Showing Posts For Perfect Flame.4812:

Can F2P players get to other starting areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

Trying to do my story missions with my wife but she can’t go through the same portals as me?

Do my wife and I have to choose the same race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

If we choose the same race can we complete our story missions at the same time or would we have to complete the same missions twice?

Do my wife and I have to choose the same race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

to play with one another from the start? From what I can gather race determines starting area.

Best class/weapon for keeping my wife alive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

She likes to play a full DPS warrior and I try to keep her alive haha.

New player leveling questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

G’day Guys,

When leveling a new character do you follow the level zones (1-15 then 12-25 etc) or do you do all the 1-15 area’s then all the 15-25 area’s etc?

Thanks for any help

Help with the Mystic Forge.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

G’day guys,

I’m quite new to Guild Wars 2 but loving it so far, I am however a bit confused by this Mystic Forge.

Until now (I’m only level 16 btw) I have been using a basic salvage kit to salvage all of my unwanted equipment that sells for less than 1 silver on the trading post regardless of rarity, but recently I was told by a few people that I should be collecting 4 of the same rarity and putting them into the Forge.

Is this true?
Should I put 4 of the same rarity AND type into the forge together (for example 4 rifles)?
Or is the Forge not worth worrying about until later levels?

Thank you for any help

Best Weapons/Traits for survivability?

in Guardian

Posted by: Perfect Flame.4812

Perfect Flame.4812

At the moment I’m running Mace/Shield, putting all my points into Vitality and Toughness.

Are there any Guardians out there that have a good tanky build I could try for PvE?

Thanks for any input