Showing Posts For Phaeron.8607:
And those who pick up new thieves and try to faceroll with them wonder why they bounced off my guardian as I smash them into the dirt with my hammer.
That’s not a joke. I had that happen a while back in sPvP. I was practically 1v1ing a thief who after I rick rolled him a few times actually asked me to stop and asked why the build sucked. He watched youtube, rolled it and thought he could faceroll everything. It’s not that easy.
Uhm, skillz? O.O
Now for my two cents. Hmm…. Do I have 2 cents? When I first started looking at GW2 and perused the thief class, I wasn’t all that enthused by it’s first glance mechanics. That is, until I saw that every stealth skill had a time limit. They’re pretty short time limits also. That’s what decided it for me. Now my main is a mobility/speed thief. I’ve seen other games that allow people to stay in stealth practically forever. That’s not enjoyable for me. I enjoy playing toons that force me to evolve as a player.
I see a lot of L2P come up in regards to this topic. When I look at the whole perma-stealth mechanic, I can’t help but think the only thing you learn to do is play badly. IMHO, if you are that lazy, just go play a tank. That’s a no brainer. The same type of personality that likes the whole, stay in stealth till the cows come home, love that kitten just as much.
But hey, /age tells me I’ve only been playing 2 months. What do I know? Maybe I just need more time and perspective to understand the whine that’s going out with the cheese. :P
P.S.: My thief is still my main. That won’t change unless they nerf our speed and mobility or range of utility skills.
As a shout out to our excellent night crew, thanks for all your hard work. I enjoy popping on from time to time in the morning and seeing our lands painted red. Even if i can’t stay. I know it all turns green by the time i get to log back on in the afternoon time (CST zone). Still it feels good.
If you haven’t heard, someone paid for FC to get it’s own TS server. I’ve logged on with a newly downloaded Teamspeak 3 client. When you connect the the url is “ 7520”. There should be someone around logged into it to help if you have any issues logging on. Keep up the good work.
I gota say i am acctully realy pumped for this! not just for the meeting but getting to meet all the other commanders/players heavely involved in WvW.
A suggestion b4 we get to the meeting, we should compile a a list of points to discuss previous to the meeting. Some of my points are:
- Coverage times, where we lack and what we can do to help this? E.G. put a guild/couple of guilds in charge of a time frame (just a suggestion).
- Similar meetings held regularly. E.G. monthly. Also a TS system to be used for this and in WvW cross Guild chat. Each guild has there own but a commander chat would be nice?
- Recruitmant drive into FC and placement of new GW2 WvWers into guilds appropriate for there WvW time/availability. Setup a FC Website/forum as suggested b4
Phaeron, forgive my lack of TS knowlage but is that Teamspeak3 or should i put “” in my url and download the stuff then get passwords l8er ect?
I hear you brother. I had to learn this today too. Download the TS3 client first. Install and then hit the connect option. Put into the url field EDITED OUT. Then just pick a username and a password for yourself. I went with my toon name since that’s what everyone will always see. Is that what you were looking for?
EDIT: I was told we don’t want this on the forum right now so I took it down. Please ask around on chat for the info. Thanks. Oh, anyone who replied to my original post. please edit the info out. Thanks again.
(edited by Phaeron.8607)
This should happen regardless if ppl touch or refresh them. They should simply vanish 20 minutes after being placed.
There is no need for rams to remain long after gates are down, and there is far less need for multiple troll rams built by saboteurs sitting inside friendly keeps for hours preventing actual defensive siege being placed , since they siege cap the local area.
Mr. Hunt, your mission, should you choose accept it. is to ninja everything in sight. As always, should your or your ninja team be caught, the secretary will disavow your existence. This flame ram will self destruct within 30 seconds. Have a nice day.
On a more serious note, i doubt the issue ever came up in beta. I’ve noticed most MMOs get people who don’t know how to break things or push game limits to beta test for them. What you suggest would be nice. I’m all for it. But what if you’re attacking a gate and it takes you more than 20 minutes? I know, not a everyday thing; just consider it.
As it stands, they system seems pretty adequate for ridding the maps of unused siege. Perhaps I need more time and experience to mull this over.
Idalia just posted a Teamspeak server for us. the IP is 7520. This may help us for the upcoming meeting. Hey, it’s my very first post. Muahaha!
Oops, I wasn’t very clear. Some kind souls have paid for a ts server for FC. The dedicated server is listed in my post. We’ve already started discussing some points on there. That’s one issue that has already been addressed. Please be patient with me while I get used to this.
(edited by Phaeron.8607)