Showing Posts For PerfectSelf.8914:
Why are you all giving such inconclusive answers? I want to hear what the mob things before I start investing a lot of time again. Do YOU think the game is better now than 6 months ago?
I want to start playing again after I quit about 6 months ago. Is it in a better state then it was then? I mean, is it more balanced in terms of PVP/PVE and also less bugs?
An Elo system does not work unless it’s for a team!
If they would implement what everyone ever desires…
I left that game BECAUSE of the elo system and you want to bring it here?
So as you sit behind your glowing screens,
I hope you understand what this all means.
We’re all gamers here, and we love what we do.
With all this in mind: What kind of gamer are you?
Join Game of Shadows and see it through…
Be whoever you’ll be, we will gladly help,
With us you won’t stay long just a simple whelp!
So as you sit behind your glowing screens,
I hope you understand what this all means.
We’re all gamers here, and we love what we do.
With all this in mind: What kind of gamer are you?
Join Game of Shadows and see it through…
Be whoever you’ll be, we will gladly help,
With us you won’t stay long just a simple whelp!
(edited by PerfectSelf.8914)
Err…European for me
Or with young population?(meaning lots of low level characters)
SO what’s the best WvW server?
I am also curious!
So they excel at Single Target damage!Good!
Has anyone wondered why this posts pop up about Mesmer and not the rest of the classes?NO?How silly.
I’ve been playing only pugs for a couple of weeks and really got bored . So I want to try something new:tournaments. But I don’t have any idea about the current meta-game or where Mesmers fit.
Could the community be so nice to help me with advice/builds/any information?I would much apreciate it.
Empowered Illusions vs. Phantasmal Haste (The Math Behind the Myth)
in Mesmer
Posted by: PerfectSelf.8914
I am also interested in GS+ S/P , builds . A little off-topic , but I’m curiosu!
Tenanera evom rouy!
Thank you for your Feedback, guys!
The title says it all!
More exactly , your opinion on it!
But of course no will listen until about fifteen more patches as this changes could seriously damage the balance!