Showing Posts For Phantasm.2845:

Monthly Achievement Reset too early?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantasm.2845


The monthly achievements reset like the daily achievements at 00:00 GMT time (on the first day of the new month.) If I am not mistaken, almost everything, including WvW has been aligned to reset at that time.

Guild Wars 2 [BUG]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantasm.2845


Here are some ideas:
There is more than enough content out there to explore and enjoy after level 80, no worries!

No rewards or drops in Defend Shaemoor - entire.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantasm.2845


It is working as intended, according to the latest patch notes:

“Enemies in tutorial areas will no long drop loot. Instead, an award of 72 copper has been added to the rewards for completing the tutorial. This is to dissuade players from lingering in tutorial instances to farm the creatures in them.”

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phantasm.2845


Server: Gandara
Guild: Black Winter [BW]

I created the guild approximately 2-3 weeks ago and am still unable to do anything, but change rank names and invite members. I cannot assign ranks, upgrade the guild or do anything a leader should be able to. The guild has 3990 influence at the time of writing and we would be disappointed if our hard work would go down the drain due to a bug.

It is clear that many guild leaders are facing the same problem. We would appreciate it if you could fix this issue as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phantasm.2845


I have been experiencing terrible lag on the Gandara server for the past few days,
always around 9pm CEST. It starts around 8pm and ends at 10-11pm (if I am lucky).
I personally connect with the German service provider Dt. Telekom, however friends
from the UK, France and Romania have had the exact same experience during the
aforementioned time frame.

I have observed that it does not seem to be related to the area in which I am, but to
the number of players that are currently on the map. We lag even on almost empty
maps though.

Please have a look into this matter soon! Thank you for your time and consideration.