.
Realy hope an ANET Employee will answere this.
Just a realy simple Question will there ever be a way to sell back your karma items for gems, like Booster or Trans. Stones and something like this.
Or if there will be some Mystery Recipes where you can freely chose some Karma Items which you dont need and make something usefull?
That would realy help because i have tons of stuff ( Booster, Trans. Stones, Black LIon Sickle/Axe/Pick,Salvage) and i dont need those thing and i dont want to throw them away
Hope Anet you can find a Solution for this things.
Best Regards,
Because Draygo before they said you need to keep the items , Mystery Tonics were just garbage i dont need them for anything, on the other hand i need the Salvage Kits and the Pick/Sickle/Axe and the Booster but the Tonics, for what? To change in some useless creature? And i got 6 shoulderpad Skins WOW they are so much worth -.- for 500 or more, come on read it again 500 CHESTS you know how much that is worth`? And all i got was just some Skins who are 1g worth.
And then i read the first Post here , i got Hope that i can get some other Costumes but no you need the Tonic , yeah thats why im pissed.
So kitten i have now over 500 boosts , because i opened about 500 Chests spent 27k gems on it. And i have 6 mystery Tonics because i needed the Space and thougt they are for nothing.
So how can I craft Mad Chests without Tonics? Please answere me this because im so angry right now.
Just make it so i can also use Black Lion Sickle/Pick/Axe instead of Tonics oder Salavge Kits because this is just wrong i did not spent so much gold for nothing.
I also have 221 Fine trans. Stone, what to do with so much of them? You should make the Mad Chest Recipe more freely so i can put together all Black LIon Chest things together. Any other Thing is wrong, because why should I not get Mad Chests only because i dont have Tonics but 500 salvage Kits and Picks/Axe/Sickle and Trans Stone. i dont need them i wantet Halloween Goodies and did only get 5 low skins and 1 Shield Skin for 500 black lion Chests O_O kitten that was low
(edited by Peitzi.2501)
Ok thx for the clear answere. It seems i did not quite understand the meaning of the hammer. I thought it does not feel right becaus the meaning was that every one of the group must always stand in the ring so i get enough heal, and that was just impossible.
So i thought that other weapons woulb be better. Hmm its a shame, but i think i just dont like the hammer very much, but to have the most survivability and damage i must go with hammer or?
Hi my name is Sascha im from Austria,
I wanted to hear the Opinions from you Guys about my Thoughts.
I play mostly PVE because i like it so i tried the Crit hammer Build from Brutaly. i highly recommend it.
But i think it just does not feel right. So i wanted to try something else so thougt about Mace/Shield-Sword/Focus, Traits should be 0/5/30/30/5 but i think i will slighly change it becaus these are the Traits from the Crithammer Build who builds on Altruistic Healing. I also want to build on it becaus i just love this Trait. I think the Boons from Mace and Shield should be enough to compensate from the loss of the Hammer. Yeah the Damage will drop becau i dont have Mighty Blow but i think i can compensat with it with the survivability and mor change to sword/focus.
I will test it the next Day.
Also i wanted to ask if there are any Build with Scepters in it because i used in on a Boss in a Dungeon and the Damage was not bad 50% crit chance and every crit is 1800-2000 , i think thera are also some nice Possibilities.
These are just my Thoughts hope they are not so bad.
Best regards,
(edited by Peitzi.2501)